Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

The coast is affected by the sediment bc of where the Mississippi ends. Deep sea fishing is fun but my favorite is running the bayous. I will agree that Ft Polk area is a shithole and other parts of LA. What a lot of people fail to realize is that there were no “after” plans for people after the war. It created a situation of poverty and government reliance. It’s still the reason why there’s a correlation of the poorest states.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

The original wasn’t great for women but it has been amended with the times. The constitutional convention is an amazing idea by Landry to make things absolute and updated instead of piecemealing laws. It will take out a lot of loopholes.

It’s been interesting watching the downfall of the mayor. It’s been a steady trickle. Shes done what every dem mayor has done but Landry has fired back now that he’s in office. Instituting “Troop Nola” has settled down crime. She had her hands in this from the beginning. Remember the first “super spreader” event was Mardi Gras! The week after Biden went the whitehouse, she flew in. Ironically, she wasn’t able to see him bc she tested positive for covid. IMO I think she was going to be given a cabinet position.

There’s a ton of controversy surrounding her. Her husband had a heart attack about a month after her affair became public. She been having an affair with her “bodyguard” cop who is being paid by the city. It’s like a movie within the movie.

I think Landry and I suspect Johnson are huge players in this plan.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Once the bill is passed by the house and the senate, it’s sent to the governor to sign. That’s when the governor would either veto or sign it. Once it’s signed it becomes law.

If you’re asking about in the future, it’s already a law. The only thing they could try to do would be to pass another bill or amendment but that would have to go through the three branches again. Unlikely in LA.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have many similarities (using different terms) but the biggest difference is LA uses Napoleonic law. It’s the only state that does. Texas has the ability to succeed and has even set up its own power grid. That being said….

The current Governor was elected and he was the AG during Covid. He was at the forefront of the fight against mandates, forced injections etc. I believe he’s won every case.

Now that he’s governor, he has been literally taking LA back for the people.

Half of NOPD’s force left when they saw the writing on the wall during BLM. Once he became governor, he has been sending state troopers in to clean up the mess the mayor has made (New Orleans is a C40 city).


He passed the WHO/WEF ban

He’s fighting the EPA for the fishermen, oyster and crawfish farmers.

He’s fighting climate change for the huge amount of people who work in oil and gas.

He’s fighting the school systems for the kids.

He’s called for a constitutional convention to rewrite dated laws rather than trying to piecemeal through amendments.


There hasn’t been a whole lot of controversy around him even though I believe he has done more than any single individual since Covid started. Either he is concerned about what’s coming down the line and is getting the state ready or he’s in on the plan.

With all that being said, I find the timing and choice of Mike Johnson a constitutional attorney to be right in line with the plan. Even if it’s against popular opinion.

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not this Governor. He’s been at the forefront of all of this. He was the AG and filed all the suits during Covid mandates and lockdowns. He’s taking LA back

Nolagirl99 4 points ago +4 / -0

We know how to live off the land, produce oil and gas, live as a community, and have some fun doing it! Landry has been on the front lines since Covid hit as AG and now cleaning it up from the governors office.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fort Polk… 😂 That area is definitely a shithole. Sorry for your station and thank you for your service. Did you ever see the state by water? It’s called sportsman’s paradise for a reason.

Nolagirl99 7 points ago +7 / -0

You must know very little about Louisiana. If Louisiana ever succeeded it would be the richest country in the world. Why? Oil and gas. We only receive a fraction of the revenue. Oil and gas is the feds cash cow and the federal government imposes all sorts of restrictions for drilling.

Oh, and states have absolute rights on foreign entities trying to impose laws, mandates, or buying land in their states.

Our constitution was set up so that the states had power not the feds.

Nolagirl99 6 points ago +6 / -0

Timing is everything! Right after DJT asks to investigate the shorts.

Nolagirl99 5 points ago +5 / -0

I really hope not. Our vets deserve the best care, especially ones who were injured while active duty. Makes you wonder if there’s a correlation with madating the vaccine? Many of our active duty are young and the turbo cancers are showing in young adults. Praying for our boys and girls.

Nolagirl99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perfectly articulated. I’m not ready to jump on the bandwagon either. He makes some logical points and he does meet with the boss and awful lot. Hes a constitutionalist, he comes from a very conservative area of the state and Louisiana has quietly been making waves since covid hit. Deep dives I’ve read, shows he’s not financially benefiting as of now. He’d prefer to send money over our troops. His son will be serving our country. He always seems very black and white with his “common sense”. He isn’t flamboyant or loud trying to make a point. I’m not sold he’s compromised.

Everytime I hear Russia, China…. My brain pings BRICS. We’ve all read about being infiltrated from within, it’s not far fetched for him to have more intel. I’m on the wait for it to play out and see train on this one.

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

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Nolagirl99 17 points ago +17 / -0

“Suddenly everyone accepts that all humans are equally intelligent, and ““cognitive discrimination” is “the last great civil rights fight”.”

Going to read this later, with a grain of salt. I have friends who have zero knowledge about life events (like the eclipse or bad storms incoming) but will vehemently argue their position in politics with ZERO knowledge of world events.

It’s kind of a mind phunk. One hand, it gives equal voting power, other hand, it gives equal voting power.

How would a cop perform surgery and how would a surgeon perform as a cop? All humans are not created equal. Some are better at math, some better at running, some can see physics or poetry as a second language. It’s what used to make our country beautiful.

That simple sentence has my brain doing flips.

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read my earlier comment about parasite detox. You never know!

Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

Several people I know with anxiety have taken ivermectin. All of them have described what they term as “relief”. I did a fairly deep dive on T.Ghondi. It’s a parasite that can cross the blood brain barrier. There are not a lot of studies on it (I’m sure no funding for the research) but one paper theorized the white masses found on brain scans in schizophrenia patients could actually be eggs.

My opinion, the ivermectin couldn’t hurt. All of them tried it and it made a difference, so who knows?

If he’s ready for alternative methods, I would suggest doing a detox through fasting and diet while doing the parasite detox. Lots of lemon water, lentils, super foods.

Then rebuilding the body with diet, exercise and natural remedies/ vitamins. There are naturalist doctors out there that can guide you with the supplements. It will take time to introduce things one at a time but he will get there! Dropping a few links to start the rabbit hole if you’re interested.





Nolagirl99 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see it a little different. They have been attacking LSU, 2 recent article on left wing msm. The national anthem is typically played right before the game starts. The coach said it was their routine to go in at 12 minutes pregrame. That’s when they played it. Seems a little more like a set up to me.

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