GodzillaTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thats why a constitutional amendment was passed. So short of that, if the constitution doesnt deal with it , it goes to the states until you amend it.

GodzillaTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well we stopped keeping track of where presidents and VPs are from after Obama. We good.

GodzillaTrump 4 points ago +4 / -0

States can just have differing laws…no national consensus needs to emerge. Thats the whole point of federalism.

GodzillaTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Earth was scorching hot all over when it was formed and has been cooling ever since. They need to stop with “Earth” as if they know the whole of earths history of temperature

GodzillaTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have never seen anyone say that they had actually seen it just that they had heard about it. And no one ever seems to say where it supposedly was

GodzillaTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Being serious…field sobriety tests wont be enough for the legal process…to easily challenged in court.

GodzillaTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably need some enforcement mechanisms that arent in place though. The equivalent of a weed breathalizer for traffic enforcement etc

GodzillaTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like i said thats my experience at my lodge. And i have been a mason for 13 years so Ive been around. Its certainly possible there are masons that are bad guys but theres a bunch of us conservative Jesus loving dudes in our lodge who love America. Again appreciate your concern but i would say it would be better served reaching out to those guys you know and having a conversation with them

GodzillaTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brother, this may come as a shock that you will refuse to accept, but i havent taken any oath that conflicts with my duty to God or myself.

Upon becoming a mason, i promised myself and God that if I came across anything that even SEEMED against Him i would leave immediately. What i have experienced is quite the opposite of what people say. This is just my experience. I appreciate the empathy you have for me but I just think its misplaced

GodzillaTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean it kind of looks like it but again aprons are square so it immediately DOESNT look like it to me…if that makes sense.

GodzillaTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

On top of reading the stage directions…You dont start 4 more years chants for yourself! Lol

GodzillaTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

First, what Moses told his soldiers in war times is not the same thing as God telling us how to live right now. Second, the passage you quoted does not say to rape them. In fact, Israelites were only allowed to marry foreign women if they were captives of war. So this passage is stating that rather than killing everyone, you may spare the young women and take them as your wives if you wish.

Now, rape is specifically mentioned in the old testament (Genesis 34, 2 Samuel 13, Judges 19) and in ALL cases it is addressed in a negative light and carries significant consequences.

All this aside, Jesus in the New Testament further lays out that sexual immorality, even mere sensuality, is wrong.

If youd like more information as to context and meaning for some of these passages i recommend this read through


Please try to be informed about an entire subject before stating “facts.” God Bless. Turn to Christ and be free.

GodzillaTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have yall seen the video by “country club adjacent” of them roasting Trump right before he tees off on a Par 3 and just sails one right on to the green as if he heard none of it? Its incredible

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