Randy_Bo_Bandy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or maybe the opposite. Does it even count as a “crime” if everything is always dropped/dismissed?

Randy_Bo_Bandy 4 points ago +4 / -0

I feel like at this point that whole sub is gotta be just bots (or really shitty AI language models) talking to eachother.

Randy_Bo_Bandy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea I’m pretty sure I remember reading/hearing (maybe from RFK’s Fauci book?) that almost no people die actually from the flu….they’re deaths from other diseases that get reported as the flu to help sell flu vaccines.

Randy_Bo_Bandy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yea huge Somalian population. Looks like avg Maine white guy in the pics…so let’s see what shakes out.

Randy_Bo_Bandy 0 points ago +1 / -1

Once Twitter became X, I think the long game Elon is an enemy…but he’s doing ok in the short term, serving a good purpose, whether it’s controlled opposition by design or not…but yea end-game I think he’s bad news.

Randy_Bo_Bandy 9 points ago +9 / -0

We did the Vit K but declined everything else and won’t give anything else, ever.

Curious what the research you have on Vit K is, I hadn’t come across anything myself but would like to know for the next kid.

My journey was long, and honesty I’m grateful for COVID as it led me to obsess and spend hundreds of hours researching the rest of the CDC schedule.

So if anyone has good Vit K resources I’d love to see them, thanks!

Randy_Bo_Bandy 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yea it’s the weirdest feeling being in FL. I’m liking how he’s been governor but now sort of just waiting for whatever it is to drop

Randy_Bo_Bandy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have a 1 year old. Declined everything, and always will. I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours researching, reading studies, listening to long depth interviews and conversations on the topic before my kid was born. Avoid them all.

As others have noted, just say you want to delay until they’re 1, that may help take pressure off from nurses/docs, then after 1 just keep delaying.

Randy_Bo_Bandy 11 points ago +11 / -0



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