Enochs17firmament -7 points ago +2 / -9

You're so wrong. God gives some the sight to see truth, others are damned from birth. No need to parley with the damned cause all the see and speak is filth...

The holy pilgrims of TRUMP need to escape the damned country USA. It is forsaken by God. There is land by the southern icewall that is ready for us to settle and build a holy temple fortress!

I am selling my home and quitting my job to prepare to follow Trump to the holy land and wait for the demons to be purged!

Enochs17firmament 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, why stop at 125? The corrupt elite have been undercounting the Patriots in the census for CENTURIES. White america was absolutely flourishing, 1 billion population before shape shifter Lincoln started civil war genocide against whites. Despite that, probably 300 million Patriots left that voted for the savior.

Enochs17firmament 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's really quite crude and you obviously don't understand how a HOLY being like Trump even consummates his divine love. He doesn't need viagra or any other mortal concoctions. He just puts his light into you and you float into heaven. It can even happen through the TV or at a rally... I would know...

Enochs17firmament 2 points ago +2 / -0

This!!! Escape is the only choice now... Moses didn't wait for the faithful to be enslaved in Egypt, he started a holy nation!

There is free land by the southern icewall. It's where we can build a fortress to wait for the end times... God will provide!

Enochs17firmament 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol you think internet sleuthing will solve anything any more?? We need to BUILD the WORLD we want. The US is forsaken by God, that is obvious. We need a new land.

A holy outpost near the icewall is the only chance. Like the mountain of megiddo, there we shall build a fortress to make a stand. Let's go to to the southern icewall. Exodus is hope, a wandering in the dessert of ice... We need a holy wizard like Moses/Abraham/Enoch (Q?) to lead us...