GodsWordIsTrue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Two years of Biden has been tough on everyone.

GodsWordIsTrue 3 points ago +3 / -0

According to the Mayo Clinic: Decreased risk of penile cancer. Although cancer of the penis is rare, it's less common in circumcised men. In addition, cervical cancer is less common in the female sexual partners of circumcised men.

GodsWordIsTrue 3 points ago +3 / -0

I found this 7 year old video very insightful. Paul Craig Roberts lays out exactly what has happened this past year. According to him, it was not an accidental ignoring of warnings. It was deliberate. Basically, neocons hate Russia, because Russia thwarted their agenda in Iran and Syria. So, they deliberately used Ukraine to bring us to a point of conflict with Russia. Their goal is regime change in Russia. https://youtu.be/Il-Bbw6XJVc