Californian-4-Trump 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is true. I used to think that if Hillary won then I should leave the USA.

True that the country would have gone downhill fast, but I would just be delaying the inevitable because if the US falls, the world falls.

I’ve come to realize that the only way out is to take the USA back. Hopefully through peaceful means. Trump is really like a savior as without him we’d already be in a bloody civil war. I pray he can drain the swamp and restore America to its former greatness and root out corruption in both parties.

It’s a job that will never be done but if we can red pill enough people, the pendulum may swing back our way for a few generations. This is literally WW3, it’s just currently being fought with propaganda and deception (and viruses and hoaxes).

Californian-4-Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’d heard that the two Navy ships Comfort and Mercy were anchored in NYC and Southern California and were supposedly extra medical help for people NOT affected by Covid, but they actually were rescuing children who were kept as sex slaves in underground tunnels. Is there any validity to this?

Californian-4-Trump 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was reading “conspiracy theory” books in my 20’s and things made a lot more sense than the history I was taught in schools. Then went to work and raised a family but watched as events pretty much unfolded as the books predicted. Read about Q on Facebook I think and started learning more but still fairly new to Q. Love DJT obviously. WWG1WGA