LeKind 1 point ago +1 / -0

Weve tried before but its flooded with the misdirection news to keep us in procrastination.

This is from 9 months ago


We need upvotes and a infrastructure to organize in

LeKind 1 point ago +1 / -0

Until we come together already we are on a site that has the same template as reddit .. we need to mature and evolve as consumers.

We could start with a daily topic that doesn't come from the phantoms in power .

LeKind 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do we do to flying and airlines like what happened the internet and the smartphone..

Think about how heavy an airplane is and there are thousands in the air all the day all night with all the luggage and fuel and just FUCKING MASS of a Airliner.

Now how would i go about inventing that for the individual to fly preferably non gas and that could also go underwater and heat resistant really cover our bases.

Now theres the how .. now how do we take it in our own hand and produce CREATION of open source.

And outta the 9 billon people on this planet how has this not caught on .

LeKind 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alot more than most since you use words and thought.. so intuition based on confirmed global conspiracy and a wonder of why we are still in the dark even now so long after .

by BQnita
LeKind 3 points ago +3 / -0

And once we awaken to this that even if you reference the "game" it has always been theirs .. the voting the taxes, our freedoms and rights ... thats all the game they push...we can forge our own "game" with our communication devices that almost ever person can connect to and translate text.. this needs to be a world wide initiative .

LeKind 1 point ago +2 / -1

"We got our marching orders" because it was the time the President of the United States of America was to do what he was VOTED in by the People to do.

What he ran on and promised at all his Rallys to bring Law and Order..

Instead he exited stage left onto the stage of the same party that committed Treason against him and then to go on the very "news" network that promoted the crime!

He did not need to start a Maga or a Lion party because there was always a third option

Not D or R.. but I

He should have ran as an Independent.

There can be organization on this site or anywhere on the internet but think of how shallow it has become.. how many unique website do we visit each day?

LeKind 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its a uniparty willy, democrat republican its all the same and Trump just stuck with the team of all talk no action .. we are in for a ride now .. where we are heading i do not know .