MAGA_dino_GER 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've seen these exact headlines 2 years ago concerning militäry movement in the US to DC. Everybody on here was saying "Go time" and we drowned in videos of military convoys. In the end Biden called them in because riots were anticipiated and a perimeter around the capitol was established. In eccence, we were celebrating enemy movement. I won't hold my breath.

MAGA_dino_GER 10 points ago +10 / -0

The EU just declared gas and nuclear power "green". So, this is funny but in essence its shows that they do NOT want to destroy the energy marked. They want to look like they bow to the agenda while fucking it behind the curtain. Which is a good thing.

MAGA_dino_GER 17 points ago +17 / -0

As a german pede I always tense up when there is post about germany. I have not witnessed anything like what is written above, neither heat rationing nor swimming pools shutting down. Yes this country is cucked and all that, but no offence, the US dems are way worse than anything we have here. Best stick with news you can verify before believing something about a country most americans won't even be able to find on a world map.

MAGA_dino_GER 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just imagine TS, Trump... were larping to get attention for TS, looking through the Qposts to get all the right deltas etc. investing a ton of work an money into it for us to see. It would all come crushing down in an instance if it were a larp, if Q would just reappear on 8kun and verify its not him/them. Why would Trump... risk that? they could just go with the delta stuff without impersonating Q and still get a lot of attention if they would just be larping.

MAGA_dino_GER 4 points ago +4 / -0

thats actually a pretty solid explanation! Malls etc. are only for the vaxxed and perviously infected (2G as we call it). So they might have saparated the grocery entrance from the rest of the mall to allow unvaxxed only into that supermarket.

MAGA_dino_GER 3 points ago +3 / -0

thats actually a pretty comon site. every "mall" has a few grocery stores and there are escalators everywhere in germany. Everything is way more packed here as well, you can usually walk if you do not live out in the country (which in relation to the US would probably still count as mid-size towns).

MAGA_dino_GER 8 points ago +8 / -0

I am with you 100% and will be back on the streets tomorrow to protest that crappy situation. Nonetheless, there are no regulations for grocery stores (as you said), thus, this post is a plain lie.

MAGA_dino_GER 23 points ago +23 / -0

German patriot here. That is not true. There are no regulation for supermarkets in place other than wearing a mask (which is already retarded...). You do not need a negative test and this goes for the whole country. I really love this movement but we need to be carefull not to believe anything we want to believe. WE do not even have vaxx mandates at work (not that I do not think they will try to implement that soon), so yeah.

edit: no difference is made for vaxxed or unvaxxed. Everybody has to wear a mask here. Reason is that employers and regular folk are by law not allowed to inquire about your vaxx status. So there cannot be someone in front of a supermarket checking that, because that is against the german constitution.

MAGA_dino_GER 16 points ago +16 / -0

Those are sterilized with ethylene oxide gas, which is a CMR-classified substance (cancerogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic). It has a very low boiling point ~10°C (that's roughly 50°F in 'murica units), which means after few days there is only traces left; that should be harmless when you are not exposed to it regularly. This is, when you trust the frabricators (as they are often produced in third world shitholes) and the qualitiy assurance (which is profit orientated). That being said, testing toddlers is total baloney altogether.

MAGA_dino_GER 7 points ago +7 / -0

I work in the scientific branch of MRI (and NMR in general) and I can assure you that those magnets (4 - 10 Tesla) are very well insulated. You can have your keys in your pocket and litterally lie right under the magnet while working on the specrometers and you won't feel an effect. The Magnets in the medical field are usually not even that strong so you wont recognize an effect.

MAGA_dino_GER 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't get this whole adrenochrome stuff. It can easyly by synthesised by oxidation from adrenalin, which is dirt cheap as it can be synthesized via a three step procedure and is used in various medications. Why in the world would you take children for that? Biological and synthetic products would be chemically equivalent, with no analytical chemist being able to tell the difference. Please explain this further or stop this whole adrenochrome nonesense!

MAGA_dino_GER 2 points ago +2 / -0

Really? Afrikaner literally means african in german.

MAGA_dino_GER 1 point ago +1 / -0

New post from Pompeo: " ... Officers saved at least 700 people and >70 U.S. citizen" 700-70=630. Q-Drop 630:

180046 SPOOKY. Q

Happy Hunting Anonymous. Set the TRUTH FREE. Q

Maybe some folks have been "evacuated" right into those safe grey prison buses we've seen earlier :3

MAGA_dino_GER 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know at this point. Maybe I should get some sleep.

MAGA_dino_GER 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just a learning child-pede wanting to contribute :)

MAGA_dino_GER 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny, I caught that from ga.w a few days ago even before german msm picked this up. I still can't make out if my "government" is just stupid as hell or in bed with the chicoms.

MAGA_dino_GER 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you catch that he's twaating 30 15 15 30 15 15? - - - - .. - .. - .. - (Morse ?) autistic pedes!?

MAGA_dino_GER 1 point ago +1 / -0

Signs and wonders, pedes! Might be a good omen.