Anither 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone close to me got MS after a round of shots in 1988 in first year of nursing and lost the use of her right side. Six months in hospital/care and she recovered enough to have a manageable case. Her specialist at the time told her to never get another shot if she didn't want to try the experimental drugs that were recommended at the time.

So she gave up the idea of being a nurse and had a wonderful life without being indoctrinated. Two children both healthy and happy.

So long story short manage auto immune and inflammatory shots. Stay away from gene therapy, lipid nanoparticles and anything that can cause side effects.

Anither 1 point ago +1 / -0

A sick population is easily controlled and fleeced

Anither 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember the crazy Savannah Guthrie interview with the lady in the back nodding her head at everything President Trump said? Savannah looked totally nuts when asking about Pizza gate.

Anither 5 points ago +5 / -0

Environmental concerns be damned. Let's create a new desert by sowing the land with salt.

What could go wrong? History may provide answers.

Anither 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think there were a number of older or on their way out celebrities who got the real shot.

Arden in New Zealand is said to have not got the shot.

Many of the gov folks didn't get the shot in many parts of the world and were excluded from mandates.

Anither 8 points ago +8 / -0

New Zealand has a culture that doesn't embrace cremation so the new graves showed as a stark contrast to historic deaths.

There was a video of a fellow driving through a church graveyard with 83 new graves in 2021 that I cant find now but in their town of 10000 people 83 in one month was suspicious

Anither 4 points ago +4 / -0

Does she play Star Citizen?

That would be the clincher

Anither 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could she have been part of the plan? Maybe the Nazis she hangs with could shed some light?

Seems like she's used by the Jerusalem post as a Boogie man.


Anither 5 points ago +5 / -0

Loomer is always in the right place at the right time. I wonder why?

Anither 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do I get tax payers money into my buddies hands? He becomes an artist and the mayor's office needs a new painting. The gallery owner, curator, agent, consultant, shippers, agencies of record, art historian and security all get paid.


Anither 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where I grew concerned was on a malfunctioning laptop. The image generation in windows I learned was processing through the graphics system and not direct to screen. If you preented an image the hardware would introduce artifacts into every saved image. When the image corruption was reintroduced into the image saved it became a concern.

You would need to test using a known safe system as the image pipeline could introduce and remove artifacts realtime without you being aware. The shared image could be sent through Cisco's network hardware, processed and cleaned without you being aware.

It's not beyond the realm of possibilities.

Anither 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wasn't he helping Rittenhouse by creating a fundraiser and saying he would have been out way before without it.

That and John pierce trying to set up Rittenhouse by ambushing him with Enrico Tarrio to try to say Rittenhouse was somehow associated with the Fed boys?


And then Jarrin Jackson getting groomed by Lin wood to say crazy shit to get himself discredited as well?

Yeah not sure but draw your own conclusions.

Anither 2 points ago +2 / -0


Similar technology has existed for years in the physical space.

20 years ago there was a plug in for Photoshop that could encode/decode an image. I used it a few times. Sadly certain things are not so easy to find on the search engines these days.

You would be at a disadvantage to assume this is not the case for image processing in video cards of consumer machines.

Just use a denoiser in photoshop to zap your images just in case. It's just prudent.

Anither 3 points ago +4 / -1

The photo applications can embed tracking information into images without your knowledge using stociatic noise as I understand it. Don't quote me but the technology exists. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-15-5191-8_11 I just think you were smart to not upload a personal image without processing it first with noise reduction.

Anither 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't see matching tattoos. I see an attempt at some kind of tattoo

Anither 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same guys showed up in Florida this week like more Ukrainian CIA ops quoted as saying they would be voting for Biden for more money for Ukraine. How they are followed by lucky loomer who always happens to be right there to be called names I'll never understand. Almost like it was set up to create a narrative.


Kind of like when Rittenhouse's initial defense lawyer supposedly set up a meet and greet with Enrico Tarrio to try to discredit his own client and help the prosecution and future civil cases:


There's a stink all around. It's like everything is fake and setup.

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