Dues_vult 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right on fren.

I recommend listening to Father Hewko & Defeat modernism on YouTube or Odessy. Both are Catholic & staunch defenders of the faith. Listening to them has brought me back & more importantly, made me WANT to defend the church as much as this “Pope”offends all of us.

It’s easy to defend the church when times are good. Defending tradition is challenging in exceptionally hard in times like these; it feels like a test from God & I guess we’re called to be watchmen & sound the horns.

God bless you, buddy.

Dues_vult 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know your “gotcha” questions are easily searchable on Google.

This Masonic false Pope pushes the Vaccine - I ain’t listening to him. Vigano is pretty much saying what we all already knew, this guy is a fraud.

Non-Catholics often confuse the pope’s gift of ‘infallibility’ with ‘impeccability’. They think the Catholic Church is claiming her Popes are sinless or that the Pope is claiming inspiration from God for every pronouncement he makes. This is not the case. In fact, infallibility is attached to his office, not his person. It is a protective gift, not a creative one introducing new revelation.

The infallibility of the pope is certainly a doctrine that has been more clearly understood over time, but is not one that was invented in 1870. It is clear in Scripture that Christ promised the protection of the Holy Spirit, saying, "I will ask the Father and he will give you another Paraclete—to be with you always; the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept, since it neither sees him nor recognizes him because he remains with you and will be within you . . . . the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send will remind you of all that I have told you" (John 14: 16-17, 26). "When the Spirit of truth comes He will guide you to all truth . . ." (John 16:14). Peter shares the gift of infallibility (a negative gift in the sense it keeps him from teaching error on matters of faith and morals) with the other apostles and their successors, the bishops.

The "pope" (an Italian word meaning "father") and the bishops together are the magisterium of the Church, that is, the teaching authority. As Jesus said, "He who listens to you, listens to me" (Luke 10:16); "all that you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven" (Mt. 18:18). When bishops of the world meet together summoned by the papacy, they meet in ecumenical council, which if held at the Vatican is referred to as a Vatican council. They are usually called infrequently only at times of pivotal or critical moments in the life of the Church.

For example, the Council of Jerusalem about 50 A.D. discussed in Acts of the Apostles, chapter15 was a precursor of later councils. After that Council made its decision to not require Gentile Christians to be circumcised as desired by the Judaizers, it wrote to the Church that " . .it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden . . ." The first formal ecumenical council was that of Nicaea in 325 A.D., which condemned the Arian heresy and declared that Christ was consubstantial with the Father.

Dues_vult -1 points ago +1 / -2

From Luthers heretical actions was the fountain head of 4,000 different denominations of Protestant Christianity.

I’m not a religious scholar. I consider myself fortunate to be born into a traditional Catholic family, stepped away in my 20’s when I saw all of the pedo & homo stuff unfold. I left the church & grew disturbed when I learned about the Snake Auditorium & thought the institution was down right fucking evil & corrupt.

It’s only been the past two years, after listening to traditionalists. After learning about the RCC vs. Masonic turf wars, after realizing that the institution has been infiltrated, that I guess you can say something God put in my heart to seek further & learn more about the institution. I somehow found myself listening to traditional SSPX Priest that fervently defend the faith, call out the PEDO’s, call out the MASON’s, call out the GLOBALIST’s, Call out the Lucifarian JEWS (I’m talking about the same ones that killed Saint Simon of Trent, not the guy that works at the deli down the street). Calls out the vaccine & depopulation agenda. What other Christian religious sect is doing this? I don’t see any!

Between learning about history, Q highlighting Arch Bishop Vigano, learning about the growing Catholic resistance… man, THIS stuff Speaks to me like no Protestant mass ever has. I simply believe there is something to this 2,000 year old religion that God has blessed us all with but is in danger of being swallowed up the modernist. That’s all I can say. Traditional Catholism speaks to me like NO other Protestant religion has.

Dues_vult 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most Catholics honest with themselves will tell you same as we are seeing it now, throughout history the church has had good popes & bad ones. Imperfect men in an institution & there was abuse on indulgences, which was addressed by the 16th century in the wake of the reformation.

The Church has historically recognised that, for a Christian, there are two different forms of sin: Mortal and Venial. ‘Mortal’ sin is a deliberately intended act that is so serious in its nature, that it constitutes a radical rejection of Christ and His sacrifice for us, and ruptures our relationship with God. ‘Venial’ sin, on the other hand, is an act that, whilst sinful, is not so serious that it formally entails destroying our union with God. This is confessed by St John in Holy Scripture, when he tells us that “All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin which is not mortal” (1 John 5:17).

Sin entails a twofold punishment. On the one hand, there is the eternal punishment of Hell, which is suffered by anyone who does not repent of Mortal sin (through an immediate act of contrition to God, and then the Sacrament of Confession thereafter). On the other, however, there is temporal punishment.

Temporal punishment accrues to every sin, so whilst venial sin (of which any faithful Christian should, and does, nevertheless repent) does not lead to Hell, it does have that consequence. A fact of life, however, is that we often do not experience the temporal punishment of our sins on Earth, and our even our penances after the fact do not correspond to the punishment we are owed.

This is why the Church has also historically confessed that at our death, if we are Christians in a ‘state of grace’ (that is, a state of saving friendship with God) when we die, any outstanding temporal punishment we did not endure on Earth we will go through in a state called ‘Purgatory’, before we enter Heaven. This state involves the cleansing of our souls of any venial sins we had committed before we die.

We see this in the references that St Paul makes to the cleansing of those Christian clergy who build the Church poorly during their lives, in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. Using the imagery of a purifying fire, the Apostle relates that after we have died, our earthly works are ‘tested’. Our good works will survive the fire, purified as precious metals and stones, whereas any bad works will be consumed like flammable straw, and though we will ‘suffer loss’ we will be saved, “but only as through fire”.

God has not left us, however, without a way of dealing with the temporal punishments due to our sin, and avoiding purgative suffering after death. When Our Lord established the Church, He gave St Peter the power of the Keys of His Kingdom (Matthew 16:18-19, cf. Isaiah 22:20-22). This authority, possessed by the Church today through St Peter’s successors, the popes, extends to the temporal punishment due to sin. Just as the Church may absolve sin itself through the power given to her by Christ (John 20:21-23), so she may remit the temporal punishment due to sin.

You know… this may seem dogmatic to people but for those that believe, it keeps people constantly trying to maintain a state of grace. You may find it silly, but I likewise find the thought of “once saved, always saved” equally silly.

Dues_vult 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, but 1960’s is about when the Freemasons & Communists solidified their control over the institution.

Communist infiltration was recorded as early as The 1930’s, according to Bella Dodd.

But friendo, you won’t see me defending Pedos & homos simply because they say they are Catholic.

Dues_vult 0 points ago +1 / -1

I find the Freemasonic Pope’s red shoes disgusting. That & the snake auditorium built in the 70’s is equally disturbing.

We get all this weirdness when Masons infiltrated the institution back in the 1960’s.

Dues_vult -1 points ago +1 / -2

I’ll respond to you, as soon as you tell me what happened to Christianity between the 3rd Century when Emperor Constantine converted & 1517 when Martin Luther proposed his new religion. Did Christianity not exist?

Follow up question: how do you feel about the fact that Martin Luther took it upon himself to attempt to remove seven books from the Old & new Testament.

Let’s hear it.

Dues_vult 2 points ago +2 / -0

In terms of my first post, you would have to ask a mod why I was censored. Nothing I have said is really that controversial.

But let’s get to the topic at hand. So in your opinion, Christianity was born on October 31st 1517? It laid in wait for 1,300 years secretly underground & came out into the open after Martin Luther led the Reformation?

Do you believe Martin Luther had it right when he attempted to remove 7 books from the Bible to justify his Protestant beliefs? Were you even aware that he attempted to edit & remove books from the old & new Testiment? Were you aware that his Coat of Arms is the red rose,that “coincidently” also resembles the secret society of the Gnostic Rosecrutians?

People shit on the RCC, but I find it equally astounding that in the same breathe, they will follow a man who took it upon himself to edit the Holy Bible.

Dues_vult -1 points ago +2 / -3

History doesn’t lie. Christianity, prior to the heretical Reformation movement was a lot more cohesive. There were Catholics & there were Orthodox.

Luther came along & shit the bed. He attempted to remove Seven books of the Bible, all in the Old Testament, are accepted by Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, but are not accepted by Jews or Protestants. These include 1 and 2 Maccabees, Judith, Tobit, Baruch, Sirach, and Wisdom, and additions to the books of Esther and Daniel. that are not included in the Protestant version of the Old Testament. These books are referred to as the deuterocanonical books. Luther made an attempt to remove the books of Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation from the canon (notably, he perceived them to go against certain Protestant doctrines such as sola gratia and sola fide). Yes, Luther made his OWN religion. Who was Luther to be an authority on editing the Bible? A man that belonged the the Rosicrucian secret society. A man that has lead millions of souls to hell, including himself, in my opinion.

This is MY opinion. There are millions of opinions out there… if you get all bent out of shape because of MY opinion, perhaps your faith isn’t as strong as you think it is.

Dues_vult 2 points ago +3 / -1

I’m here to defend the original church of Christ. It’s easy to be ignorant of history & simply say “duur duur the RCC is full of Pedos” and have others lambast it, but when someone comes to the church’s defense, Protestants jump down my throat & you expect me to sit on my hands? Good luck.

YOU are the one choosing to read this post on Arch Bishop Vigano. YOU are choosing to respond to me. I’m the one here playing defense.

Dues_vult 3 points ago +3 / -0

Im not here to convert you. I’m here to propose points of views that you won’t hear anywhere. My response isn’t necessarily directed at you, but anyone that wants to hear a contrarian view:

  • yes, the Catholic Church is the Original church of Christ & in my belief, the authentic church passed down by the Apostles.

  • At one point, It controlled Europe, large swaths part of North America & Central America. Bringing Christianity to the Western Hemisphere centuries before Protestants set foot.

  • after the Masonic Italian revolutions of the 1700, & 1800’s, the sovereign state of Holy Roman Empire was relegated to the Vatican walls.

  • If the RCC was just like any other church, why have the Masons waged war against her for 400+ years? The SAME secret societies that we are at war with now, were first at war with the RCC.

  • Bella Dodd, a communist, admitted that back in rhe 1930’s she helped 1,300 communists & sodomites infiltrate the institution. This would help you understand why we’re riddled with homos & pedos.

  • I believe there is a reason why Q both highlights the Illumanists that have corrupted the institution but also highlights Vigano, a man that has called out the Pedos, Vatican II & all of the corruption.

If the RCC was just simply another church, dear reader, why are the enemies of humanity hell bent on distroying THIS church. Not the Anglican Church, not the Methodist church, not the Southern Baptist church, but the ORIGINAL church of Christ.

Dues_vult 3 points ago +4 / -1

Dude… this is the sorta history that ought to be rehashed & discussed on these forums.

Heck, I wish we could return to a society that would punish these animals.

Dues_vult 1 point ago +1 / -0

You must be fun at parties.

It was entertaining. Have a great night & I hope you make the list on the day of judgement. I really really hope ALL Protestants make the list.

Take care.

Dues_vult 2 points ago +2 / -0

Catholics kept the mass in Latin to maintain the authenticity & interpretation of the Gospels. Now we have the mess that we are in, with 4,000 false Christian religion, including yours.

What a mess!

WASP Freemasons like Henry Ford, Jay Watson, Prescott Bush & the UK Royal family birthed the Nazi’s. Your understanding of history is very distorted. 😂😂😂

Dues_vult 1 point ago +1 / -0

And Lucifarians say their black mass in Latin, similar to the traditional mass. Perhaps Lucifer imitates the true religion of Christ because he is not original but mocks God.

I hope you attain salvation but I wonder how God will judge you when he looks at your life & knows you insulted the mother of Jesus.

Dues_vult 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t mean to laugh at you. Stranger… but I find it sort of funny at the thought of you getting mad at me. I can tell that I’m upsetting you. 😂. You have named called, thrown petty insults, insulted the ORIGINAL church of Jesus….

Sorry if you’re all bent out of shape, but what is your emotional attachent to the false doctrines known as the Dead Sea scrolls? Were they not “discovered” in 1946?

Dues_vult 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah that’s the rumor, right?

Did your history books ever tell you that Pope Pius XII actually had assasination plots against Hitler. Bet ya didn’t know that.

I would also bet on the fact that you didn’t know Hitler attempted to kidnap the Pope. So tell me again, Rome supported Hitler because some cowardly German Priests supported Hitler?

Dues_vult 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah… auto text sucks

Isn’t it cool that Saint Peter is buried in Rome & the Apolostic succession has gone unbroken for THOUSAND’s of years?

Have fun with your false religion, friendo.

Dues_vult 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you believe Christianity sprung up suddenly in 1517? Where was it for 1,300 years?

Why do Lucifarians imitate the Traditional Latin mass & have their black masses in Latin? The Original church of Christ has Mother Mary… Lucifarians worship the female diety, Ishtar.

I would say that imitation is a form of flattery. They aren’t performing a Baptist mass or a Lutheran Mass.

I tend to think the Lucifarians Imitate the Catholic traditional mass because it’s the real deal

Dues_vult 1 point ago +3 / -2

The Our Fathers prayers lays it out clearly for me: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done on earth as it is In Heaven”. I believe God has given us the church & laws to institute his Kingdom. I also believe that “the Rapture” is a psyop meant to make Christian give up without putting up a fight.

Catholic monarchies, to me represent a high water mark point in Christian civilization of relative peace & cohesion. It dealt with Freemasons, occultists, witches & “Jews” that sacrificed Christian children (research Saint Simon of Trent/ Saint William of Norwich)

The fact that the institution brought peace & cohesion but has been relentlessly attacked for centuries has me believe that there is SOMETHING to this church.

The contrarian in me has me fight for the original church of Christ, the more it is attacked.

Dues_vult 3 points ago +3 / -0

Show me a literate society at that time. Most of Europe was illiterate at that time. The mass was in Latin & not in the vernacular because language, much like Protestant religions have a way of constantly changing.

Dead Sea Scrolls was transliterated by a Freemason known as Zacharai Steichen. I tend to think they are fake. He the guy that pushed “Aliens” and “the 9th planet of Nubiru”.

If you want to follow the Doctrines of Freemasons & Devils, have at it.

Dues_vult 0 points ago +1 / -1

The body of Peter happens to be buried in the Vatican. Peter was the first Pope, otherwise known as the Bishop of Rome. The Apostelate succession goes unbroken since then.

Dues Vult!

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