Bandanna1 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yes. This is the primary reason people should invest.

ALL publicly traded companies are striving to profit and grow and as a prerequisite MUST consistently outpace inflation.

Invest in basic etf's/index like :VOO with your spare dollars, it will, in the long term, outpace inflation.

If you already are contributing consistently to 401k this is already happening although you have no access to the money before 60 without being penalized.

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm pretty sure they do this and apply data analytics to measure sentiment so they can plan around it.

It's essentially a survey.

Bandanna1 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is a pretty good scene in the movies the patriot about just following orders...

Like.. hold your balls men. If your leader tells you to kill your team you should kill your leader. Use your head.

Bandanna1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well in my day (2006- 2010) the rule was that only like 1% of interest users contributed to the internet more than casual posting on social media or chat usage and even those numbers were abysmal across the gen pop.

(Consider smart phones are rare, remember?)

And so now days it seems to me some clever marketing/sociology/data/think tank fucks got hired out and have realized exactly what numbers of humans really contribute actively to the internet and have been able to also find the number of touchpoints lurkers need to have to sway their opinion over time

Think the 7x rule in sales or marketing or whatever

So then it's fairly easy to calculate the multiplyer of regular humans/bots you would need so that on average, the lurker humans would see an idea say 7x over a month.

Could even factor things in such as virality/word of mouth effects/etc .

Calculation on all this is all relatively simple and I'd think the execution would be much harder.

However bots + post scheduling + llm ai would make this all too simple actually.

Would take some time to work out the dine details but once the process was figured out initially it would be easily repeatable for anything.

Hm. And if my dumbass is thinking of this right now... bet your ass people have already done it.

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

-Orange man bad

-Orange mad not like Jr.

-I do what Orange man not like. Haha 0wnd.


Biden: "Hey. They wiped my ass!"

Bandanna1 3 points ago +3 / -0

We've abstracted it too greatly and too many generations have passed since the initial idea.

Currency is a representation of a ratio between energy and desire we say things like production and demand.

But the source of all value is from another humans mind and energy applied over some time to create something or perform a service.

Other humans can want or desire this service or product and the level of their want can measured in objectivr units of currency instead of subjective things.

Capitalism allows humans to alleviate other humans pain or solving problems and I return absorb some of the units of they have spent their energy accruing.

Unfortunately. Things like financial interests banks and the federal reserve printing these units without real restriction has diluted and opened what is intended to work as a closed system.

However, capitalism, currency, and even the legal system are things we have created that serve as an abstract proxy in the western world to substitute direct and immediate violence and disincentivise the primary of strategy of simply using force to obtain things. This allows for innovation and incentivoses humans to problem solve to create things that alleviate pain or generate value by improving efficiencies as the quote states.

Anti-capitalists are fools and should be careful what they wish for.

It does not take money to make money although it can help.

The first step - that will always exist - is that one can always utilize there physical body to provide a service for the elderly who's physical body is wearing down.

This is mutually beneficial and allows anyone to obtain capital. Clean the homes of the elderly. Provide food for the elderly. This will always be an option.

Slowly utilize this capital in order to educate yourself. Explore interests and talents you have. Educate yourself broadly. Read books, attempt things. Thus step can take some time but there is no rush.

Once you find something you are very passionate about and is something people have a want or need for begin narrowing down your education to just this topic and begin ascending vertically and narrowly rather than broadly.

Learn enough to create or generate a service of value. I always appreciate mechanics or handyman, again this will always be a need because a fact of life, much like the human body that wears down over time, so does everything. As you learn about something like mechanics just as an example maybe as you become more educated in it and take on more work you may discover if you are smart that you enjoy more abstractly, math or engineering. Maybe one day you wake-up and instead of wishing to repair you wish to create.

This is good. Now utilize you capital you have accrued from repairing to thinking how you can create.

Once you can create something people want you will be able to obtain capital indirectly.

Once you are able to make capital indirectly as well as make capital actively, use your capital to increase your efficiency by making it easier for you to create or by teaching others to create and repair.

Give capital to others to clean your home and repair your things. Perhaps you have the ability and knowledge to do it yourself but now your time is better spent on creating more things to help humanity, or training others to benefit humanity at scale. Also. Don't forget it is mutually beneficial for you to provide someone some of your capital for them to clean your home as they may have little and the only thing they can provide right now is their labor. This is a fair exchange.

Continue like this on and on.

When you see others entering each stage provide some capital in exchange for what they provide. When you see someone in need of capital with no skills find a use for them. When you someone with a budding skill, exchange your capital they can hone their skills for you. When you see someone learning to create and repair provide them capital for the resources they need to create and repair in exchange for some benefit of their creation. When you see someone training others to create and repair and provide value provide them capital so that they may do this for you friends.

Eventually you will have such an abundance and have helped so many that at a certain point you will have forgotten why you needed capital in the first place. You have eaten all this time you have been clothed and sheltered all this time, you have gained friends and loved ones, mentors, and students throughout this path, your life is full.

Did it start because you wanted money? Or because you wanted to help?

Who knows anymore.

There are many paths to take but the issue we have with capital in America is no one sees any path clearly. It's not about the currency. It's not about the capital. It's about alleviating suffering. Creation. Iteration. Innovation. Generation. Mutal benefit. The scaling of the human mind and energy, interconnected by all of our skills and experiences working together trying to improve this indifferent world to bring humanity more comfort, more joy, less suffering. But like so many things our hearts betray us, we lose sight. You don't want money. You want safety and security and love, respect, a full stomach and a warm bed, a purpose, knowledge. You can obtain all this by learning how to obtain money in an ethical way. But don't lose sight.

Don't let the world today blind you with its complexity.

This all comes from somewhere good.

Edit: to any few who have read this and are sparked, I am saying nothing new. But only rambling about something our society needs to be reminded of more than ever.

Please direct attention to - https://iep.utm.edu/smith/#:~:text=Adam%20Smith%20is%20often%20identified%20as%20the%20father%20of%20modern%20capitalism.

Read; The Wealth of Nations (1776)

Spend a few days.

Bandanna1 0 points ago +1 / -1

Laughs at all of you in finance degree and MBA.

Look. If you put money into DWAC it's all fine but hopefully everyone understood 100% the risk exposure with this.

I'm not even saying its necessarily a bad idea but this is one of these things where you are essentially putting your money where your mouth is.

If you bought into this assuming it was going to benefit you ever you have made a mistake and should just suffer in silence. If you bought into this knowing you were supporting a risky venture but wanted to contribute then you will not be complaing about getting duped on here or something.

Who knows what happens with this, but if you are really attempting to be financially prudent this is a very low tier investment that esposes your money to a large degree of risk for unknown reward. Simple as that.

If you want to actually invest or trade, either or, you should first and foremost understand three things

1: How the business you are investing in makes money.

2: How the business you are investing in can lose money.

3: How the busines you are investing in is going to utilize your dollar to improve number 1 or mitigate number 2.

Then charts and sentiment and all that is icing on the cake. But the main 60% - 80% of the bell curve of total thought when investing should be those 3 things.

Knowing basic finance and accounting is good so you can actually read balance sheets, income statements, statements of cash flows etc and then compare them across the companies past and then also compare there numbers across other businesses in the industry.

With all this said, DWAC never fit the bill in a realistic sense at all. But you know, I understand people like to have fun. However I don't like to see morons come here and act like they got scammed or something. Morons scammed themselves by their own ignorance is what I see. Much like the NFT thing he did.

Essentially this is a fundraising effort. You don't go to one of those dinner fundraisers to eat a $100 plate. That plate is at most $30 with the $70 going toward the fundraising. This is an understood thing. You would look retarded if you complained about your $100 lambchop with mint jelly being "not worth it". Much how many of you in this thread look retarded right now for complaining about not making money on DWAC.

It's a gesture, and it's a gesture that may turn out to be profitable for you in the long run or it may turn to shit. Who knows, but the point was never to make you rich it was to support something that you thought was worthwhile and contributing to that cause with your money. Right?

Don't be a whiny bitch on here about DWAC.

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

That... is.. how you are supposed to though?

Often complimenting leather watch bands, wallet, breifcase.

Very common in my area.

Bandanna1 0 points ago +2 / -2

So real quick, love Tucker and all, but does anyone know if he ever talked shit about Snowden?

Because that's kinda funny if he did and now the exact over reach Snowden warned about being so pervasive directly impacts Tucker.

Bandanna1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow she said she had held potentially up to $15,000 in cash in her house at times lol. I like some cash on hand as well, but hitting 5 figures is bad practice should be invested.


Bandanna1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Altman for antichrist candidate.

I have others. But this guy also fits the bill lol.

Let's all come together in unity and work together to bring in AI for the future of humanity blah blah . years of peace. The beast takes us all-over. Jesus which was actually a Nordic alien that has a direct connection with God confirms everything, dismantled ai and leads us to synergy with nature and each other.

You may think it farfetched but need I remind you that at the beginning of the year of the tunnel jews?!

I'm putting this on the bingo card.

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck this guy used chatgpt to do his presentation. I'll fail my class if I do that.

This guy gets to enjoy his lavish life while I'm disallowed to utilize the tool for anything.

Welcome to the new Era where elites get chatgpt 4000 and you - well.

You get a pen, paper, and a smack on the ass. Good luck peasants.

Access to processing power/offsourcing though is the new capital. Much like owning a machine and having someone produce using the machine.

Same concepts still fucked. Stay ahead of the curve, ensure AI is democratized as possible or it will be used to stratify and divide humans into castes as always with even less potential for mobility.

Good luck humans.

Bandanna1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Man I feel like this was a part of some prophecy or conspiracy I know about.

Bandanna1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bro whatever happened to her husband after got hit with the hammer. That story got memory holed for me.

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Welp. They now know I post stupid shit on here and watch some greasy bbw stuff. Oh and like. Pay bills. You really got me good NSA. Send me the list of bbw vids because there was one I really like but can't remember.

Bandanna1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Look I'm with a lot of thus. However. DNA is composed of 4 different things, if you make a sequence of 4 repeating things of anything you can assign those to notes in a scale and it will sound like music.

You could do this if you had a set of anything with up to 7 unique things in the set and then issue each of those 7 things a note in a scale and it would sound like music.

Unfortunately I don't find any merit in calling a set of 4 things and then assigning them each a note.

I could just write a list


And then you could assign them all a note and it would shit out "music"

Further music and sound structure is dependent on the time between notes as well. Consider if you play the C scale backwards and then with rhythm added, you can produce "joy to the world"

Sorry. First premise of the video is just a fun little quirk and does not actually mean anything.

Bandanna1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cousins (2) in NG in texas. They do these all the time. Cousin showed me footage of one in which he himself had to throw live grenade at a "bunker" and also be sure to not you know, fuck it up because people would really get hurt.

It's acclimation/desensitization stuff. They do it pretty regularly so they get used to thinking with gunfire and execution while dirt is blowing up around them.

Now. Is this being amplified directly because of recent events? Probably not because they are pretty slow to react lol.

But let it be known they are pretty much always prepared for these sorts of events via this consistent drilling and training.

Also they learn Brazilian jiu jitsu and I'd say everyone in the NG is at the lowest like what would be a yellow belt. Just FYI if you are ever talking to one. Yellow belt is good enough to put any untrained civilian on the ground in sub 3 seconds and keep them their indefinitely.

Point being. Texas NG pretty good and trained. Civil War stuff or not is not really relevant. Pretty trained to just execute only limited by whatever terms of engagement given reason for execution not relevant to soldiers.

Bandanna1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Saw this IRL yesterday :)

Big smoke. Had shit to do so couldn't worry about it but was visible from college station/bryan highways/in town easily.

G l o b o h o m o s maybe.

But also, aggies aren't the best with fire control.

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