SarMega 1 point ago +2 / -1

You mean shill accounts posting propaganda pretending Antifa supports Israel when they're a terrorist org who support Palestinian terrorists?

SarMega -4 points ago +1 / -5

You're only going to get Kremlin shill responses in a Kremlin shill post

SarMega 1 point ago +1 / -0

I got thousands of users to https://parallel.ec/ and not a single person wanted to spend a few dollars for a lifetime premium membership; then hosting jacked up their prices, and I wasn't interested in running it at a huge loss every month. And in the meantime another job search engine implemented one of the killer features of mine.

SarMega 2 points ago +2 / -0

God wanted the inheritance to go to you, not them. This is a mass reckoning.

SarMega -1 points ago +1 / -2

Revealed? This is an Iran psyop. The US is currently AT WAR WITH IRAN. Why would he be dancing if his child rape tunnels were discovered? Why would they riot to stop the city from covering up the evidence? You really believe they're rioting that the city won't let them rape children anymore, despite the fact that it destroys all evidence of this?

SarMega 4 points ago +6 / -2

They are fake quotes. "Distance yourself from falsehood." When people find out later these quotes were fake, they will "realize" everything they've been taught about Christianity was also a lie and become apostates, Heaven forbid. Or when Muslims read this and know it's fake, will that endear them to Christianity?

SarMega 1 point ago +1 / -0

Obamagate brings down the house, everyone involved, Biden, Clinton, Michael Obama

SarMega 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you so much for so much detail, it was going to be hard for me to find that exact perfect explanation

SarMega 1 point ago +1 / -0

have many layers of derivatives being traded on them. They are thus stocks tremendously divorced from underlying business realiities.

Where can I read more about this?

SarMega 4 points ago +4 / -0

I saw firsthand the Romney people lied about the rules and gamed everything for Romney in MN and he actually won the MN primary. I reported it to the MN GOP and they didn't care at all.

SarMega 6 points ago +8 / -2

There are literally people here that are jealous of your situation and the payout you're entitled to.

SarMega 3 points ago +3 / -0

I purposely refrained from forcing my own interpretation on people, but here's a guess:

DISTRESS!!! Q team is no longer "lost in the woods", as the WEF (a euphemism for the club whose origins are the sinking of the Titanic) is out of ammunition, Barack Hussain (and Iran/Shi'ism itself, Hussain the hero of which BHO was named after) are dead and sunk, crushed into a soda can, SMSs failing to send while the Starlink internet on the surface survives and thrives (Starlink being a euphemism for the people on Elon Musk's team, i.e. Trump).

SarMega 1 point ago +1 / -0

They could all just be selling at the top, or, they might need to make an acquisition of something else.

SarMega 1 point ago +1 / -0

CNN put this out to smear Sinclair Broadcasting Group, a Conservative media outfit that owns many local affiliate stations. SBG saw the looming threat to their free speech and ordered a statement be read by all their affiliates. "Project Mockingbird" takes the form of press kits the MSM (not the local affiliates) are told to run with; totally unrelated.

SarMega 3 points ago +3 / -0

DeSantis and Kanye were both on Team Trump, then suddenly pretended to defect and pick up supporters who've soured on Trump. Then they'll inevitably concede like they did last election and endorse Trump. It's all part of the plan. Neither of them are DS agents.

SarMega 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump tricked them again into reporting on his redpills, asking rhetorically whether it's disgusting to pass around used pizza.

SarMega 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's a whitehat posing as a Democrat to give a platform to pro-Trump ideas and even possibly win the primary and have a whitehat vs whitehat election. The NRA hasn't served us, and won't be necessary in the future to safeguard our rights, so he's advocating for something the whitehats SECRETLY want but can't say out loud.

SarMega 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you read a lot of scientific papers then you'll see for yourself that every experiment calls for a graphene oxide-coated nanomesh. It's just a very common protocol. Seriously. But to your point, yes, you're not wrong, if they were poisoning us with graphene oxide they would make sure every experiment used a protocol employing it.


SarMega 3 points ago +3 / -0

The proofs of the Q clock were pretty convincing, but the cadence of events changed. Maybe it will return to use, that's why you built this tool, to monitor signals

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