Citizen_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just donated a few bucks. As a disabled veteran, my funds are meager but DJT is still my CIC.

Citizen_Patriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

(disabled vet) I don't have much, but I just chipped in another $10. Let's GOOOOO!

Citizen_Patriot 19 points ago +19 / -0

I caught the tail end of the speech while on a quick grocery run.... DJT was ON FIRE! And this was on Fox News radio via Sirius XM radio in my truck. They even commented on the crowd size and stated "the Democrats are panicking".


Citizen_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I could not post a link to my latest book without getting sideways with the moderators, but you can find it on Amazon :) I will add your family to my growing Bended Knee List. God Bless - John Bates, author.


Citizen_Patriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

The DoD (and the VA) have been repeatedly caught in their lies for years. While researching the use of tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange in Okinawa, I came across a couple of paragraphs buried deep on page 188 of the 2022 NDAA Report to The Senate. It blows away the DoD's claim that they couldn't locate any records of Agent Orange being on the small island... and the VA parrots that claim as an excuse to deny vet's claims of exposure. After years and years of denials, the DoD put this in writing to the Senate:

"**The committee notes that under Operation Red Hat, the Department of Defense (DOD) imported Agent Orange to be used as a herbicide on military bases in Okinawa. Agent Orange was stored at the bases and used on public spaces in the 1980s through 2013. There has been widespread medical evidence linking Agent Orange and multiple health conditions.

Accordingly, the committee directs the Secretary of Defense to provide a briefing to the Senate Armed Services Committee, not later than March 1, 2022, on the use and storage of herbicides on present and former military installations on the island of Okinawa. The briefing shall discuss the shipment of herbicides to Johnston Island under Operation Red Hat, the excavation of suspected herbicide containers at Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in 1981, the Okinawa City soccer pitch in 2013, and Kadena Air Base; and other suspected locations of herbicide.

The briefing shall address any test results by the DOD and the Government of Japan showing the presence of the chemical components of herbicide—2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. The Secretary shall consult with appropriate organizations who represent veterans of Okinawa in preparing this briefing.**"

As far as I can tell, myself (and other researchers) cannot find any record of such a briefing as the NDAA report suggests. Meanwhile, the VA continues to deny health care and compensation for those of us exposed to herbicides. Much like the Vietnam veterans, we are facing an uphill battle against a small army of faceless bureaucrats that likely know any admission to poisoning the Pacific theater of operations opens a flood of claims from both veterans and civilians alike... and exposes their lies to us AND the good people of Okinawa that are still suffering the effects of their phuckery.

Sorry, but I don't trust 'em as far as I can throw a booger, but here's some sauce for ya, if needed.



Citizen_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

The shoulder shimmy at 2:05 is priceless ! Can you imagine him doing this as he leaves the courtroom ?

Citizen_Patriot 19 points ago +19 / -0

I lived (and worked) there for almost three decades, finally now retired and living in the Freedom State of FL. I have driven thru the 'hoods. I have seen the gang-bangers up close and personal. I once fended off a carjacker at gunpoint from the cab of my Silverado on the infamous Eight Mile Road (remember the movie?). I raised a family just north of the city limits, worked with law enforcement, and even helped train the current Chief of Police in our younger days. I once dined with Martha Reeves (Motown) when she was on the City Council. I have seen the best and the worst of Detroit.

One cannot undo decades of neglect with a sweep of the hand. Many blighted areas are coming back - slowly, yes. There are still pockets of poverty right next to neighborhoods of well-kept homes. It will be a long slog and a painful transformation, but it does seem to be happening.

The lingering effects of unmarried "welfare" mothers will be felt for generations.

Remember when the MN riots were sweeping the country ? Detroit PD stepped up told the black "leaders" we will walk with you, we will protest peacefully with you, but we will not tolerate burning and looting and will arrest you if you get out of line. It mostly worked - there were a handful of arrests, mostly for disorderly conduct (a misdemeanor).

The video depicts the worst of Detroit, yet there is a sense of optimism bubbling upward and outward. The corruption runs deep and wide through the city (and the state)... I lived through much of it, so I think I have a unique perspective. Trust me, I don't miss it. Stretchin' Gretchen needs to go, along with many of her cronies.

Nowdays, I can be found by the pool with an adult beverage nearby. Life is better with freedom. Just my $0.02, worth exactly what you paid for it.

Citizen_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sir, I do not know you nor do I profess to be an authority on anything... BUT I know a prayer request when I see one. May the Good Lord watch over your growing family and wrap his healing arms around you all. Little Patriots are the BEST !

Citizen_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Started watching last night, but had to turn it off midway through... will watch it through again in a day or two. After 20 years of doing 9-1-1 stuff in Detroit (including missing children incidents) it was rather upsetting to watch. I'm over it now - just needed to pause a bit. Very emotional movie that hit close to home and brought back some unpleasant memories for me personally. A good night's sleep helped a lot. Def recommended, just not for those easily affected by abuse of children.

Citizen_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have drafted a letter to POTUS Trump and will be sending it off shortly. He actually sent a personal reply to my last letter a couple of years ago, so I am hopeful.

I strongly recommend the YooToob video "Agent Orange in Okinawa" with one caveat - it might just raise your blood pressure.

Citizen_Patriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks - just found myself a local provider down the road in FL !