BigMikey -4 points ago +1 / -5

When I do jiu-jitsu sometimes I get really bad gas and my opponent will tap out because I'll fart in his face to get the win. I have ulcerative colitis so my farts are really bad. They smell like a weird mixture of match smoke, throw up, rotting blood, and sour milk, with cheesy notes mixed in.

by gamepwn
BigMikey 2 points ago +2 / -0

So just a thought; since it's obvious they'll take just about fucking anyone why don't some of us apply and get the fucking job and then whenever we get sent out on a raid we contact someone in the neighborhood to let them know what's going on in advance?

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
BigMikey 1 point ago +1 / -0

21% of the population is more than enough to have direct control over the entire nation. I mean shit just look at what the government's doing with like the support of about 1 to 2%.

BigMikey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I worked in trucking and nobody made me take that fucking death jab. Like it wasn't even discussed. I mean it sucks for all you who working like healthcare or tech or some other woke industry. Or industry that requires like college diploma to stack fucking paper or something.

BigMikey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe you should do something to fix the legal system so that the right guy gets caught and then charged and then convicted if hes found guilty. How would you like to go to one of these parts of the world on a vacation and then somebody just randomly accuses you of stealing frof stealing from them and you didn't even do shit you're just walking through the fucking street and then suddenly a whole fucking crowd of people is beating you to death with like 2 by force and shit?

BigMikey 3 points ago +3 / -0

In no way shape or form am I defending pedophiles when I say this, but I don't agree with burning someone alive in the middle of the street based off of an accusation. People in Nigeria get lynched in roughly the same fashion because some fucking idiot will randomly scream out and point at somebody and say that he stole his penis because he is a witch. Like it actually makes the news over there about people stealing other people's penises.

BigMikey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Historically speaking peasants and the peasant class never really revolted until they actually had to face down the prospect of hunger as a direct consequence of their governments Tyranny.

BigMikey 4 points ago +5 / -1

At this point optics don't fucking matter. Optics are just an excuse excuse for people to be cowards. Is the only language that they're going to understand is power. Get a bunch of patriots together and rip those fucking fences down and don't let them put them back up.

BigMikey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rifles. Literally rifles and lone wolf assassinations.

BigMikey 11 points ago +11 / -0

Predators would teach kids to not stand up to bullies. Predators would teach kids not to fight back. Predators would teach kids to always go tell the teacher and and expect the teacher to be the arbiter of Justice in other words to always go to the authority figure instead of seeking their own own Justice and defending themselves. Predators would be hugely in favor of 0 tolerance policies that punish the victim more than the criminal

BigMikey 2 points ago +2 / -0

There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think that I should just fucking kill myself. It's like a nagging itch and there's only one way to scratch it, and if I don't it'll never go away. Seems like no matter what I do no matter what I've got going on there's this like emptiness that just never goes away and it's like sadness and loneliness and a numb feeling and it's been there for so fucking long. It's a loneliness that no companionship will ever fucking fill and I swear to god it feels like death is fucking calling me every single waking second of my life.

BigMikey 5 points ago +5 / -0

No it's just that that's Arizona and they don't take that shit down there. They tried to do the Little Summer of Love in Tucson and the police shut it down on night one and the marana PD we're out there waiting on the highways to pick up any of the stragglers as they left. Everybody who showed up to burn loot and murder pretty much got arrested by state troopers as they traveled up and down the highways trying to get out of town and so it only lasted maybe a couple days before they all gave up because the charge is actually stuck.

BigMikey 7 points ago +7 / -0

And through the use of clever camera angles they make a small crowd of 15 people appear to number in the hundreds or thousands. It's the same trick that Islamic extremists use during their little flag burning rituals when they trample the American flag to make it look like you just pissed off half the Muslim population of the world and that they're all going to war.

BigMikey 7 points ago +7 / -0

Everybody loves the Amish. The Amish are like that really sweet kid with autism who is nice to everyone that no one will let you fuck with. They go to burn down an Amish community just watch the English show up to defend them.

BigMikey 9 points ago +9 / -0

I mean it's easy enough to burn down a city where there's no sense of community and where you have a favorable district attorney running cover for you to stop anybody from protecting your neighborhood but you try doing that in a small town with like 10,000 people were like a quarter of the population is combat that's who go hunting on the weekends for fun and who all know each other and whom a lot of the citizenry are part of an organized militia I don't think they thought this through very well. Sorry for the run-on sentence I'm doing this with voice to text and punctuation with voice to text is a pain in the ass. I mean I think they tried this during the summer of love in a couple small towns in the entire fucking town showed up with rifles to escort them through the goddamn community and they ended up just looking really stupid.

BigMikey 7 points ago +8 / -1

Wtf is this cold reading shit? A fucking bot could write this out. This means whatever tf you want it to mean.

BigMikey 2 points ago +2 / -0

What these people did were not riots; they were actively engaging in organized banditry. This is what bandits did back in the day and they used to be hung and crucified for it. The definition for banditry under Sharia law is essentially waging an unlawful war against lawful society in other words waging warfare against a civilian population without an official declaration of war.

BigMikey 1 point ago +1 / -0

They'll never be able to disarm the American public.

by BQnita
BigMikey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay hold on a second let me just go stick a Glock 22 inside some massive contraption and see if the bullet it shoots makes a bigger hole as a result.

A bigger gun doesn't necessarily mean a bigger hole it just means that the bigger gun can fire a bigger, heavier bullet that usually has a little more powder in it, which means that the bullet travels faster or has more mass, translating to more energy being dumped into the target when it finally does hit. Really the size of the gun is almost irrelevant to the equation it's really just how much bullet that the barrel and the receiver is designed to shoot. The faster something is going, the more energy it takes to stop it. The more mass that something has when it's moving, the more energy it takes to stop it. Energy equals mass in motion. E equals MC squared. Where are the object in motion came from is irrelevant to this equation. A larger bullet traveling faster will deliver more energy to the Target. A bullet that is designed to break apart when it hits the target will dump more energy into that particular fucking Target then a bullet that isn't meant to break apart. That's why you don't shoot somebody with armor piercing bullets when they're not wearing fucking armor, the bullet will just travel straight through like a hole puncher. That's why there was a big stink about hollow point bullets they dump more of the energy into the target because when they hit they spread apart and slow down and basically use your chest cavity like a sandbag or something that's going to absorb all the energy from that impact. It creates a bigger wound from the concussive force of that bullet hitting you. There's a video online of a guy shooting a pork butt with the bone-in that's about the size of a human thigh with a 308 fragilating round. When he shot that fucking thing with that round that pork butt damn near exploded. 308 or 762 whichever one you want to call it although 762 is a little bit less powerful it has a little bit it has a thicker case for the powder, either way it'll still fuck you up but 308 is a larger round then 223, our military uses 223 because it's a smaller round and that means you can carry more of it on a soldier which is really important because most of the time what our guys are doing is just shooting in the general direction of the enemy to keep their fucking heads down while the designated Marksman makes his kill shots or while we're waiting for a fucking airstrike or while we're waiting for a team to come in and circle around them and get the flank. So the more bullets you have the more suppressive fire you can lay down before you have to send somebody out to run and get another fucking crate of ammo.

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