FreedomPatriot 21 points ago +21 / -0

We tried in every form possible to warn them and try to enlighten them. I do feel some sympathy for them, but what we all had to endure was worse. We were spit on, shamed, cursed, fired, threatened, and even feared for our lives. We were thrown out of most public places. We had difficulty even getting groceries or seeking medical services. Yes, I have a heart and do feel for them.... to a point. But what makes all of this even more tragic is that they voted for these people and will more than likely vote for them again. Did they learn anything? One could hope. Most of these people are the same ones who are still supporting and encouraging all the insanity in our society now. Most of them will still go to the voting booth in November and happily cast their vote for the same evil people who they still support and believe today. I have two grown children who got multiple of the shots and no matter what I said or how I tried to show them the facts, they shunned me and did it anyway. I also know that they will be voting the same way in November. Also, both of them have chronic breathing problems with other ailments. Some people are just so indoctrinated that it seems nothing can penetrate that armor.

FreedomPatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not all women are the same. Yes, there are those bleeding heart, social justice, weak minded, and "I am equal" women, but there are also a lot of patriotic, constitutional, save our nation, and will to do anything to protect our country women. A lot of great things came about when women had the right to vote. It ended a lot of barbaric practices that where forced on women and children.

FreedomPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think she isn't getting enough oxygen to her brain.

FreedomPatriot 6 points ago +7 / -1

Really hoping that this will not be his pick.

FreedomPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know what they were saying, but Vivek is starting to give me the Heebie Jeebies.

FreedomPatriot 16 points ago +16 / -0

Hee hee, maybe we should start suing these people for trying to obstruct our constitutional right to vote for who we want for any political position. That might start shutting down some of this bs if they are now having to be on the defense. This insanity should be able to work both ways.

FreedomPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where are the hearings and outrage for this "insertion" at the capital? People could have died. The pounding and thrusting was out of control. Or was this another one of those "guided" tours?

FreedomPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ya'll there is a second "Christmas" video on her twitter page with the song "It's starting to look like Christmas" playing, and it is showing all the rooms decorated. There is this one room that seriously gives me the creeps. WHY would you put a kids bed up on a platform surrounding by books (not Christmas related) and creepy looking picture on wall, and some weird reflective symbol on the middle table with a book. And that is just the beginning of the creepiness in this room.

FreedomPatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

Looks like maybe Lady GG has been groomed to be Abramovic's protege and replacement in time. If you have looked into their relationship, it is very strange.

FreedomPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

It wouldn't hurt my feelings if all of Hollywood just faded away into the abyss. They haven't produced anything of any worth in years. All of them are way over paid for pretending and make believe. Maybe if they all had to get real jobs and actually work, it might teach them some reality. As far as the "grunts" go, hate it for you but there are other and much better ways of earning a living.

FreedomPatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

They are going to try and put Tom Emmer up as SOH. This would be a nightmare. He HATES Trump and MAGA. He would be worse than McCarthy. But the RHINOS and swampy republicans want to keep the swamp deep and slimy.

FreedomPatriot 14 points ago +14 / -0

Something seems so odd with all of this. Just a weird feeling.

FreedomPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorta feels like holy water has been sprinkled around and now we can see and hear the swamp creatures as they writhe and squirm.

FreedomPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doesn't this sound like a round a bout admission that they have been "programming" "their" followers and voters. To them, anyone not following instep with their agenda is perceived to be "programmed". So, if you think for yourself and are not a lefty walker, then you are "deplorable" and "programmed". It sorta gives me comfort to think she is lying awake at night fretting that millions of people are still able to think and stand up for themselves. Oh, and that we are pushing back now.... hard.

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