CaptainPenguin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try this... send Europeans to Nigeria, slave them for a couple centuries, particularly the British, then amplify the infighting between the original nation-tribes to promote them selling each other into slavery, replace their language, religions, culture, then erase the boarders and bundle it into a single colony, use this slave labor for cash crops and minerals, then sign a treaty in Berlin with your european buddies like Norway to supercharge this exploitation and carve the continent into chunks. Then wait for the demise of the British empire, negotiate their independence in 1960 and see who is left with more resources and infrastructure.

CaptainPenguin 4 points ago +4 / -0

June 13 is the shareholder meeting, not sure if anything would happen before then. Gamestop has an open position for a director of SEC related things, which is very suspicious (PR and legal management of a stock market event?). The company has a shareholder approved number of stocks for dilution (Monetize on a short squeeze after everyone gets their bananas?). 30% move, 9x average volume on a regular looking friday with no news but a shareholder vote is sus. RRP facility trending down again... I think major market moves are queued for the 3rd quarter, while they are trying to hold the charade up for election optics

CaptainPenguin -2 points ago +2 / -4

Everyone hates taxes, and they are theft, but also back then most communities had dirt roads, no interstate system, most people didn't have access to cars or basic electrified commodities like refrigerators, gas stoves or public education and hospitals. Many infrastructure projects were private investments subject to greed and corruption. No man on the moon, GPS, military advancement, no daily mail, or widespread parcel deliveries, heck most was hauled by train or horse carriage. National parks, the VA, social security, unemployment insurance, air traffic control, fema... Many things can be argued about the necessity or administration of some of these, and we can probably cut 80% or taxes and government and still be a great nation, but it's more about corruption and bad management than taxes being unnecessary IMO. I do think we need a decentralized government, where we can have a say on what it's spent on, and to have less socialist-like appropriations

CaptainPenguin -1 points ago +2 / -3

Now of you add those up 1+1+4 = 6, and if you mirror the 6 =9 (retard logic) you get 69 = mark of the beast

CaptainPenguin 2 points ago +3 / -1

Imagine you got a student loan, moved to NYC to study in Columbia, paid a ton of money in tuition, housing and everything else, just so the school cancels on-site classes because some retards are protesting a war on the other side of the world... I'd be mad too. Even if these protesters are actually all students, imagine if less than 1% of all enrolled students, the most feverish idiots, gathered to be loud and changed some policies because of it. That's what's happening to the USA.

CaptainPenguin 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the oral arguments about presidential immunity and the secret docs case, Barr was highlighted as having been the qualified administration official who vetted it was all within the law, so I think that's why he changed his stance

CaptainPenguin 1 point ago +1 / -0

A financial crisis and collapse that will eclipse all other crashes is coming. Funny how Biden's name would go down etched into both the 2008 and 2024/25 ponzi schemes

CaptainPenguin 2 points ago +2 / -0

They can just write it off their taxes, up to $3000 per year... oh wait... The USA used to run a racket where they invested in other developing nations and then invaded when their interests went sideways, I don't see how anyone holding our debt overseas could come to forcibly liquidate our assets. Paper money is like a game, they can find other tricks to just keep the game going, and we still have gold and oil reserves that could be liquidated

CaptainPenguin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine coming all the way from upstate New York to the butt of Florida to get triggered at a bumper sticker that didn't even refer to Trump but shitting on Biden, then possibly having a felony charge in your record. Kek. Anywhere else in Florida this might have not become an arrest, but in the Keys? Good thing for the victim for pursuing charges.

CaptainPenguin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably someone is helping organize these and funding them, but as far as tents being similar I think the answer could be much simpler, like they are the other available at Target, Amazon or some other cheap accessible retailer

CaptainPenguin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same media that shits on him for eating McDonalds, streak with ketchup and canned coke

CaptainPenguin 3 points ago +4 / -1

I've never seen a Trump supporter or right out patriot that wasn't proud and happy to show the smile in their face and overt support for our nation. It's all in the name..."front"

CaptainPenguin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Im not sure... how will they justify printing all that mail to your home and back, shipping it around then spending energy to scan it and tabulate it, when you can usually just walk to your nearest election center, car pool and you insert the ballot yourself into the scanner... Just like student debt forgiveness, this is mere posturing because they are getting desperate. We are still months away from election day, so be prepared for more stories like these that have been focus group tested to try and milk every little vote they can.

CaptainPenguin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I agree TS is just a product of what could become a bigger media conglomerate, but still comparing is to the early days of Meta, X and other social media pioneers who built tech from scratch, where lead by engineers, designers and tech VCs , rather than a senior farmer (nothing wrong with farmers), and who built a ton of open sourced libraries that are now the backbone of a ton of projects, with a social media tool that's a clone of an open source platform, has an unknown and limited user base and a $58M operating loss last year is a bit out there to say the least... I'm HODLing DJT indefinitely, and I don't expect it to be a profitable company anyday soon. Just keeping it real.

CaptainPenguin 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well if it helps him win and pay for all the troubles then fine... but obviously an overpriced stock from an unprofitable platform serving as an echo-chamber with limited reach. It's all supporters who are invested...

CaptainPenguin 1 point ago +2 / -1

This not much more than a poll, and does not drive institutional policy at all. Turnout was 40% so ~30% of the student body voted to divest, which I'd call a minority. This is just a mu-slum shitboy shilling

CaptainPenguin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wishing you resilience and commend your courage to pivot to another field, that's exactly what sets you apart from other people, a mentality of abundance, being able to do what it takes, keep growing and learning and doing the most with whatever circumstances life throws at you. You've got this bud.

CaptainPenguin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Having a hard time believing that we have an air base and they can't air lift everyone out... what sort of air power do the Nigerians have? $100M is probably just the infrastructure... then several millions in equipment and ammo...

CaptainPenguin 2 points ago +3 / -1

These are incredibly well funded an knowledgeable institutions and individuals with access to privileged information...they can keep it up forever, while they profit from other trades in the same exact stock. They also borrow stocks from other partners that will give them preferential treatment as far as fees and payment terms, if not for free just to keep their shared interests afloat. If these highly shorted stocks didn't already close, they've made a shit-ton of money already from all the volatility they have seen, and have enough money to "cover". While all these naive fanatical retail investors have been holding on to unrealised losses for years, they have masterfully moved their capital with swings in market momentum and extracted billions from the markets. Yes they do manipulate markets, yes it's rather legal, and yes they are highly trained an efficient at doing so, with access to an unlimited pool of human and money capital... thinking that you are going to win through some miracle short squeeze is past delusional, and it's sad. History will tell.

CaptainPenguin 3 points ago +3 / -0

The vaccine wasn't even close to mandatory until Biden came into power, and mostly in blue cities. The vaccine did save a lot of lives in the vulnerable population that were dropping life flies. Trump championed many alternative treatments that we now know were much safer, effective and cheaper. I also respect the fact that he deferred to what he understood at the moment to be medical experts, who were the ones who fucked us over, and agreed to lock down the country since at the time there was little information about the virus, and wether it was a bio-weapon or not. Individual states then implemented their own policies, some very authoritarian. Trump gave us options, Dems gave us orders and repression. Trump was also trying to secure his re-elections while the Dems and RINOs weaponized the narrative to bring him down. The way I see it Trump saved the economy from total collapse, but planted the seed for inflation, because that was the only option. Make China Pay.

CaptainPenguin 2 points ago +6 / -4

This supports the idea that Christians want to convert this into a religious fundamentalist nation...shameful. While most commandments are plain common sense like do not murder, steal, lie, be unfaithful...others are problematic starting the #1, #2 & #3 that alienates all other religions and could be unconstitutional as far as the first amendment goes. Then you have all these kids with shitty parents, who's main refuge is school, and you ahead and tell them to honor their parents? Come on...Louisiana does have a right to be a Christian state if their constituents do choose so, but the 10 Commandments are much more jewish than they are Christian. Christ preached love, towards the sinner and the neighbor, and it's through a love language that you bring people closer to god, not through "must-dos" carved into stone. I hope they do get sued, and it's not like Louisiana is a State anyone is trying to move to...

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