Excelsior 9 points ago +9 / -0

10 out of 10 on the icky scale

Excelsior 3 points ago +3 / -0

As trite as this may sound, no matter how bad a day i''ve had, I remind myself that God put me on this earth at this time for a reason, no matter how battered, frustrated, or exhausted I get, Although I've had my share over a lifetime of just bizarre and painful moments, I marvel at the fact that I'm STILL HERE.

Over the years, I've had so many episodes of threading the needle, near misses, avoiding catastrophe, and incidents where I somehow managed not to get myself killed, I chuckle when i think all of it just couldn't have happened by coincidence or dumb luck. At the same time, I've had such extraordinary moments of good fortune and (unlikely) positive things, I realize I've been graced by God's love. THE BEST IS YET TO COME

Excelsior 4 points ago +4 / -0

Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand Absolutely insane projections for France's elections, looks like Macron's party will get absolutely decimated. https://ft.com/content/077a3fec-952b-4834-9d28-04a0333f5c50

Here are the numbers:

  • Far-right bloc (Le Pen's RN and Zemmour's reconquête): in the lead in 362 seats
  • Left-bloc ("Popular Front"): in the lead in 211 seats
  • Macron's party: in the lead in 3 seats. You read that right: 3 seats!!! And to top it off, none of these 3 seats are even in France, all of them are seats for French people abroad 😅
  • Les Républicains (centre-right): in the lead in 1 seat

It's an election in 2 rounds. The projections for the 2nd round are that left and far-right would battle it out in in 536 seats; Macron’s alliance would make the run-off in only 41 (!), and LR in just three.

In short these elections look like they'll essentially destroy "Macronism" as a political force in France. Either that's somehow 9D chess that no-one understands or Macron's dissolution of the French parliament is one of the stupidest moves ever by a French president.

Excelsior 6 points ago +6 / -0

Camus @newstart_2024 A disturbing new study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots have caused widespread harm to fertility rates in young men. The study, conducted by leading researchers in Denmark, analyzed semen samples from 7,000 men aged 18 to 45 years old. The researchers note that roughly half of the participants were aged 18 to 24. During the study, the researchers examined the quality of semen in potential donors in Denmark between 2017 and 2022. Just over two-thirds of the men in the trial were not accepted as donors; their sperm parameters were measured only once. 1839 men were accepted as donors, and their semen was tested up to eight times throughout the study period. This enabled the researchers to track individual donors over the years to ensure that trends were not simply the result of outliers but expressed a general decline across the board.

What the study found is that semen volume, sperm concentration, and total sperm count did not change significantly over the years monitored.

However, both motile sperm concentration and total motile sperm count (TMSC) decreased significantly among those accepted and rejected as donors.


Excelsior 7 points ago +7 / -0

Psalm 18:2

New International Version

The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Excelsior 6 points ago +6 / -0

God bless you and your family, BNU. So sorry for your suffering. The posted suggestions here are truly excellent.

Excelsior 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hope everything gets better with your family as well. I know you've also been through a lot. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

Excelsior 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a wonderful prayer, Suz. This means a lot to me. Much thanks for your kind words.

Excelsior 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you, GGR. I really appreciate it

Excelsior 9 points ago +9 / -0

Good morning frens

Please say a prayer to help ease my son's suffering

Lord, please help me be best

This is hard

Excelsior 5 points ago +5 / -0

Truth at all costs

I heard the most fascinating analogy over the weekend.

Being a peacemaker versus a peacekeeper.

A peacekeeper holds truth to avoid ‘conflict’. Pushes problems down the road. Pursues artificial peace and allows wrongs to worsen. Compromises their values. Peacekeepers fear consequences to maintain balance. Walks on eggshells.

A peacemaker moves out of denial and acknowledge the problem. Tells the absolute truth knowing that although the short term may be tumultuous, the long term is healing and embetterment. Peacemakers will selflessly sacrifice themselves to protect the core values that hold us together.

Often times, when faced with societal pressure to comply or be accepting of ideas and ideology you don’t agree with…we just smile and nod and stay silent. To be polite. To avoid further conflict. To be “accepting”.

Perhaps it’s that flexibility in our core value and morals that have led society to the brink of collapse. Perhaps we should have stayed strong. Perhaps we should have said something when given the opportunity.

Self censorship. It’s the worst part of the last 4 years. The normalization of staying silent in fear.

Fear of cancellation. Fear of losing a job. Fear of being ostracized by society. Fear of State, who we ironically elect to protect us.

Fear that if we speak Truth, something bad will happen in the immediate.

And the opposite of Truth isn’t false. Its lie. To tell the truth doesn’t mean you have to be 100% correct on all things at all times. It means you are genuine in your statement. That there is no lie. The substance of truth matters…but your intent matters more.

Protect core values by speaking truth:

Participation Trophies are bullshit.

Men can’t be Women.

Our leaders are both incompetent and corrupt.

And we blame the leaders for the fall of society…but the reality is…we let it happen.

Don’t be a peacekeeper. Be a peacemaker.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons of God”

  • Matthew 5:9
Excelsior 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prayers for you and your family, moody. You have been fighting the good fight. Every day with her is a gift.

Excelsior 6 points ago +6 / -0

Mary Talley Bowden MD @MdBreathe

The largest medical association in the country, Texas Medical Association, recently voted down - by a large majority - a resolution protecting physicians' free speech and another resolution opposing mandates. (1/3)

I was informed by an insider that the free speech resolution was drafted - and voted down - in response to what happened when @MethodistHosp attacked me for spreading "dangerous information." (2/3)

Thank you to Dr. Ori Hampel who bravely proposed a resolution opposing mandates for medical interventions. The measure was struck down, meaning the largest medical association in the country, Texas Medical Association, believes physicians have the right to force their patients to undergo any treatment or procedure of their choosing. (3/3)

Excelsior 4 points ago +4 / -0

Joe Rambo @BrainStorm_Joe 💥WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST HEAR?! 💥 LISTEN!!! 💥

First Trump basically says there are investigations going on... "Let's see what happens."

But then.... Did he just admit the MILITARY is in charge right now?!

He "hopes the military revolts at the ballot boxes"?!! Has the Military been in charge this whole time?

Is that why he said we are in his second term now?

Devolution proof @patel_patriot ??

What did you hear?

Excelsior 19 points ago +19 / -0

The way I interpret it is, President Trump knew a long time ago that:

  1. He would be indicted and convicted, and

  2. His sentencing date would fall on July 11 (7/11), and that he made the comment as an inside joke.

Or it's just a coincidence and I need to get more sleep

Excelsior 11 points ago +12 / -1

I believe we can all agree that President Trump would not confuse 9/11 & 7-11.

So having said that …

In this clip, he does just that. Seemingly “confusing” 9/11, and 7-11.

Here’s the catch: This clip is from 8 YEARS AGO. Before he was even elected.

Nothing to see here. Just 7/11 comms 8 years before his sentencing date of 7/11.

Full. Control.


Excelsior 1 point ago +1 / -0

Saw this. Dang. Once again, the 24 to 48 hour rule in effect. Thx

Excelsior 3 points ago +3 / -0

$400 million, but who's counting

Excelsior 18 points ago +18 / -0

Lord, please give T's parents relief from their suffering and help them reclaim their relationship with You. Give them the wisdom, discernment, and understanding to reestablish a new loving relationship with You that is stronger and more glorious than ever. Amen.

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