Hendey127 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah lot of the protestors are someones kids so don't hurt them too bad. Just enough they will think twice next time.

Hendey127 -6 points ago +2 / -8

Gnosticism is knowing, luciferianism should be the following of the bearer of light, the morning star. So I guess they might be one and the same . Depending upon your interpretation of ancient greek. Personally i accept the Christ as the master, our teacher, the fathers son. I also believe he has been on this earth many times through the ages trying to lead mankind back to father god.

Hendey127 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Personally I think all religions excepting Islam has part of the big story right but not all. I just can't accept Islamic teachings, only thing I know good about Islam is that it did bring monotheistic belief to the sons of Ishmael. The story and teachings of the Christ are not simple but rather complicated. I tell people to get a red letter bible and read the red. The rest shouldn't be ignored but the Christ was the teacher, the master, the fathers son. What is the greatest commandment was asked, he replied love the father god with all your heart and your neighbor as youself. Simple yet complex.

Hendey127 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did a quick web search and I was right. The Bolsheviks closed the lodges, probably just killed them, they were known to do such.

Hendey127 -2 points ago +1 / -3

I cry BS. Freemasons were probably rounded up and killed by the Commies. Hitler rounded them up and threw them in camps. Fall of Iran, yes fall when the allatolia Kumanie guy took over. Yea I didn't spell it right. That was the end of freemasonry there. All over the world when fascism, or communism aka totalitarian regimes take over freemasons are persecuted. Don't try to push this bs.

Hendey127 2 points ago +2 / -0

He wouldn't make it past the ballot box to become a Mason. Besides a Mason has to Express a belief in Diety. Reminds me of an old saying, Is the Pope Catholic, this one sure isn't.

Hendey127 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why talk about a castrated goat? Spelling is important people, proof read before posting.

Hendey127 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lot of work doing the chip program. If just one lost kid gets found the work is worth it.

I just don't get it, why has people bought into the story that Masons are bad. I have given the 1st degree charge many times where the candidate is admonished to not argue with those who attack the fraternity. That and lies from its detractors.

Hendey127 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had an older friend ask me recently what woke meant. Thought about it briefly and replied, they are commies.

Hendey127 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't click on above links, might burn your eyeballs out. Bunch of nasty skanks in my opinion.

Hendey127 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hey but the current pope isn't even catholic. Queer, communist baby killer apologist. What can I say. Old joke, is the pope catholic, not anymore. Worthless heretic in my book, and I am one to disclaim many deemed as heretics by the church as heretics. Clown world we are living in. But I have to add and say, there are lots of good and godly people left in this world, just don't hold the present pope in that catagory.

Hendey127 2 points ago +2 / -0

Make them learn to use a mop then make them pay. Probably the only work these punks ever did if they had been forced to clean it up. Been my observation in life that working people stay out of trouble.

Hendey127 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think this is wasteful. Double decker cattle truck could haul many more and cheaper.

Hendey127 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember when the most controversial book in the school library was Catcher in the Rye, never read it, have a copy bought at a yard sale of the principles daughter. Classic

Hendey127 4 points ago +4 / -0

I like it. Any book brought into a school was approved by someone, or sent for approval, if they bought it using our money they are responsible for it.

Hendey127 -2 points ago +4 / -6

You have no idea what you are talking about. Every true and lawful freemason has expressed a belief in one living and true god, what name we call him is a mystery, should we call him Adonai, or our father which Jesus did. Only once a year was the high priest allowed to utter his name. Then only on the day of atonement. The greatest mystery of freemasonry is this, pondering upon the true name of God.

Hendey127 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds great, lucky guy. Ac dc or just dc. I got a savinelli pipe.

Hendey127 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idiots. Big problem in this country and others is there aren't enough master masons anymore. Last real master mason we had as president was Gerald Ford. Reagan was honorary having just recieving his entered apprentice degree. Idiots or should I say just ignorant. I will say that there are some clandestine groups out there which are giving the true lodges a bad name.

Hendey127 2 points ago +2 / -0

Get real people, teen girls reek in pheromones, probably why teen boys are stiff all the time. I have the old farmers attitude, keep the young heifers away from the bull until they are old enough. What I can't figure out is the interest in prepubescent kids. Just sick. Christ said whatever you do to the least among you so you do unto me. Let kids be kids, don't sexualize them.

Hendey127 -1 points ago +4 / -5


Last freemason we had as president was Gerald Ford. Ok, Reagan got his first degree but never advanced. Cheney was a member but was vp. Obama might have been a prince hall member but I have not seen documentation of where or when. But the prince hall lodges are still largely considered clandestine. I still say what this world needs are more master masons, God, your neighbor and yourself. The masonic lectures contain words of wisdom everyone should embrace, the world would be a better place if they did.

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