CoolAsACucumber 6 points ago +6 / -0

You could go get a PHD in political whining with that dissertation.

Apparently from what this guy is saying, companies are not more efficient when their employees are sunbathing at 2 PM on a Tuesday. Sucks to suck.

It's weird how I see people arguing against wage slave mentality here

Wage slave is primarily because of the Federal Reserve and the US Government inflating the dollar. Government employees and companies working for the government get that new money first. If your company suddenly has less of the % of total $USD money supply than they had before, they are still having to pay higher prices. If taxes/fees were raised they have to pay those too. Many companies are in that boat, just a few get the bulk of the new money made since 2020.

CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +2 / -1

It needs to be put in its place and humbled.

I'm only for wiping out those who want to kill me. Most Jews are plebes, it's their victims mindedness that's a problem but that can be worked on with a heavy hand. The few at the top doing all the rotten work have gotta hang though.

CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ancient men conquered cities put them to the sword and fire, meanwhile you go to WINE BAR with "gf" and enjoy tasteful banter. YOU ARE GAY!!

CoolAsACucumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Try using a VPN

I recommend Mullvad VPN, no identifying info and you can pay for it in crypto.

Also you can layer your VPN to only work with certain applications.

CoolAsACucumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Holocaust (at least somme of it definitely happened, much smaller in scale than 6 million) happened to scare and force Jews to Palestine (for future Israel)

Yes, I agree with this. My headline could've been written better. We were certainly lied to though which is why the powers that be don't want us to question the narrative.

CoolAsACucumber 6 points ago +7 / -1

A massive thread questioning The Holocaust. Documentaries galore🧵⬇️ https://x.com/Wordsarewordz/status/1781441869752262771

2 min redpill


Google: the Katyn Massacre done by the Soviet Union with Germany taking the blame

Many high ranking Nazis were Jewish. Google: Walter Hollaender, Bernhard Rogge, Hans Eppinger, Emil Maurice, Ernhrd Milch, and Alexander Stahlberg

Hitler agreement with Zionist Jews Google: The Haavara Agreement - Hitler wanted to deport Jews to Palestine.

Hitler was targeted because he attacked the Rothschilds (He actually arrested a Rothschild in Germany).

1968 Encyclopedia of Britannica apparently has nothing on the Holocaust


In 2020, the Vatican released millions of documents on Pope Pius XII that were previously hidden from public view. These include transcripts of negotiations between the pope and Adolf Hitler.


The real "holocaust" was called Holodomor which was done by Bolshevik Jews. In real time there is a "holocaust" taking place right now in Gaza. #Holodomor


General George S Patton didn't believe in the Holocaust


Several newspaper headlines saying 6 million Jews dying, starving, etc. In the 1910s. Mostly New York Times


Always 6 million...always.


January 6, 1891 - page 8 NEW YORK TIMES - Russia's Christianity - Rabbi Gottheil Bats A Word On The Persecution Of Jews

6 million Jews pops up again https://x.com/EddieBlakejr/status/1787954616652755440


The Holocaust ‘6 Million’ LIE ! Old Almanacs and Encyclopedia never lie. World Almanac, Population of Jews: 1938 – 15,748,091 Million, pg. 510. 1949 – 15,713,638 Million, pg. 289. The truth is, the Holocaust story is a lie – at least most of it. If it were true then there would be no need for America’s allies to imprison people who question it... https://x.com/YourDynamicSelf/status/1787679230052225120

(Video, not link to the World Almanac those years) Jews Tell The TRUTH About The Holocaust


There's so many points, but here's some of the most compelling stuff about so-called "gas chambers". You don't need to outlaw denying something happened unless it's a lie.

Gas Chambers With Gas Expert Fred Leuchter


Here’s a documentary on Auschwitz which was an important rubbery factory 🏭 for the German war industry. In this documentary the Auschwitz administration admit the “gas chambers” to be fake and built 3 years after the war:

David Cole (David Stein) In Auschwitz https://odysee.com/@ZrziUstashica:1/David-Cole-(David-Stein)-In-Auschwitz:e

Collier Dictionary 1978 definition of Holocaust - A devastation or sacrifice by fire


Muh Holocaust Narrative - Atrocity Propaganda - Nuremburg Trials


CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

@Concodamonics - Infographics: How U.S. Government Securities Clear & Settle Via Fedwire - an overview of Fedwire: the Federal Reserve's system for settling government securities transfers and associated payments


CoolAsACucumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

People say use lightning network but it looks like they've had several issues to fix with lightning network years after its release.

(October-2023) Bitcoin Core Dev exposes Lightning Network flaw, departs project - "All your mempool are belong to us" https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2023-October/022032.html

List of Lightning Network technical issues, bugs, flaws, and exploits. https://github.com/davidshares/Lightning-Network

CoolAsACucumber 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hoskinson got out of ETH because he didn't like how it was built or the direction it was going and decided to build a cryptocurrency his way.

I've looked into Hoskinson and ETH founding quite a bit and he passes my smell test. I'm impressed by his project which is why I invested in it so you can either scoff that off or have an actual conversation. I'm happy to discuss with you any questions or concerns you have about Ethereum, Hoskinson, or the project Cardano anytime. If you got any good info, I'd like sources.

Ethereum has a lot of shit history but from everything I've seen Hoskinson is a trustworthy guy.

Also he doesn't trash XRP, the XRP community trashes him constantly. Maybe you should look a little deeper...

CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cutting rates doesn't necessarily mean lower bond rates, that is decided by the market. And if our current Resident keeps borrowing money like he is, the bond yields will reflect that US Treasuries are no longer the safe haven they used to be (if you haven't been convinced of that already.)

CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's the crash that needs to happen for things to actually get better.

CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Yen devaluing affects our economy too.

Lots of US tech stocks and Treasury bonds bought through the Yen Carry Trade. I'm not sad to see those crash though.

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