Metalheads4Trump 1 point ago +1 / -0

A picture is worth a thousand words indeed. Powerful.

Metalheads4Trump 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. Idiots dressed as Trump supporters doing the DS’s dirty work, just like Jan 6th.

Metalheads4Trump 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just as he “had” to be “guilty”, he has to be on house arrest, or in jail with protection insulated from all optics when whatever happens, happens.

The reaction from the other side is telling with a mix of “did we go too far this time” to extreme levels of TDS I never seen before. The doubling down will continue until the normies can’t take it anymore. This is why we, must remain strong mentally physically spiritually etc.

Metalheads4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

He’s got multiple accounts and thinks nobody notices. Maybe quoting another Bible verse will work? Lol

Metalheads4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah lol, according to them not doing anything is doing something. They are miserable folks with no hope, that are jealous of others’ ability, to create a full live for themselves.

Metalheads4Trump 7 points ago +7 / -0

Chill out bro I’m not calling you that. I describe what you’re talking about as division shilling. The downvote comment [was] a barb at the salty trolls who claim d-votes don’t matter but spend all day and night doing it.

Friendly fire!.. lol

Metalheads4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

4 high-school generations (roughly 20 years) of Starbucks and caffeinated sugary drinks is to blame. I graduated HS in 2001 and none of the chicks were drinking that junk all day long back then. They’re practically addicted to it now.

Metalheads4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

The vaccines and boosters messed him up really bad. He went nuts after that.

I was watching an interview with him last week about microphones, and he “seemed” okay, but he’s always been a little frail and scrawny so it was hard to tell.

Metalheads4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

They should blast Temple of the Dog there just to piss everyone off 🤣

“I’m goin’ hungry, hungry..”

Metalheads4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love his band Big Black, love his philosophy towards music production, hated how he acted during the plandemic.

Metalheads4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

Todays headlines have been giving me a huge chuckle… “Stormy blows on the witness stand” rofl…

Metalheads4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whatever happens one thing I can tell you for sure is that they are going to emotionally f— with Trump supporters in an incomprehensible way, so we all have to get our mental physical and spiritual health in check.

My thoughts are they are going to try and pull a January 6th part two Electric Boogaloo, excuse being “Trump has fake electors.” They will get the whole country believing Trump won, only to throw something like that out there, cue all the Gaytriot Front and infiltrated 3 Percenter idiots mixed in with illegal aliens dressed up like “Trump supporters.” Hey Maxine Waters already let the cat out of the bag saying they’re training “up in the hills” (of what?? Boyle Heights?)

It’s gonna be uber-gay and a ton of people will be mad and they’ll be looking to take advantage of it. Stay frosty friends.

Metalheads4Trump 7 points ago +7 / -0

That place is a joke. “be here for MAGA and Trump” lol.

Metalheads4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

They can always refuse to hear a case if it rolls into a much bigger case, which I think is what’s been going on with these dismissals. A lot of these headlines prey upon the public’s lack of knowledge in the legal system to cause a reaction.

Democrats are committing lawfare against Trump via not following the parameters of the legal system, meanwhile, Trump is following the proper process from A-to-Z, but will take time to play out. Dems is doing too much, as Snoop would say.

Metalheads4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

They used Trump supporters LARP strategy in the past (see Jan 6 and Patriot Front) I’m sure they are planning on doing it again. They want so hard to point the finger at us and mark us as the bad guys even though it’s beyond the scope of their self awareness as to why that’s false.

Metalheads4Trump 5 points ago +5 / -0

The EU is going to sacrifice thousands of lives for no reason other than to keep up their lies. It’s pathetic.

Metalheads4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

HIIT - steady state is too boring lol. I couldn’t imagine doing steady state to some of the music listen I to either. I do like to take walks as a daily break from work through.

Metalheads4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Schwinn Airdyne AD7, got it during the scamdemic. My dad had a cool old Schwinn road bike, which I need to check the chain and tires on. Want to fix it up and ride it again, now that the weathers awesome.

Metalheads4Trump 2 points ago +2 / -0

They’re deliberately lying and leaving some of the truth out. They control what’s being said or printed I mean it’s NPR. Think of it as a “f u” to the survivors that know what really transpired.

Metalheads4Trump 3 points ago +3 / -0

We all know Disney’s compromised, don’t you think it’s strange how Collins didn’t do anything outside of Disney during that time (mid 90s to early 00s?) All his health problems started right after. And he wasn’t even touring or playing drums much then, because he was composing for Disney. It’s a rational reason to leave, everyone knew it, but that’s the easiest explanation offered to the public, on a silver platter.

Also, in regards to the Police, is it a coincidence John Belushi died after hanging out with their guitar player for some crazy times in Antigua? (See Summers’ autobiography.)

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