Kelsysanse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Burying one's head in the sand will do no good. Those who have accepted this poison have a long road ahead. Simply ignoring and hoping one will not be negatively affected is not a strategy. That would be the same philosophy that got people into this mess. Waiting for the authority to tell them what's good for them. I do not think it's hopeless, had one taken the shot, however if one continues to make no attempt at educating and working towards a health balance, good luck.

Kelsysanse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Simple. Do not engage. Don't demonize a service that you're dependant upon. Simply educating oneself to create the capacity for self dependence and the industry will die on the vine.

Kelsysanse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hoping that the people who committed the crimes find themselves guilty.

Kelsysanse 11 points ago +11 / -0

The plan only works if the useful idiots believe the tricks.

Kelsysanse 14 points ago +14 / -0

They never chose to mask peoples kids. Parental weakness did that. If we don't take personal responsibility we will be vulnerable to the next mass hysteria. Take the kids out of these situations. School is a broken system. Medicine is a broken system. If you continue to expose your children to these systems you will regret it. I was one thing in the age where our parents didn't know better. The difficult truths are now simply one click away.

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kanye isn't in control of neurolink or all these other nefarious companies. Happy the normies are getting exposed to the truth but the gate will still be kept. They are in for the long haul. Perhaps they have been given a part to play but I'd be wary of trusting anyone is the public realm.

Kelsysanse 18 points ago +18 / -0

Encourage everyone to remove their children asap from the indoctrination centers. God bless and God speed. The schools are designed to make slaves. They can no longer be an option for sending children.

Kelsysanse 0 points ago +2 / -2
  1. Makes money on space delusion
  2. Pro vaccine
  3. Pro neurolink
  4. Greatest benefactor to the carbon credit scheme(Tesla)

But but he s the saviour!!!! Ya ok

Kelsysanse 8 points ago +8 / -0

Zeolite, Sauna, Exercise, infrared, cold immersion (wim hoff), colloidal silver, breath work(wim hoff), activated charcoal, sun exposure, barefoot grounding, forest walking, dmso, ozone therapy, hydrogen gas therapies, massage, ionic foot bath, pine gum spirits(organic turpentine), colloidal copper, bentonite clay, cilantro, garlic, black seed oil, cold pressed olive oil. So many options, it takes diving deep and learning. Lots of options means lots of hope. God bless and God speed.

Kelsysanse 2 points ago +2 / -0

sHE means the light of Lucifer

Kelsysanse 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it's going to be the devastating realization you have been jabbed with a aids inducing poison. The collective fear and guilt, when that is first realized, is going to be a tough moment for humanity. People panicked over toilet paper.

Kelsysanse 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watch all things that are tied to silvergate bank. The straw that broke the camel's back. Controlled implosion of the markets. The traders are now fighting over the corpse. Don't fall into the safe crypto trap that has been laid. Don't bee tempted by the same beast that gave us the COVID "cure". Wild. Times.

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Theory they are prepping the masses to be able to pin the financial collapse on Biden and have heros swoop in with the complete Blockchain solution. Blockchain banking Blockchain everything then the slavery can be complete.

Kelsysanse 7 points ago +8 / -1

Try listening to Owen Benjamin. Victim mode is a democrat characteristic, try talking full responsibility for where you and your family are at. It's easy to play victim but the future is going to be great for those who accept responsibility for their own fate. Ultimately you have exposed your children to these troubles. It can be your opportunity to shield them from it in the future. The savior everyone is looking for is simply hiding within themselves waiting to emerge through responsible action. The leaves are on the trees the same now as they were long ago. We can't depend on the beast to educate our children then cry when they are exposed to this nonsense. We as a culture have chosen convenience over self responsibility. The time is now to move towards complete responsibility for our well being. That's a step most are unwilling to take. We like our principles but not enough to give up our treats. God bless and God speed.

Kelsysanse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Part of me thinks these people are infected with a type of parasite and the host is visible on the right side. If you look at just half of the face of these people such as Hillary or Obama the left half seems menacing and the right seems dopey. Maybe they've severed the harmony between the two halfs of the psyche. The left dominating over the right half of their being. Who knows. Bizarro world either way.

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope so cause then we all have a good chance. If that's The devil's pick for King I think humanity has a great opportunity for peace and success.

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +1 / -0

How could they stay ,even remotely, in order based on their masses and supposed speed we are said to be blasting through "space"? For even 100 years, Even ten? Just keep digging you'll see the truth. People getting the vaxx use the same logic. The good guys know the truth and they tell me the truth cause I'm the special smarty boy. No way the powers that be could ever profit on a make believe spinning ball. Good luck my friend.

Kelsysanse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay how have constellations maintained their pattern for thousands of years? How is it possible for them to remain fixed if gravity is law? Do all the stars have the same mass? How could orion's belt stay consistent? Hmm maybe like everything else we ve been brainwashed with, space could just be another convenient fairy tale half truth.

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