FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good question. Well, there are a few elements here, I think.

Firstly, ultimately, we need to grasp that truth has both an internal dimension and an external dimension, just like the cosmos and just like the human being. Religious pursuit (i.e. via scripture and teachings) is how God has been revealing internal (spiritual) truth, and science research is how God has been revealing external (material) truth.

Today we live in a situation where the external truth has been revealed to an off-the-charts level. Whereas our last significant spiritual update was 2000 years ago.

So, in fathoming the truth behind scripture, we also have to apply some of our external knowledge and understanding, including logic.

Looking at every single living creature that God created, every single thing grows to maturity through a growth process that takes time. Everything. And by and large everything follows a pattern: being conceived (or sprouting, eg), developing rudimentary and basic functions, a flourish of growth, then a maturing or ripening, leading to full completion of the growth cycle.

When we consider this, it is completely logical to posit that God created Adam and Eve to grow from being born, through basic development (childhood), growth spurt, then maturing to full adulthood (just like Jesus).

When the scripture says God created or shaped Adam from the dust of the earth, then breathed the spirit into him, its easy to understand this as a metaphorical description of God creating, over time, the human form, and then, at the right time, breathing His spirit into it.

The idea here is that Adam and Eve were born and had to grow, just like every human being including Jesus. But the difference is, before Adam and Eve, no one had God's spirit. They were 'dust' (aka material without the spirit or soul).

In scripture, we also read that Jesus perfected himself through his sufferings. This is direct evidence that although Jesus was born sinless, he was not born 'perfect' or fully mature, [perfected here meaning the development process being fully complete. Jesus himself had to grow and mature physically, but also spiritually, we find.

Also, the fact that Adam and Eve could fall (death meaning becoming separated from God and outside of the realm of God's lifegiving governance) directly implies that they were immature and not complete. If someone who was complete and perfected, aka perfectly good, could fall, this implies God himself could fall, and this we know is impossible.

The fact that they fell and were given guidance meant to deter them from making a fatal mistake shows that they were immature, still capable of deviating from the path of truth.

So in this case, I think that application of logic and understanding of God's entire created world helps us to decipher the meaning behind the symbols and story in Genesis. The scripture itself, however, is very rudimentary, and the fact that the meaning of the Eden story and the 'fruit' has been argued and debated and led to some strange interpretations (it was an apply! No, it was a pineapple!) over millenia is evidence that we have needed to mature ourselves (internally and externally) to get to the point where we could grasp its real significance. I mean, that's my opinion.

We can see from the entire universe that God's own nature has a mathematical aspect to it. The beauty and harmony of mathematics is an expression of God's own harmonious nature.

Another aspect about God expecting or waiting on a level of maturity can be seen in the fact that the providence of salvation has taken time. Why did God wait 2 thousand biblical years before calling Abraham? Why did God wait 2000 years after Abraham before sending Jesus? Logically, we can understand that there is some process that involves time here.

Sometimes I think that the Q drops themselves are almost a symbolic version of scripture. in Scripture, God has made 'drops' that indicate a much larger overall 'map' but sometimes it is only understood later (future proves past), or after certain events have happened.

for me, personally, considering the overall nature of providence as revealed through scripture, I find the view that Adam and Eve fell during a period of immaturity to make the most sense.

FractalizingIron 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is a lot of other evidence that we can bring to bear to the idea that Lucifer tempted Eve into a sexual union.

One aspect is to run an analysis on the fruit itself: was it a literal fruit? Symbolic?

Another is an examination of the trees in the garden, the Tree of Life and the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. What might they symbolize?

Another aspect is the idea of why on earth God would put the fruit in the Garden in the first place.

Then you have the historical reality, of how sex, which should be the most holy and previous act, became so degraded and has been used by evil to corrupt people for millenia.

The metaphor of 'eating' as used in the books of Solomon, etc.

There is a lot more, as well, because it is really only in an overall comprehensive interpretation of scripture that this interpretation makes sense.

On another note, the blessing that God gave Adam, to 1) be fruitful 2) multiply and 3) subdue the earth and establish governance over it is a formula encoding the blueprint by which Adam (and humanity) should fulfill the purpose of creation.

When is a tree 'fruitful'? When it is mature. What is fruit God is referring to? It is the maturing of love, the capacity to love as God loves. So the 1t blessing can be seen as first of all, maturing to become "perfect as your heavenly father is perfect". Second, multiply. If a man perfected in God's love were to unite with a woman perfected in God's love and form a family, the children would already be born with a direct and full connection to God's love, as god would be 100% present in the act of sexual union. Such a family, multiplied through a clan, society, to form nations and the world, would be true family under God. The third blessing is to then engage with the creation from the position of being completed united with God's love, loving and caring for creation with God's heart.

The idea of the fall as the sexual union begins to take more significance in that it was engaged 'out of the proper order'. In other words, neither Adam nor Eve grew to complete maturity and oneness with God, because the period for them to do this required their unchanging faith in the commandment "not to eat the fruit'.

If they fulfilled the first blessing, then the need for the commandment would have evaporated when God blessed them as man and wife to engage in sexual union and form a family under his blessing.

There is no record in scripture of God ever blessing the union of Adam and Eve. in fact, they produced offspring outside of the Garden, AFTER they fell.

All that said, I strongly agree that the issue of bloodlines and lineage and the spiritual dimensions of these is key to the entire providence of salvation.

FractalizingIron 5 points ago +6 / -1

Nope. Well yes and no.

This is how I understand it:

Firstly, we need to understand the relation between the spirit and the flesh. Human beings, created as God's children, have a spirit (which is incorporeal, comprised of elements of the spiritual world) and a body (which is corporeal, comprised of the elements of the material world). Angels, however, are created with only an incorporeal body, aka spirit.

Human beings can interact with Angels because we have spirit. We can interact with the created material universe, because we have flesh. God created human beings as a microcosm of the creation: both spirit and flesh.

Adam and Eve could freely interact with Lucifer, an Archangel, because unfallen and pure, they had no impediments to spiritual communication. This is why they could also freely talk with God the Creator.

But prior to the creation of Adam and Eve, the archangels were at the complete top of the hierarchy of love, they receive God's love more than any other creature. They were the conduit for God's love and commands to the entire angelic world. After Adam was created, with both spirit and flesh, Lucifer felt jealous, thinking Adam was now the top dog, the most beloved of God.

That jealous feeling in Lucifer started to grow, and clouded his judgment. He thought he knew everything, and thought his evaluation that he should still be at the top was correct (it wasn't). He began to feel more distant from God, and slowly felt a lack of love. Then, seeing Eve, who as God's precious daughter was pure and beautiful, Lucifer felt powerfully attracted by her love.

Over time, they engaged more and more, and Lucifer began to tell lies to Eve, eventually seducing her to "eat the fruit".

What is the fruit? The fruit of a tree is that part of the tree where the seed for the next generation resides until it is planted. Here, the "fruit' of the tree symbolizes the love of Eve. When Lucifer tempted Eve to 'eat the fruit' he seduced her into a spiritual sexual relationship. is that possible? yes. The spirit is the model for the flesh. So spiritually, humans and angels have the same normal makeup we see in the flesh.

So while the union between Eve and Lucifer was sexual (love) in nature, it was not material, only spiritual.

But when Even then went to Adam, and tempted him, Eve and Adam "ate the fruit' by uniting in sexual love physically.

These are the two stages by which humanity fell and came under Satan's dominion. First, the 'spiritual fall' and then the 'material fall'.

What about Cain and Abel?

Well, as soon as Adam and Eve fell, God began work to restore them back. This meant reversing the fall. But how could he relate to Adam? God is only good, and Adam was now a mixture of Good and Evil, his good nature originally from God but now he had inherited evil nature from Lucifer, who had become Satan, via the relationship that Eve and then Adam had with Lucifer.

In order to relate to Adam, God symbolically divided Adam into symbolic (or relative) evil and symbolic (relative) good. Cain, the elder, represented the first fall, the one between Lucifer and Eve. That was more evil, because Lucifer was NEVER meant to be Eve's love partner. Abel, the younger, represented the second fall, which although evil, was relatively less evil because Adam was originally created to be Eve's love partner.

So God had Cain and Abel both make an offering, but he could accept Abel's because Abel represented relative good. He rejected Cain's because Cain represented relative evil.

Then, after the offerings, if Cain could humble himself to Abel, and acknowledge that Abel had God's favor, and then ask Abel to intervene for him to God, Cain would have done exactly what Lucifer was unable to do towards Adam. By Cain being humble to Abel, this would reverse the actions of Lucifer being arrogant and instead destroying Adam by tempting Eve.

Gen 4:7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you refuse to do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires you, but you must master it.

What was it for Cain to "do what is right"? It was to, from the position of relative Evil, do the opposite of what Lucifer did, and humble himself to the one that God favored: Abel.

So, in conclusion, Eve's love and sexual relationship (in spirit) with Lucifer could not bear children, because Lucifer had no flesh. However, because Adam and Eve became love partners not under God's blessing, but via Lucifer's temptation, they became the 'children' of Lucifer, and all humanity thus became the lineage of Satan.

This is the reason why everyone must be reborn through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Because we are born into the fallen lineage of Adam and Eve, aka Satan's lineage. This is exactly why we must "be adopted" into God's family.

Adam should have been the one who started God's family on the earth, by resisting temptation, and then after perfecting himself in faith, united with Eve under God's blessing. But he failed, and so Christ had to come as the 2nd Adam, to become the ancestor of God's family. To join that family, we must believe in Jesus and be reborn through the holy spirit.

Romans 8:23 Not only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

But here is the thing. Because the Fall took place in two stages - spiritual and then material - likewise, salvation (restoration) comes in two stages: We receive spiritual salvation through faith in Jesus and the Cross, and being reborn in the holy spirit BUT our flesh is still under Satan's claim.

Rom 7:25 Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with my mind I serve the law of God, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.

This is why the Second Coming is necessary. Christ at the first coming accomplished spiritual salvation (rebirth to God's lineage, spiritually) but had to pay the price of his flesh to accomplish this (the cross). The second coming is to complete the process, and restore our flesh as well as spirit, so that humanity is reborn both spiritual AND physically into God's lineage and out of Satan's dominion.

Until the second coming, everyone is born as an offspring of Satanic roots. But, the framework of Elder brother - Younger brother is continually used in God's providence to reverse the effects of the Fall and build god's foundation. Cain-Abel, Isaac-Ishmael, Esau-Jacob, Ephraim-Manesseh, etc.

The product of the relationship between Eve and Lucifer was the fallen spiritual lineage. The product of the relationship between Eve and Adam cemented that spiritual lineage in to human flesh.

Hope that helps.

Edit: addendum: Even though Lucifer felt jealous and his judgment became clouded, this would NOT be a problem if Eve and Adam kept faith in the commandment. So, God know that Lucifer might develop a problem, but he trusted that Adam and Eve would keep faith in his commandment not to eat the fruit, and know that if they DID keep faith, it would neutralize Lucifer's ability to fall and become Satan.

It was Eve's responsibility to believe the command and NOT respond to Lucifer (not eat the fruit)). But ultimately, it was Adam's responsibility to keep faith and NOT respond to Eve or Lucifer, either. This is another reason why Christ comes as a man: to restore Adam's failure. Christ fulfills the responsibility of man, because he is one in perfect union with God, the Word of God perfected in the Flesh.

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

She's great. A big plus for the patriots...

"you can't make up her level of 4-non-dumb-blonde bitch"

Or can you?


FractalizingIron 5 points ago +5 / -0

Whew. Yeah, the comment section. Someone's opinion.

My opinion: Harari is one of the high priests of globalist satanism. Monster? Yep.

FractalizingIron 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ask yourself: would the Deep State be really happy about AOC and what she is doing? Would they be saying to her, behind closed doors, "Great Job! You are making a big impact! More and more people dislike Trump and dislike MAGA and love more and more the Marxist agenda!!! Great Job!!!"

Somehow I do not think that is what they would be saying, so I have to question, is she really doing their bidding? Or something else?

Infiltration goes both ways.

FractalizingIron 7 points ago +7 / -0

One, how fricken' awesome is Trump visiting the Bronx!!!! Ncswic....

Two: Ask yourself (in the topic of AOC, which for some pedes in this thread seems to be the most important (?) noticable (?) attention worthy (?) aspect of the story, rather than the incredible crowds that DJT is bringing together..... but in any case)

Is what AOC has been doing actually helping the Democrat Party?

Is it hurting Donald Trump?

If you are reacting to AOC instead of observing, dispassionately and objectively, you might just miss some interesting points.

For example, what is the tangible effect (the impact) of speaking out about Trump in the way she is as described in this article?

While rabid lefties, neo-Marxists and purple-haired activist fems will cheer on AOC because she speaks directly to their myopia and ideological prejudices, what about the rest of America?

Does AOC speaking out about Trump in the Bronx minimize the impact of the trials and the campaign power that DJT is garnering through the trial process, or does it maximize it?

Step back from your biases for a minute, and reflect on what sort of impact AOC has actually had since her time in congress:

One, she highlights perfectly and effectively the insanity of the rabid marxist positions.

Two, she provides more meme cannon material than almost anyone, except perhaps Joe Biden.

The boarder Issue? The destruction of jobs in NY (Amazon)? teh crazy notions of the Green New Deal?

Considering the net effects, anons should quietly consider whether in fact AOC is HELPING the patriot and maga cause rather than harming it.

If so, why? Stupid? or actually smart? Just a constant stream of bumbles, or actions designed to highlight the failure of the Democrat Left and their crazy agendas?


In husbandry, a Judas goat is: a goat that has been specially trained to lead sheep or other livestock, especially to the slaughtering place in a stockyard or meat processing facility

Responding is better than reacting. Maga normies will naturally react to AOC because they cannot understand that there is in fact a psywar underway, and that the war involves a war of narratives and characters designed to wake up America and undermine the very foundations of the Deep State Control. But anons should be able to consider alternative perspectives.

Maybe AOC is as dumb as she pretends, or maybe she isn't. But it seems to me that nothing she has done or ever does really aids the enemy. Rather, the impact of her actions only seems to enhance the power of our memes and highlight the rabid extremism that a lot of Middle America have been ignorant of or complacent to.

As such, it's worth at least considering the possibility that she is in fact an operative with a mission to undermine the Left and expose them more.

We know that she is in fact a literal actor......

But who is she acting for?


FractalizingIron 14 points ago +14 / -0

The foundation of evil is the lie. The untruth. Where it all started. Human responsibility lies in the fact that we accepted the untruth, and believed it. To reverse that, we have to disbelieve the lies, and finding the truth, unite with it in belief. This is the responsibility that lies on each person's head, regardless of race, creed or color. When the collective force of our collective re-union with truth achieves a certain threshold, the entire house of cards of lies will come crashing down.

the WHs wear the armor of God.

Most certainly.

That prompts me on a topic I have been thinking about and would like to post in coming weeks. The idea of "white hats" on the ground (the earthly plane) and "white hats" in heaven (the spiritual plane). Those on the earth are not always aware of what Heaven is doing or has been doing, but the ultimate backstop is the spiritual plane.

"God works in mysterious ways..." Many things that happen on earth are orchestrated by the heavenly forces in the spirit realms, but what the mechanics are, and how heaven works, that is a topic I think is worth exploring.

FractalizingIron 35 points ago +35 / -0

By the way, this description of patriots in control can reasonably be extended theologically to the view that "God is in control".

God is in control does not mean God determines all things and all events. Rather, it means that the victory over the enemy is underway, a process in progress, wherein the Creator has the upper hand. The Enemy, however, can still cause damage and attack and even cause delays, but ultimately, the Enemy's defeat is pre-determined.

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

kek. Au contraire, mon frer!

I think the two analogies are complimentary. And in some ways, the war one speaks to certain realities - like the enemy still having capability to cause havoc, destruction or trouble - even while the overall direction is dominated by the Allies.

On a slightly tangential note, earlier on when Q was dropping, I thought the following was a good analogy to describe one aspect of the operation:

Think of a highly complex massive bomb that needs to be disarmed. It might take 1000 different steps to properly disarm it, with each step having its own risks. In this analogy, the global Cabal is the bomb. White hats had to take steps to disarm it step by step, and this takes time. And it's WHY it takes time, not something that can just be done all at once.

I think the first Trump administration was primarily about the disarming phase. So that the Cabal could not .... just drop a dirty bomb somewhere, or trigger meltdown somewhere, etc.

In this analogy, the disarming of the bomb (think 007 in Fort Knox disarming a nuclear device) required a very specific sequence and series of 'events' that culminated in a neutered Cabal.

So that the Biden/wakeup phase could take place with minimal concrete damage, the Cabal's capacity to detonate many of its previously existing boobytraps having been neutralized.

FractalizingIron 8 points ago +8 / -0

Updoogle. See how our anon thinking has matured over the years?

Some are still in kindergarten, some in elementary school, some in high school, but a heck of a lot are in college and graduate school and have already graduated.

Steering the overall ship. Indeed.

FractalizingIron 17 points ago +17 / -0

Great analogies.

Another one I like is the concept of a chess game. At some point, one of the players can gain enough control of the game board that the options of the other side constantly dwindle and dwindle with subsequent moves, until at some point, they have zero options and checkmate is complete.

The control does not start when checkmate is complete and the opponent has zero moves. In a game between masters, it starts much earlier and very often the opposing side is actually unaware that they have lost control until well into the 'controlled' phase.

FractalizingIron 5 points ago +5 / -0

Vigilance is the price of mental and emotional liberty. The product of exercising and building the muscles of discernment is vigilance.

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

Updoogle. Great post. Worthwhile message.

to fight against the evil that has befallen our nation and entire world.

Just a tiny quibble. IMO, we're fighting against the evil that befell our world many millennia ago. The ancient war between good and evil has reached a significant inflection point, where the internal victory won two thousand years ago has progressed and expanded and is now transforming into and expanding into the external victory.

But that's my view. Not meaning at all to take away from your much appreciated message.

Double updoogle if I could...

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll just say that on its own, the HH itself does not raise too much of a big red flag (the absence of credit, publication under their own name, etc, are a red flag tho), but in combination with other avenues that Najadi has been promoting, some of which were very clearly fake (fraudulent) news websites, the pattern or picture that the various aspects paint is highly suspicious in the least.

To get the overall picture, one should consider not just the individual nodes, but the overall combination of various factors, including:







I do think you are making some good counter arguments to my conclusions, and that's productive, imo.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

*Jon Harold

And thanks for sharing your experience.

In my own opinion, I don't think Johnson's message is actually on point, because of the critical issue of Potus and Cic. Even if the content he shares is 90% accurate, it doesn't necessarily mean that the other 10% also is.

But each to his own. I'm just sharing the things I found when digging in to Johnson, and some of the conclusions I drew for myself. Each of us has to draw our own conclusions, and I don't think anyone is 100% right all the time.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

In my view, there are two primary aspects here. One, the substance itself, and two, the agenda of those engaging in the information war.

I don't personally feel like I have issues with Johnson's "style" but rather his agenda.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure. I made zero statement or claims about the content, although personally I agree with Jon Harold that Devolution does not require, and in fact in many ways contradicts the idea that DJT is Potus and CIC.

And I notice that Najadi and Johnson push that line really hard, which I think is actually misleading and not serving the community well.

Also, both claim that they are instruments of 'disclosure'.

Naturally, its a good thing to promulgate effective theories and ideas, and facts and information, but not giving credit where it is due taints the effectiveness.

Add 5% poison to a wholesome 95% nutritious source, and it can had adverse impacts.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Overall, we can safely confirm that Hindustan Herald is not a shell site created by Najadi to make himself look legit.

I agree.

Rather, Hindustan Herald appears to be a media project by the Mavilach Group, part of whose business is - I suspect - to promote people in media when paid to do so.

Note, the article in Hindustand Herald (Feb 15) is the same article printed in the other media platforms, but in HH, it is credited to the "Herald Desk", whereas in Vents Magazine (Jan 22), it is credited to "Ted Fuel".

The same article was published in "the New Jersey Times" in December, and credited to "Little Mavilach".

So, who actually wrote the article? If HH is legit, why do they not give credit to or name the original author? It is clear from the timeline that the original did not source from HH. What legitimate aka not for sale Journalistic Media site/organization fails to give credit to the original?

Based on the information I have seen, including Linked in and other Mavilach connections, I woudl conclude that Ranakar Mavilach runs a "publications for $$$" enterprise which runs some semi-legitimate and also non-legitimate media sites and then sells his capacity to publish things some people want for $$$$.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

As far as I know, Jon H certainly recognizes that Wictor was the first one to bring up the notion of devolution, but its also true that Harold did a mountain of research on the topic that Wictor never presented.

I'm sceptical of Johnson ot necessarily because much or all of his content is bogus (most of it isn't as far as I can tell) but because of his approach and how he self-promotes with self-aggrandizing narratives...

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