ObviousStatementMan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lesbian says: "I'll get a Busch Lite"

Bartender says: "Haha! Yeah you are!"

Lesbian: "What?"

Bartender: "I was agreeing, you do look like a butch dyke."

ObviousStatementMan 6 points ago +6 / -0

Right when the hedgies massive options expire? I think they need to push the price all the way down at or below $18... lol... overnight activity is surging on the buy side, and then they just erase it all in the morning illegally w/ the entire float borrowed almost daily.

ObviousStatementMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've always said "Be prepared to see some major swan dives from the corner offices when this goes down."

ObviousStatementMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed 100% - what amazed me most were the amount of people on HERE that argued me re: the validity of COVID 19. Lol. Like, what?!

I truly hope that the exposure of heinous crimes will unite us. Vs. having to go through a hardship that qualifies as "biblical"

ObviousStatementMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've never, ever, wanted a tattoo before... but I would get that etched into my upper back... with thorned vines on the edges, that go down both arms to my index fingers. LOL.

If it comes to this, step one will be getting that tatt.

ObviousStatementMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh but you can! And you will. When the slow wheels of Justice do a full and complete 180... you will reach for that popcorn and enjoy the show bigly.

The journey to get here? And to be awake/aware the whole time? Is the mental equivalent to drowning in super slow motion... while others are still thrashing about at the surface.

ObviousStatementMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

While I absolutely hate the question, it does keep me awake at night. Not gonna lie. I almost feel like it can't* possibly be stolen again due to the sheer chaos that would unfold. (But that very notion is still grounded in 100% faith that this is all part of The Plan... something I'm certainly willing to be proven wrong about; but have total faith in).

ObviousStatementMan 2 points ago +2 / -0

An austere statement indeed!

ObviousStatementMan 10 points ago +10 / -0

Good point. They were woke from Day 0. And there are other companies that meet this criteria as well. Perhaps it's not a function of them "Going Woke", but rather the masses being able to identify the wokeness retroactively and say "Meh, fuck it." paired with a horrible/fake/propped up economic disaster.


ObviousStatementMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fantastic. I actually stopped going to PDW awhile ago. Twitter is a fine replacement.

However, nothing replaces GAW.

ObviousStatementMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

LOL. Is the MSM going to spin this like Trump is anti-Semitic? Good luck! Now the optics all make perfect sense. Jesus this is incredible.

ObviousStatementMan 9 points ago +9 / -0

Lol. Obviously manipulating the search engines against anything related to "Q" ... not the first time we've seen this!

ObviousStatementMan 16 points ago +16 / -0

Sadly, this is mostly applicable to the fucking idiot fake RINO "Republicans" that watch Faux News and think they are well informed. Fucking morons.

ObviousStatementMan 10 points ago +10 / -0

The only upside is that their depopulation effort is only culling from the sheep herd and eliminating Leftists.

Hence their rush to import illegals as a last ditch backfill for voters.

ObviousStatementMan 5 points ago +5 / -0

HAHA! Could the Deep State make it anymore obvious that they are desperate to prevent Trump from winning?!

ObviousStatementMan 7 points ago +7 / -0

There's a whole series of posts from Q referencing the "front lines", and back channels and dropping memes... I think this was indirectly stating that platforms like Voat/GAW/P.Win + Rumble/Truth/etc... were all organization hubs until we got some kind of foothold in the mainstream arena.

Once X came back care of Elon, that was (and still is) our chance to illustrate how FEW normies are left vs. how many based Anons/Apes/Pedes there actually are.

I see slowed activity here just like I do on GME/Silver/AMC channels - there aren't new Q drops (a few legit decodes/deltas here and there), so the raw traffic is lower.

But this is still a big hub for those Anons "in the know"... you can tell from X.com that even though traffic is slower here? The content they run with on X almost always originates on GAW first.

Nothing to be scared of! We're all battle weary from this 5GW. That's to be expected. Keep digging. Keep red pilling. Keep up the pressure! All of their narratives are failing now.

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