SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Will you be voting for him again this election?

SkiSkiUSMC 11 points ago +12 / -1

You didn’t think infiltration from within only works one way did you?

Edit: a quick scroll through the author’s other posts reveal he’s an anti-Trump pro RFK Jr. shill.

SkiSkiUSMC 7 points ago +7 / -0

I will personally be voting in person on Election Day.

SkiSkiUSMC 1 point ago +2 / -1

8 years. And I did know about the metzitzah thing. That one was an eye opener when I first learned about it. Also knew about the last four points you mention. I’ll definitely look into the other stuff as well.

SkiSkiUSMC 11 points ago +12 / -1

Found the actual writing. It is here:


Start at Yevamot 57b:2. It’s right there in the Talmud plain as day.

Edit: oh my look at the downdoots starting. Seems the truth is just too much for some people. Maybe that’s why Q even said people couldn’t handle it.

SkiSkiUSMC 7 points ago +8 / -1

I have 100% full faith that this plan is real. Too many proofs have happened at this point for it not to be. The proofs involving Trump directly solidify my faith in this plan. I believe that we all should be prepped for survival for when everything goes down. Stay stocked on food, water, ammo (save your brass for bartering) and that’s it. That is our role right now. Stay prepared and keep spreading the truth to awaken more people to what is going on in the shadows.

IF and that’s a yuge IF, the plan fails, then and ONLY then would it be our duty to save our country. How will we know if the plan failed? If Trump AND Q both tell us directly that it’s up to us now. Other than that, DO NOT fall for any honeypots, don’t go to any bullshit protests looking to set our side up, keep your head on a swivel and stay healthy.

SkiSkiUSMC 4 points ago +4 / -0

Funny how he’ll say “go fuck yourselves” and talk all that shit into the camera for his libtard friends but he won’t walk up to any of them and say it to their face.

SkiSkiUSMC 13 points ago +13 / -0

Why does that teacher have long hair and boobs but sound like a dude? If that’s a tranny then it makes sense why they suddenly want to press charges on the student now but didn’t care before.

SkiSkiUSMC 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don’t think you’re gonna like how this movie ends…


SkiSkiUSMC 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trying to keep attention off this by flooding the media with Biden saying he’d debate and Kristi Noem writing about putting her dog down?

SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not trying to argue. Just trying to say tensions are up, times are tough, don’t be so hard on your fellow anons. We’re all on the same team here in the end.

SkiSkiUSMC 9 points ago +9 / -0

You mean their story versus the TRUTH! Fuck those commie bastards!

SkiSkiUSMC 1 point ago +2 / -1

You’re glowing rather brightly right now for a three year old account. Might want to take a break and unplug fren. There’s nothing wrong with that. We all get burnt out at times. Take a chill pill and relax for a bit.

SkiSkiUSMC 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thank you for the 100% clarification. I’m not the most autistic autist in the room and need answers like these sometimes to fully understand. I appreciate it a lot.

SkiSkiUSMC 37 points ago +38 / -1

So to my understanding of this post, the debate is not to be whether or not these things exist, but whether or not they are responsible for what events may happen and not to get tunnel vision on one specific thing?

I only ask because I was in the Marines. I know DEW’s exist. I have seen one used personally. I know “chem trails” are a thing, however I would refer to them as cloud seeding instead; this was used during the Vietnam war during Operation Popeye to a high success percentage.

Am I correct in my understanding or am I wrong here and these subjects just aren’t going to be tolerated on GAW? I just need a definitive answer In layman’s terms sometimes.

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