Pretty_Baby 3 points ago +7 / -4

I won that bet.

Congratulations - you managed to make a critically important discussion about African-American crime culture all about yourself and how righteous you are.

All of your comments were all about you.

Well done.

Pretty_Baby 1 point ago +6 / -5

We both understand the cultural problem but you're focused exclusively on getting politically correct pats on the head while ignoring the horrific problem.

I bet you can't even make a single constructive comment without playing your politically correct race card again and again and again while America is literally looted and burned.

Go and have a dance in front of the mirror - you earned it.

Pretty_Baby 1 point ago +8 / -7

You deserve a pat on the head from Klaus Schwab for such a politically correct statement.

You offer no solution and only attempt to bury your head in the same by playing the racism card to derail important discussions that are long overdue.

Also, we already tried it your way and America is burning.

Pretty_Baby 6 points ago +10 / -4

Either blacks have the same agency as you and I and are as responsible for their success and failures as we are... or they are easily shaped into domestic terroris and weaponized against us by the enemy.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Pretty_Baby 9 points ago +14 / -5

Blacks have the same agency as you and I: they are not retards or infants or our pets that we are responsible for when they commit crime.

The only way forward is to treat blacks with true equality because the last thing they need is people like you making MORE excuses for their horrific behaviors.

Pretty_Baby 25 points ago +35 / -10

Everyone has a Constitutional and God-given right to make their own opinions about other races and cultures.

Our opinions can be based on statistics, life experience or no reason at all.

My last fuck about race relations was given in 2020 after blacks were gifted with the brightest employment and economic opportunities in U.S. history and they thanked us by looting and burning every city.

When 13% of the population commits more than half the crime, Zeek should expect good, honest, hard-working, God-fearing people to have had enough of the black crime culture and their culture of obesity, abortions, STDs, welfare consumption, parental neglect, drug and alcohol abuse and illiteracy for which they (generally speaking) are Olympic Gold Medal winners in all fields.

Pretty_Baby 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jordan Peterson is a "Christian" who promotes the New World Order, promotes homosexual marriage, promotes transsexuality and is a tranny himself and tells his followers to all get injected with vaccine-AIDS.

Jordan Peterson is controlled opposition and a piece of shit.

Pretty_Baby 10 points ago +10 / -0

Euphemisms are fun!

I especially like Harry Potter Banking Goblins and the Santa Inc. Elves.

Although I'd expect Ferengi, Merchants and Pinocchios to be used more often.

Pretty_Baby 1 point ago +3 / -2

A LOT / disproportionate amount of Jews and African-Americans will need to be arrested and sent to Gitmo for treason.

80% of the Democrat Party leadership and 80% of the White House Cabinet are Jews.

If justice is done, they will accuse us of being Nazis / arresting the world's most innocent darlings for the crime of being Jewish and black and gay.

They will claim Gitmo is a death camp and all the remaining mainstream news media and academics will agree.

I don't see how this can be done unless under martial law and with the treasonous mainstream media and communist academics being silenced.

Pretty_Baby 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think Klaus Schwab is charming.

I don't care that he has a secret Rothschild mother.

I have no idea why these are the most exiled people in human history.

Pretty_Baby 2 points ago +2 / -0

But never forget that Jesus knew where to draw the line as He flew into a rage and used physical violence to drive out the greedy Jews during the Cleansing of the Temple.

Jesus does not tolerate the intolerable.

Pretty_Baby 30 points ago +32 / -2

Dozens of teams of scientists have performed chemical analysis on soil, wall and structure samples of the gas chamber showers at Auschwitz and Dachau prison camps and found no residual chemical evidence of any deadly chemicals.

It's been forensic proven, dozens of times, that those showers were normal hot water showers and never used to gas anyone.

These tests were repeated because none of the teams could believe their findings, yet they all proved the same thing: the gas chamber showers of Auschwitz and Dachau were nothing more than fictional wartime propaganda.

This has been known since the 1950s.

Pretty_Baby 0 points ago +5 / -5

Muh six million Nazis!!!

This is a war between the New World Order Khazarian Jews and Russia... and you're escaping into Bolshevik fan-fiction fantasies about a handful of Nazis because they have tattoos.

Pretty_Baby 4 points ago +7 / -3

Sorry no: the Synagogue of Satan as existed since before the birth of Jesus Christ whereas the Khazarians Jews have existed for about 1,200 years and converted to Judaism, followed the culture and laws and belief of Judaism and have bred with Hebrew Jews and Ashkenazi Jews for 60 generations.

The Khazarian Jews are 100% Jewish by every standard.

Pretty_Baby 11 points ago +15 / -4

I wonder what percentage of Jews are similarly Synagogue of Satan, demon worshiping children of the devil?

We've all seen those memes showing thousands of Jews filling the most senior positions of every mainstream news network, but I doubt they are all Moloch worshiping Satanists.

Most of those Jews are likely just happy to provide their services to Moloch for a fame and fortune. So how do we categorize all of them?

Pretty_Baby 5 points ago +5 / -0

God loves Brian so much that He breathed life into him.

I doubt there's anything that anyone can say that will alleviate your pain.

I believe that God does answer all prayers just often not when we want or how we expect but ALWAYS at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

I lit a candle for Brian and I will devote tonight to praying for you both.

Pretty_Baby 23 points ago +26 / -3

Colleges are designed to transform young, healthy minds into domestic Ɲew World Order terrorists.

You'll never guess which tribe dominates almost total control over our largest colleges?

They hate us almost as much as they hate Jesus.

Pretty_Baby -1 points ago +3 / -4

Wew - this really rains on the Muh Nazi parade of everyone who breathlessly claimed he was tortured to death my REEEEEEE NAZIS!!!!!

Down-vote me if it helps you recover.

I hope you all feel better soon.

Pretty_Baby 0 points ago +1 / -1

I wish I could see the popular top comment.

Does anyone know how much longer until Truth Social officially launches?

Pretty_Baby 3 points ago +3 / -0

I disagree.

All races are, by definition, have unique qualities.

How someone values those unique qualities is as subjective as a person's favorite ice-cream flavor.

Someone who loves mud huts and illiteracy may value one race more than someone who values inbreeding and bombing marathons. Other people who love philosophy and science may disagree with those other people, for example.

It's your God given right to seek the truth with or without the permission or approval of Dinesh D'souza.

Pretty_Baby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could be a fraud to make us look stupid.

I'm unsure how we could confirm such a blurry, mess of a video.

And who has Hunter's cellphone?

This raises more questions than it answers and may be another "Jeffrey Epstein is killing a child" video that turned out to be a blurry video from a LARP torture porn site.

You may now commence with the down-votes and personal attacks against critical thinking.

by IAmOne
Pretty_Baby 1 point ago +1 / -0

This reminds me of the Jewish Question / Jewish Problem that has troubled philosophers for centuries... except we are discussing (ahem) Bolsheviks... but there are many parallels from history that we can consider.

1,036 disparate nation exiled every last Jew after arguably recognizing them all as existential threats who were all working together to undermine the host nation. Exiling the Jews always seemed to be a temporary solution that lasted as long as the current political rulers. Then the Jews came flooding back in.

I think exiling every last Bolshevik would be even less effective today given the Bolsheviks dominate 80% control over our Democrat Party leadership and also own our mainstream and social media... If we were able to legislate exiling every last Bolshevik then the remaining Congressional puppets would overturn the law within hours.

A few years after the filed Bolshevik coup and the subsequent World Conference of Jews' declaration of a world-wide holy war against German Christians in 1933, the German Christians were terrified because they had no idea which Jews were secretly participating in the holy war... so the German government mandated every Jew older than six years must wear a yellow star as a warning.

This had the surprising result of educating the German people about which industries were dominated by Jewish control.

This strategy was effective however it suffers from the same modern day shortcomings as the previous solution: modern Bolsheviks use extortion to control many of their pawns which makes their pawns difficult to spot. The World Economic Forum Youth Leaders are an example of how they take people from all backgrounds and shape them into weapons.

So how does this get fixed? What are your thoughts?

I suspect the general public aren't ready to do what must be done. They need to be pushed to extremes before they will take extreme measures.

In the meantime, I think these are the best strategies we have:

  • Information War: call out the Bolsheviks whenever you see them. When they dominate control over entire political groups or institutions, paint their faces blue so people can clearly identify them. Did they marry a Bolshevik and do they now have Bolshevik children? Research who they are and educated others about how they are all working together to kill western civilization from within like a cancer. Blue The Bolshevik.

  • Cultural War: Attend every demonstration and freedom rally that we can and promote all of them no matter how small or large. Most people still don't understand the true power of these rallies because most people are trying to influence politicians without understanding their ZOG wants them to die screaming. Demonstration are powerful because they transform hopeless people into freedom fighters that are unified by nationalism and love. They are how we create and recruit warfighters.

  • Self Reliance: Starvation has always been the Bolsheviks primary weapon of mass destruction. We know panic buying and manufactured supply line interruptions will leave the grocery store shelves empty in the near future. Our water and power infrastructure may also be sabotaged. We must prepare to protect our family and our community. Your family comes first but try to buy a little extra for your neighbors because it's the Christian thing to do.

  • Fellowship with Jesus Christ: Make time to talk to Jesus and ask for guidance.

by IAmOne
Pretty_Baby 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's neither left nor right.

We suffered a (ahem) "Bolshevik" revolution on November 3 2020.

The Harry Potter Banking Goblins installed Brandon on January 20 2021.

We can all see that elephant in the room.

Let's not pretend otherwise.

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