QforSweden 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m thinking in terms of a nice plot twist that they will openly try to steal it again but fail, because of the landslide.

The plot twist being that Joe refuse to concede the power. A nice little boomerang to what they still accuse Trump of doing in 2021, despite it in fact never happened.

QforSweden 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m just a dumb guy, but wouldn’t the best solution be to have Russia join NATO? They can’t attack a fellow member state then.

QforSweden 3 points ago +4 / -1

If we had known how long time it were to take, most of us would probably at least have tried to keep our months shut. I think we played a big role in planting Truth seeds. It sure felt at the time like most fell on barren ground, but some did take root and helped with starting the great awakening. Nothing can stop it now.

QforSweden 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are a lot of videos of things getting crushed in a hydralic press online, people find them fascinating to watch. This ad is just a take on that IMO, while referencing all the tools for creativity crammed into a really thin computer. The iPad Pro is my favorite for creativity work. I fail to see why people are outrage by this unless they didn’t like Apple to begin with, then it makes perfect sense. 😄

QforSweden 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is this some sort of red pill for the left? Are they ok with his dragpersona, or is this only for their own?

QforSweden 1 point ago +1 / -0

Back in the day I was a big Woody Allen fan, particulary when he was funny. I still watched his films after the scandal broke, so when metoo hit, I was perplexed why I and everyone else, hadn’t bothered about this. I considered him guilty.

A year ago or so I watched a couple of documentaries on youtube about this, and I realised quickly that the accusations was from a woman scorned, ie Mia Farrow.

He is clearly innocent of these accusations, he might have done other things, but in these cases he didn’t.

Interesting how easily we can be fooled.

QforSweden 3 points ago +3 / -0

Watch the documentary We have to talk about Sandy Hook. You’ll be surprised how badly it was faked and how easily we were fooled. Too big to fake we thought and looked the other way.

QforSweden 6 points ago +6 / -0

I saw a thread on Twitter about people claiming you can slowly learn how to stare into the sun and gain energy that way. It was euphoric they claimed.

I’m not gonna try, but who knows these days.

QforSweden 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn’t read the whole thing, but at the bottom of the article it says it was a mistake and they didn’t realise anyone was living in the house.

QforSweden 2 points ago +2 / -0

I find it funny that they call it leaked footage, like it was some coven where everyone was sworn to secrecy. A wild guess is that there is ”leaked footage” from 30.000 phones from every gig. 😅

QforSweden 15 points ago +15 / -0

I belive Biden and the Democrats will be so crushed by then that nobody would belive anybody but Trump to be the winner.

QforSweden 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not only do I have an inner monologue, I find it way more interesting than any conversations that I have with my friends and family. The only upside with conversations is that I have to follow through to the conclusion, my inner monologue usually pick a new subject when the conclusion seem inevitable.

Not sure if this is a good thing, it’s just what it is.

QforSweden 4 points ago +4 / -0

This video blew my mind when I saw it, the guy was taking a morning swim every day in the reactor pool!

QforSweden 2 points ago +2 / -0

The reason that Sweden didn’t do the lockdowns, was a law preventing it. That law may have changed since then, it will be interesting to see what happens if they try the pandemic play again.

QforSweden 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly, I’ve been doing a lot of ”can you definiera what you mean” to people accusing others of being a nazi or a fascist. And of course they can’t. More important, since I started a lot more do this as well. Not saying I am solely responsible, but people take notice.

QforSweden 12 points ago +12 / -0

When I first woke up to different truths it was after hearing about these things a number of times and rejecting them as lunacy.

After waking up, I tried to persuade people to wake up with me. I have become better at it, but it is 90% keeping my mouth shut. The number one mistake I made was talking about to many things and making everything I said seem less belivable.

I belive our job was not persuading people or even waking them up, but just to plant the seeds in people’s minds, so that when more credible people said these things it would be easier to accept them.

In a way we were cannonfodder for the real troops, and not without losses. I lost friends, jobs the respect from my family… Losses I gladly accept, I belive what we did was important. Proud to serve, Q.

QforSweden 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m thinking he already has Biden’s speach, maybe his side even wrote it. 😂

QforSweden 5 points ago +6 / -1

In the realm of physics, how can a fire be different? I have this discussion with my conspiracy friend frequently. A fire burns, if there is nothing more to burn, it dies. For it to burn longer, something flammable needs to be added.

QforSweden 1 point ago +1 / -0

I belive the future of videos on social media is AI generated music tracks, copyright free. Created when you upload to perfectly match the video.

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