Gitmo-or-Bust 7 points ago +7 / -0

Great question.! Likely as it has it will go back down again. But remember, at some point it will be TOO LATE. But for sake of argument if you truly feel this is the plan and will be the greatest wealth transfer ever seen then let’s say GME runs to $100,000/share. Are you gonna care if you bought in at $10 or $37……? The only thing that matters is that you have some and it it purchased via Computershare or transferred into Computershare via your broker so you have direct registered shares in YOUR NAME, not I owe U’s from Cede & Conpany.

Gitmo-or-Bust 9 points ago +9 / -0

Pretty succinct summary if you ask me. This is exactly what I think is going to happen at some point. Can will be kicked and kicked until it can no longer be.

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why even sell at $100..? We’re talking about a brick and mortar store selling obsolete video games and Pokémon cards that shouldn’t even be publicly traded over $1/share. But why is it.? Naked shorts baby and they are all coming due just hang on. You’ll regret selling any at $100 when you see where this thing ends up.!

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol. I just went back after not logging in for over a year just to make sure I still knew how.!

Gitmo-or-Bust 2 points ago +2 / -0

Me gots 167 DRS’d. Wish I had bought moar but realistically the price we’ll get for each this should be plenty.

Gitmo-or-Bust 1 point ago +1 / -0

$100,000 gets my first share to sell. Not a penny less

Gitmo-or-Bust 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just go directly to Computershare.com, they are the registrar of record for many stocks including GME (GameStop). Enter your banking info and transfer funds in, then select stocks to purchase. This will PUT YOUR NAME on the actual shares, rather than some brokerage saying they reap resent those shares which they may or may not even have. The cat is out of the bag here folks - possibly hundreds of millions if not billions of fake, synthetic GME shares were sold in an attempt to bankrupt them and drive them under - at which point all of the naked shorts are forgiven and do not have to be repurchased. Ryan Cohen has the stock market by the balls and this stock is going to be worth a lot of money at some point. It’s not about brick and mortar storefronts selling used video games and Pokémon cards people…..! The value in GME is all of the naked shorts waiting to be repurchased and bankrupting hedgefunds and banks the world over. Seriously, if not for the shorts this shit wouldn’t be worth $1 / share. Do yourself a favor anons and go to Computershare.com and buy just a few direct registered to yourself. Once the float is 100% direct registered and accounted for in retail investors hands….its Gameover and each one of those GME stocks may rival Bitcoin in value.

Gitmo-or-Bust 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve got 167 direct registered in MY NAME @ Computershare…….not Cede & Company 🤣. Hope that will be enough when Gmerica takes over the stock market and blockchain functions of a fair and true market.

Gitmo-or-Bust 3 points ago +3 / -0

There’d be way too many excessive use of force and lawsuits.

Gitmo-or-Bust 3 points ago +3 / -0

Many signs and biblical references surely point in that direction friend. Claiming it won’t because it hasn’t happened yet surely doesn’t mean this won’t be it. If you watch any well-read prophetic videos on YouTube that lay out all of the symbolism, aligned with prophecy and then lay out the 2017, 2018, 2024 eclipse paths forming Hebrew symbols, the 2017 going through 7 Salems and this one through 7 Ninevahs……for everyone here following Q and stating ‘how many conincidences’ over and over - you have to say the same thing about the biblical autists who have laid out all of the information that this may not be any normal eclipse, but signs in the sky that would indicate major biblical happenings.

Just remember the story Jonah who was told to visit Ninevah and warn them of great destruction if they did not repent and stop their evil ways. He tried to run away but was swallowed by a whale and spat out on the shores of Ninevah to complete what God had asked of him. And when he spoke to the people to forewarn them of Gods plans for them if they did not repent guess what happened. That’s right - the sky went dark. Probably just another coincidence though.

Gitmo-or-Bust 3 points ago +3 / -0

TX, MO, PA, Nova Scotia all have Ninevahs not sure about the others claimed. It will be a direct hit on Ninevah TX just before gets to me an hour later. Folks and campers are lining up already in my home town of Paris, TX.

I’m personally pulling for the RAPTURE and start of the great tribulation. See y’all gathered up in the clouds friends.!

Gitmo-or-Bust 5 points ago +5 / -0

He’s into a 12 pack and half a dozen bloody Mary’s by noon - I’d have 0 fucks to give as well.

Gitmo-or-Bust 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have you ever let a chocolate shake sit out and get warm….? McMucus..!

Gitmo-or-Bust 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol. Always regret it 20 minutes later…..but man it’s good going down.

Gitmo-or-Bust 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. Definitely gives us hope. I will not hijack this thread but we just had our 9 year old black lab/Great Dane mix shelter rescue dog diagnosed with lung cancer. Sam has had some labored Breathing and coughing for the past 2 weeks. Got him in last week and they gave him steroids and antibiotics hoping maybe it was just a tick-borne illness and lung infection. The X-rays today revealed several tumors just above his heart near the trachea and the lungs were peppered with small nodules we are assuming is cancerous. We are also starting fenbendazole treatment tomorrow along with low sugar tuna/chicken diet - see if we can’t also make an improvement. I’ll start our own treatment daily thread for Sam tomorrow. While many here have heard anecdotal stories of fenbendazole treatments I have a personal friend that took it about 1.5 years ago. He had colon cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes. They performed surgery and removed the tumor and a section of his colon and inserted a chemo-catheter in his chest which he was supposed to start week or two after surgery. He decided to do the fenbendazole treatments for 3 months before going down the chemo route. Petscan 3 months later revealed he was cancer free and the chemo-catheter was removed. He had stayed on a lower schedule prophylactic dose since then and remains cancer free. It obviously can work

Gitmo-or-Bust 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not familiar with any of them - I think just hang out here and you’ll be up to speed in not too long.

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