CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw it and don't need a link. Pence the perv will come regret his treason.

CMAnon 12 points ago +12 / -0

When the blood of Christ washes over CA it will never be the same.

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

America would be burning only if we let it. My guess is if we had the balls to do what needs done, the enemy would be frozen in terror. Once the noose is put over a few highly recognizable heads there would be a chorus of wails and finger pointing saying he made me do it.

CMAnon 3 points ago +3 / -0

I need a total of 4. One facing each direction away from my home.

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Her and Michelle need to spend some time together comparing notes.

CMAnon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well crafted Meme. Hats off to you

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Translation - Comey is desperate to keep himself out of jail. Hey Jim, if you did nothing wrong you have nothing to fear.

CMAnon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Perhaps Sheriff Waters will align with Ivan the Avenger and start a wave of deputizing former Green Berets, Seal Team Six and Rangers to start making a dent in his hit list? It would be nice to see. I wouldn't doubt more than a few have some very young skeletons in their closets.

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Absolutely correct. Our country is infected with communists. Most bought and paid for by the CCP. You don't get rid of the communist control over our colleges and universities, their control over our media, their control over the NGOs by voting. And like any massive insect infestation of roaches or bedbugs, you don't get rid of them by getting rid of a few, or trying to do "deals" with them.

We have a situation that will require dismantling whole institutions inside and outside of government from the top down to the local level to ferret out every nook and cranny that hides these insidious deadly creatures. Did someone say a purge? Yes, that is what it will take to truly make America Great again. Would that be anti-American? Only if you follow the left's Marxist logic.

Our founders, for as bright and genius as they were, never imagined the kind of poisonous, treacherous and deadly foe as modern day communists. They knew of traitors, of liars, power hungry tyrants but not communists who embody all of those characteristics and much more. Our founders could not imagine the wholesale slaughter of Mao, Pol Pot and their ilk armed with technology, bio-weapons, facial recognition cameras everywhere, traceable digital currency and more.

Dare I ask what would they say if they could speak to us today? Amend the Constitution? Vote for the Uni-party? Or, would they be amenable to employing the military and declaring Martial Law while a national house cleaning is conducted? Desperate times require desperate measures and for those who don't see today as falling into that category, delaying the inevitable will only make our condition worse.

Remember that the devil's greatest achievement is convincing people that he doesn't exist. I would put our national communist problem in that category without hesitation. Those who don't see their existence are either willfully blind, ignorant or both. Either way they are aiding and abetting the takeover of our country. The founders knew about that problem and how to deal with it. The question is do we?

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

1984 is like a breath of fresh air compared to our reality today.

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need this to be a federal law and passed in all 50 states as well.

CMAnon 4 points ago +4 / -0

We should all call the FBI and report the site, demand they shut it down!

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for keeping at it. They need to account for their actions. In fact, I’d hire a lawyer to negotiate a settlement. Don’t let them off cheap. It’s not just lost compensation but the stress and anxiety about losing your job, the time spent filing all the papers, etc. A lawyer will be better able to negotiate and make you more $$ even after their cut than you could do on your own.

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I loved his comments but I’m not sure telling those “enemies” how it would go down is a good idea. Being forewarned is being forearmed. Watch for legislation to be passed that forbids local, county and state law enforcement to effect arrests for Federal offenses.

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

It better not end with Daszak. Heads need to roll. The corruption extends far beyond one or two sacrificial lambs. Anyone associated with the "vaccine" needs investigated. This includes Fauci and his associates, Pfizer, the medical journals, FDA, the military and anyone/everyone who profited from the jab. That includes all the hospitals, clinics, physicians, administration, the pharmacies that offered it, the media the hyped it. I don't care if half of society is involved, everyone involved in this poison was part of a massive crime against humanity. They all need to answer for their role and "just following orders" doesn't cut it.

CMAnon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why not? Trump can have his capable children handle the deal. At least it would be legal unlike Sleepy Joe and his family and their dealings.

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

MSM needs something to fill the airwaves so they have an excuse to not cover a major happening important to the American people. I wonder what boom is about to drop? Trump acquittal? A major arrest?

CMAnon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Me thinks he has some very young skeletons in his closet and fears not being able to walk down the streets of NYC. He knows those fears could be realized when Trump is re-elected.

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

The financial media, part of the big MSM propaganda machine, scares retail investors to sell so the globalist elites can buy on the cheap. When big media advises you sell remember who they work for...and it ain't you.

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