Q-Ducky 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump just made a statement on Israel and the war here (puke). I'm as disappointed as many of you will be. I honestly hope this is just part of the plan...


Q-Ducky 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is Crazy! I am one of those 33,000 donors! Was planning on seeing it once they got it finished!! This is why we can't have nice things! Errrrrrrrr....

Q-Ducky 1 point ago +1 / -0

I live just a few miles from this train derailment. I believe a lot of these train derailments are on purpose for sure. But this one I have to say actually may not of been! We have had a lot of rain here last week and the ground is still saturated bad here with water. It is no surprise a rock slide would happen at that part of the tracks. It is actually a very moutainous area through there between Hinton and Sandstone, WV. Also, that isn't the first train to derail in this area. A few years ago had one derail around the same location carrying corn silage. Stunk the whole place up for weeks. Locals were shoveling it up to feed their animals around here since the railroad just left it. Anyway, I dont want to underplay the fact fuel is going into the river but savataging an empty coal train with a rock slide in WV seems to be a slight stretch, especially since this area of track is dangerous for rock slides on a good day. If anyone here has any questions for me though feel free to ask. Ill do my best to explain the area here where I live and how the trains operate through the area.

Q-Ducky 1 point ago +2 / -1

Brian Cates has very good content most of the time! However if you research this theory a little closer you will see that is not a gun. Here is the link to the video that is not grainy. Judge for yourselves anons. But I do suggest you watch this short much clearer video! Maybe someone can also bring it to Brian's attention without hurting his feelings!


Q-Ducky 2 points ago +2 / -0

David Hogg just discovered how "Our Democracy" works! Hahaha

Q-Ducky 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same Here in WV. They have been spraying the last two days pretty heavy. Weather says we will have rain Monday so I'm guessing they will keep some of that crap overtop of us.

Q-Ducky 4 points ago +5 / -1

Hey guys' just checked my local theater. Ours has 8 different movies playing at once. It is NOT a problem to buy tickets after the 6th here. We can buy tickets all the way up to the 13th. We can see The 355 but also, Matrix, American underdog, Kings men, Sing 2 and Spider Man. Whatever is happening at other theaters is NOT happening here in WV.

Q-Ducky 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are correct about child vaccinations here. There are no religious exemptions. But, you can apply for a medical exemption (https://oeps.wv.gov/Pages/Medical-Exemptions-Information.aspx). I live in WV and have kids. PS: My grammar and spellings sucks and I might even qualify as poor. But, I'm not on drugs..lol

Q-Ducky 1 point ago +1 / -0

The video is taken out of context and Big Jim is confusing when he talks to say the least. I live in WV. I watch his briefings regularly. Big Jim has been telling us that if we don't get the booster we are going to die. Our covid jab numbers have basically leveled out now. Those of us that have not gotten it by now will never get it or any boosters. We will NEVER do it for baby dog or Big Jim. Montani Semper Liberi!

Q-Ducky 9 points ago +9 / -0

My neighbor got the jab and stroked out in the yard less than 24 hours later. He is now in the hospital getting holes drilled in his head to relieve the pressure. Not sure if he is ever going to be the same. He is still alive.....for now.

Q-Ducky 3 points ago +3 / -0

Brian Cates is a wise person. I always like to watch his videos and follow him on Quadverum. But Brian has his head so far up Thomas Wictor's ass he will gladly jump on the insult train against Q researchers without obviously doing any kind of research into Q and the posts. They both attack any Q follower and call them Qtards. Which once again proves one can be intelligent but also too blind or maybe it is lazy to actually research on ones own. It is easier I guess for Brian to jump on the insult train than to detach from Wictor's tit and actually stand up to him. It just proves Brian is a soldier in this war but is too weak to criticize his hero. I think Brian is smart enough to know. Now, for Wictor I believe he too is a soldier but has self esteem issues and will gladly insult anyone that disagrees with him or is even just standing there listening to him. But that is another story...