Spez_Banned_My_Cat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just another form of a poor tax. Making them legal but prohibitively expensive to the average american would accomplish nearly everything a full on ban would for them

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 4 points ago +4 / -0

I went through a very similar crisis of faith with my own mother within the last few years as we slowly lost her to Alzheimers at the ripe old age of 48 to now at 52. It hurts so much and it's hard to understand gods plan and accept it when it's happening at home. If you genuinely believe god was speaking to you then there's a solid chance he was, we just don't always know what he's saying or his reasons and can only pray and accept what comes.

I pray for your grandmother and your family. I pray for her health and the health of your family around you. And I pray that if it really is time for Jesus to call her home to him that the love and care in your family right now brings you closer to each other and closer to god so that when the time comes you meet again in the kingdom of heaven.

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm wondering if the people that get to 'save face' so to speak are ones who rolled and got a deal from it

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember the garden, I was a member on discord before it got the axe

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Despite this being utterly horrifying at the direction the country is going I think it actually gave me an unexpected amount of hope. All of the unstoppable corruption and health epidemics really are things we can solve with the right leadership and public awareness. The information he gave here regarding how the pharmaceutical and food industries prey on us is far more important than just one specific drug

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Cameron for AG isn't too far out of the realm. I was convinced he had KY Governor on lock but it's amazing how we coincidentally vote overwhelmingly red in every single category except Gov. Probably coincidence though

by BQnita
Spez_Banned_My_Cat 11 points ago +11 / -0

I think there was fraud because she had the opportunity to kick up a fuss about it but didn't. They conceded pretty much immediately. Which makes me think they knew that if any actual investigations happened it would expose what actually went down.

by BQnita
Spez_Banned_My_Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

The last woman is my exact story. I had no faith in the system but when I watched him debate and campaign I thought "Oh shit this is different". I'll admit I thought he had absolutely no shot for a while but I was with him until the end regardless

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Matthew 6 I think is my favorite part of the bible. You could craft your entire life around just that chapter

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I kinda like the Rolling Stones article title. Maybe the RINOs will start to finally accept reality if they realize how in over their heads they are. They had the excuse in 2016 that they didn't know what was coming, but now?

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't got mine in yet, ordered back in September. Can't wait though!

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 6 points ago +6 / -0

Welp...this one fucking hurt. I can't remember the last time I cried like this

My mom is suffering from early onset Alzheimer's, she started showing symptoms in her late 40's and is full blown into it right now at 52. Spends most of the day sleeping and mentally is more of a child than an adult. It went so slow we barely noticed it for a while. She used to just repeat a story or something, now she'll ask me if I've ever met other members of our family. I have no idea what I'll do the first time she forgets who I am.

Spend time with your loved ones. You have no idea when the last time you'll be with them is. What the last words you'll get to say to them will be.

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck me running...I voted straight ticket. I made sure to double and triple check even after mine was printed though so I think mine was safe? Unless it's flipping when it's scanned?

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you can find me an actual explanation on that you let me know. We vote overwhelmingly red yet a Trump backed republican who was one of the landslide winners from a race last major cycle loses?

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 17 points ago +17 / -0

This is our 2nd governor race in a row where republicans have won every single major race in a landslide except governor. I call bullshit on the whole thing

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 7 points ago +7 / -0

This race is going exactly like the last race where Republicans win all the way down the ballot by a super majority yet it's somehow an absolute dead heat for governor. Followed by our governor race last go around being one of the earliest incidents of votes actively being taken off of the count from Bevin only to be added to the vote for Beshear. Several videos were posted on it followed by Beshear winning by just barely enough to not institute a recount and Jefferson county having a disparity roughly 100x the final vote difference. Once again with a Republican landslide sweep of literally every other race outside of the single blue district voting in Yarmuth.

But you don't want proof. You want to make posts asking for proof so you can hand-wave it and treat it like a tinfoil hat conspiracy.

Come back when you're not a handshake and maybe I'll believe you're looking for actual discourse

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 5 points ago +5 / -0

Jefferson County is how they finished the steal from Bevin years ago as well. There was a well over 100k disparity there, granted it is a blue county, but it was the last to report afaik

Spez_Banned_My_Cat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Windstream is putting fiber everywhere as part of a big push in the state for fiber in rural areas. But yea, eastern ky is skyrocketing right now. Laurel, Knox, and Whitley are going up quick with the construction of a new horse track and the recent casino in Williamsburg.

If you get out further east than that and hit a place where the fiber already exists that's your best bet. It's basically the boonies but with gigabit, towns with populations under 2000

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