by BQnita
deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
by BQnita
QBIE_910820847192908 0 points ago +1 / -1

obama kind of outplayed trump. at least he picked people that are still loyal to him, shitheads they may be. on the other hand, trumps cabinet was also filled with mostly zionists and swamp creatures, and a lot of the exceptions to that turned out to turn on him. even pompeo is foremost like what can we do for israel, how great is israel, we love israel, way to go israel. he should have pardoned assange. anyone calling him a leftist really needs to examine the core of their values. at worst he's a classical liberal, which a lot of trumpers are/were.

QBIE_910820847192908 1 point ago +1 / -0

why do you think everyone's location isnt scraped, saved, and is in a db? this isnt an onion site.

QBIE_910820847192908 0 points ago +1 / -1

i dont know about you guys, but im getting TIRED of winning so much. i can't handle all the winning anymore!