KillaKrayon 3 points ago +3 / -0

We're almost at peak United, after today with SCOTUS armed citizens are talking. In my heart I believe if a small band began to rise up it would case a ripple effect. Hell a false flag seeming like a fight back assault would kick it off. People are done hoping and waiting, they're being personally attacked and they're ready to push back against the Khazarian beasts destroying our country.

KillaKrayon 7 points ago +7 / -0

We do have some truths with him - We know he knows President Trump, he has evidence we're not aware of, with the evidence he's already posted. I can't believe a lawyer that successful and ready to retire would mislead everyone, risk his relationship with his family over this, and fighting in court when he was set, could have retired and stayed out of all of this nightmare. He's well within the know, maybe not everything but he knows a lot more than us eating crayons and pouring over Q posts.

KillaKrayon 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think he's alluding to the fact that MJ at the end was speaking out about abuse that happened. I'm not saying he's right - I'm going over the fact that it is believed they took MJ's final music and put some auto-tune to it and passed it off as the this POS wknd. I don't think MJ has any connections to Q or the pedo operations.

KillaKrayon 3 points ago +4 / -1

WTF - why is everyone down voting your comment? It is 100% spot on - They can not get Telegram to shut down and to remove it from the stores means they cut off communications for "Oppressed" users in Hong Kong and other parts of the world. They're gaslighting you to not trust or use it. Sigh - blue check marks that's a good one.

KillaKrayon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wont lie before I re-post the good news of the day on other social media to trigger liberals - I search for either the local affiliate or another source from the headline. But I appreciate the work u/winsanon does.

KillaKrayon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Feels like they're escalating the Protocols of Zion rather rapidly to me. Which I believe we're focusing on us inside the US so much we're missing the winning that is going on around the globe at this point. If Putin has put the big red 'X' on himself by removing Rothschild banking and putting national socialism in place it will be a stirring that can not go unanswered - like that guy in the 1930's did. I'm still not fully aware of how they managed to rid themselves of the Bolsheviks, but something tells me there is more Russia, Russia, Russia to come. Uranium One was going to be the blow but it was stopped by Trump, but who knows what could happen now with full control of America.

KillaKrayon 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's today or yesterday. Back in 2015 they were going to kick Putin in the balls for trying to do this with Uranium One. But Trump solved that. I think we're seeing the plan, slowly but we're seeing it. Putin is building a Nationalist Socialist state. May he fare better than Germany did.

KillaKrayon 6 points ago +6 / -0

Wait didn't that guy in Germany back in the 1930s try something like this? If I'm not mistaken it didn't go well.

KillaKrayon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait - I read your post and while you make a good argument. I believe Russia is a partner in the dismantling of the Cabal. Here is something to consider, it's been theorized that the Helsinki meeting and the soccer ball had the contents of Hillary Clintons email server - I know this is not proven but a Q theory none the less, right? Second Putin in 2015 began moving Russia away from Central Bank control - hence Uranium One, and as of recently he has completed such a task removing Rothschild from the Russian financial system - everyone who has done this or tried has died or had their nation destroyed. I believe Snowden may have other Intel that went to Putin pertaining the cabal - don't read much into this it's just my gut feeling so it could be bad tacos. But he had the access to a lot of Intel that even the government didn't know was hacked or captured. I agree he could be an outright spy and traitor. My next case is Russia has all the WWII Bolsheviks documents of their hand in making the holocaust stick and the Nuremberg trials. If you're not sure what I mean by this you need to dig into this. Russian Jews testify to what happened to German Jews. And they were known to wear German uniforms and fill mass graves. Just saying - imagine that getting out. Look at how much money Israel has sucked out of Germany because of it. Just saying.

KillaKrayon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unavailable, just so you know.

KillaKrayon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it was during the deport days. I've been here a lot more then TDW lately. This makes me home sick. Think I need to go tell my Pedes I love them...

KillaKrayon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I posted a lot about commies and free chopper rides. It appears to have been scrubbed during the original purge.... But i posted chopper frogs constantly - DIdn't make them but shared the link like crazy.

KillaKrayon 16 points ago +16 / -0

Just open with a video laden power point of Anthony Weiner's laptop folder 'Life Insurance' then Issac Kappy's Dead Man Switch, and after that's done have Donald walk down with a flash drive proclaiming 'The best is yet to come!'

KillaKrayon 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is to prove the issue to the 'Military' in an official complicity. This is the presentation of the election steal - we know this due to people wanting to do attempt something else like Tim Kaine - (J) Jesuit VA. The military can't pull off what happened in Myanmar without people knowing what happened for sure. That is my belief, but I'm a Crayon eating retard that's super glued his hands to this ass, what do I know.

KillaKrayon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah GeorgeNews is a scamming LARP like the Great Awakening Telegram group - although they've put some documents worth reading if you've not seen them on there. The only Telegram group I trust is Lin Woods he's been on Thrive Time and verified the account several times. The rest is just memes too me.

KillaKrayon 1 point ago +1 / -0

As you seem to have heard a bunch as well, if you don't mind what are your thoughts? I know I'm asking in an echo chamber but I listen to him and feel so many are accurate. But searching for more information on him there are a lot of 'false prophet' results. Then again the Jews said the same about Christ. Just wondering outside of the big 2014 one and the 2008 'Trump as a Trumpet'. I'm floored by some of this, but I also want to believe in the Prophecies yet to be fulfilled.

KillaKrayon 2 points ago +3 / -1

That's a damn awesome comment! Updoot just because I don't know what the deal is with George news, but Cybersec nerd in me feels this is off. Then again I felt the Absolute Proof video was off too considering the money he dumped into it. But I've spent years hacking hardware, coding backdoors, and spying on network traffic so I'm biased in the way they presented some of the system and network hacking. Yes the election was stolen, the software was hacked, and they tracked the IP Packets and and reverse DNS the IPs. End ADHD rant - George has not proven they're legit. I trust almost nothing coming from Telegram, and if you want people to be chatting together setup a 'VERIFIED' somehow George News chartroom on Telegram or something. Using YouTube makes me feel someone on the left is tracking conservatives. But I'm just a nerd what do I know.

KillaKrayon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just came across Kim Clement in the last few days. It's hard to just find straight prophecies from Clement but I have seen and heard a lot of the 2007, 2008, & 2014 ones. I found some 2010 today. He seems to have been right on so much regarding Trump and other things I've found he spoke of like hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. I'm going with 'believer' for the most part right now. I'm going to look into him more over the next few days. I know he had an interesting start in South Africa. But if judged by my past I'd be screwed too. What makes me believe in someone like him is did he take the money as spoils or did it get turned around and returned to ministry. That tells me a lot about a church and the leaders.

KillaKrayon 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know about Trey, I've seen the video and just look at him just saying the same thing as Clement. My focus has been on what Kim Clement has said and if he's actually legit. I feel he had some kind of connection as he's been right on other things so far. But then again a quick look into Clement and you'll see he was a grifter and drug addict in the 1970's and should have died in South Africa. All of the events lead him to the role he had until his death. I'm choosing to put faith in him untill after the second impeachment, if that goes badly and we're screwed well, false hopium vs never having any hopium.

KillaKrayon 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not so sure about that, I'm very skeptical of religious prophecies but he has been right a lot of the way with Trump. You may not believe it and that's fine. But the prophecy about Katrina in New Orleans was right the July before it happened, 2010 he called out Trump and in 2014 he called it and the impeachments. I'm willing to put faith in some of this. I'll say when the second impeachment happens we'll know if Clement was right. He called out the 'dwarf" in North Korea and said he would send his 'David' - his reference for Trump, who went to North Korea and crossed the DMZ and met with Kim Jong-Un. He's been more on the money than Q drops on my opinion.

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