AnthemOfChaos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Homie I'll say it straight. You're supposed to feel like this. We're at the tail end of fighting a pervasive evil empire. You're exhausted and run down. We all are. But we rely on each other to keep us running. There's not enough of us fully engaged to be able to afford losses.

As a person I want you to survive, to thrive, and to have the life you dream of. But as a willing participant in this war we're currently involved in, I NEED you to survive. Don't give them another win.

They create these conditions to convince you to make that choice. Thats the goal for them. That's another angle of their population control agenda. Fuck em. Live till you're a hundred and fight for every breath.

I spend my whole life broke skating by with 3 kids and a wife watching all the things I can't pay for pass by. And that's OK.

xDBecause WHEN we win, I can show them the exact events and explain my sm all but critical part in it. And I can forever have the luxury of knowing that when faced with the opportunity to engage a foe who has superior firepower, way more numbers, and with little chance of success I made the choice to fight. Even if it doomed my life to being less glamorous, less successful, less outwardly easy, it made it full of meaning.

With every breath that I didn't surrender, I was giving a giant middle finger to the most powerful entity the world has ever seen. Don't surrender. Find happiness in nature. Find happiness in what's real. Stop looking for happiness in their constructed environments. It's not meant for you and it'll cost you your soul.

Become that giant walking talking middle finger because a future free of them is worth the price of admission. I promise you that.

AnthemOfChaos 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what I was thinking. Definitely a crazy alignment of planets when you actually pull up the app and start looking at them. It's damn near a straight line.

AnthemOfChaos 7 points ago +7 / -0

I just checked that app. Shows aligned for me. Someone else should check. Maybe I missed something.

AnthemOfChaos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rap is a medium. Like every medium it is neither good nor bad. Its all about how it's used.

AnthemOfChaos 42 points ago +42 / -0

Your brother would have wanted one thing to come from all this. Coming from a similar place as him, I can promise you this, he just wants you to wake up mate. He wants his end to spark your beginning as a new person.

Read his work. Find the time to learn what he learned and honor his dedication. It's likely he left information on what was included in the barn somewhere.

Rest in peace Noah. Only is this dark moment have you lost your anon status because you're with our maker and on over watch duty. Keep the fires lit homie, we'll party on the other side.

AnthemOfChaos 6 points ago +6 / -0

Will if they do, some of us will disappear knowing that others carry on the fight in their stead. Just, if they do, don't give up on those they come for. We fight harder for every single one of us that gets removed from their families and loved ones.

AnthemOfChaos 3 points ago +3 / -0

They swung by my house last year around this time. Haven't heard from them since, but I'm waiting. Already warned my wife they don't care about who actually did something wrong.

If they come for me it's my invite for the battlefield. I've done nothing wrong and stand by it.

AnthemOfChaos 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean we're being shown how bad elections can be so when the time comes to throw them away they only need it introduced by a person we trust. Thats my worry.

AnthemOfChaos 1 point ago +1 / -0

I fear that's what we're currently being programmed to believe.

AnthemOfChaos 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can take a Bible, a Quran, a Torah and I can mistranslate it. Nothing would stop me from doing so because to do so would violate my free will.

It's a logic issue. When I say shut your mind that does not mean stop being discerning. It means discern with your soul instead of having to have every word translated for you.

I would know God without ever having read a book. He's right there to ask when I have questions and he's never led me wrong even if it felt wrong at the time. I'm saying, instead of not having faith, to instead take the biggest leap of faith there is.

My personal view is that no holy book is perfect. We know there's translation errors. My view is that every religion has a piece of the larger puzzle, split and disseminated through humanity so we could only find the truth when we are able to reconcile our human instincts of violence, greed, love, faith, and shared humanity. I also believe that Christians are the closest thing to the truth.

I trust God to understand why I refuse to follow any given books understanding 100% without viewing it as potentially flawed. I trust God to lead me to the truth. Thou shalt have no other God before me. Yet every major religion from Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, to Jewry all put someone in front of God as a stand in.

I don't know the truth. But I personally feel it's not worth my soul to be wrong and trust God to understand when I direct my praise, adoration, and worship directly to Him. I want my energy flowing to Him. I see the forces of evil and they are stronger then I ever thought possible. That leads me to believe that our energy is being misdirected.

So even when my brain says, this might be stupid. If my soul says it's what I must do, that's what I do. Regardless of the apparent consequences. That way I know my energy is flowing in a positive manner. And instead of God pushing back on me, I get pastors thanking me for the conversation because they found a closer connection through it. I get random strangers talking to me at the gas station about random topics I'd been chewing on without provocation. Things always point the way to further illumination of the truth and furthering my understanding.

It's that simple for me. When I am on the wrong path God will let me know. I simply shut down the part of my brain that says it doesn't make sense. And lean on the part of my soul that whispers "Maybe you just don't understand yet".

AnthemOfChaos 1 point ago +1 / -0

You simply collect the data but always avoid firm conclusions until they're proven accurate. You don't accept fact because man says it or because any construct of man says it. Shut your mind, open your soul, and you find truth.

In the end it doesn't matter what any holy book says. God is God and you have a built in spiritual core capable of processing that without the work of men.

AnthemOfChaos 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's true. God lives in our hearts and our souls. Don't lean too hard on the understanding of man. Shut off the distractions, sit outside at night in the quiet darkness and you'll find a comforting presence waiting for you.

AnthemOfChaos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well said. I have had all these same thoughts. I remain open to all data points. And will formulate my opinions based off those data points. Truth doesn't pick a side. Evidence doesn't pick a side. And even the judge should never pick a side. Truth makes itself evident. The fact you're telling me to pick a side means you're not secure in your truth.

I'll say this. I don't pick sides. Many of us don't. We support Trump because he fights for us. But if he drops the American first movement, we drop him back. It would be painful for sure, but we'd do what we have to do in defense of and in pursuit of the truth.

I've seen what the Israeli's say about us in their leaked emails. Seen the interviews too. Denying this one fact sends hordes of our dudes to the extremists. Our inability to deal with Israel in a cognitive, logical, unemotional level has condemned people who would have otherwise been freedom fighters to seek truth elsewhere. That's our big sin in this whole charade we've been playing out.

It's time we got it off our chests. Israel is the heart and soul of a ton of deepstate operations and has cost us plenty of lives and treasure over the years. I support 100% the innocent civilians on both sides but unequivocally condemn Hamas, Israel, and the US deep state apparatus along with any other establishments it may pop It's head up in control of. And I unequivocally support the civilians in every single one of these areas.

I don't want us launching stupid biological attacks on Chinese civilians, even if it wins a war. There's lines as a moral society you just don't cross. We've talked the talk, now we have to walk the walk. Its really as simple as that.

AnthemOfChaos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Denounced the division in the republican party , but how do we know that's not for show and optics? Gaetz was pretty adamant that he was operating with Trumps blessing and Trump didn't rebuke him on it.

AnthemOfChaos 1 point ago +1 / -0

By the numbers it was the right call based off public information. Perhaps there was stuff behind the scenes that we don't know, but Gaetz was awfully chipper and cheaky when he said Trump supported him.

AnthemOfChaos 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not about being a shill. Dude had his chance to do it right and failed. Trump should have known and read the room that at some point this would happen. This nicely insulates him from what comes next, at least.

If it's not part of the plan it was predictable enough that it should have been.

AnthemOfChaos 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not indicted. They had a presentation where the information was laid out to the senate but nothing has been done about it.

Weird. Went to retrieve the source for the presentation but it's no longer there. Was a typical hearing like we've seen dozens of times, but with rather salacious evidence and claims made.

Edit : it was clips from earlier this year. The presentation that got rep Liz Harris expelled.

AnthemOfChaos 2 points ago +2 / -0

Had to do what I could with limited resources. Ended up taking an old Mastriano sign, inverting it, then using my 9 yr Olds paints for the message lol

AnthemOfChaos 2 points ago +3 / -1

Against my ethics man. Freedom of speech applies to the morons and feds too. I'd be no better then the dems.

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