SwordOfAthena 3 points ago +3 / -0

When I was in Brazil in 1979, I was told by Brazilians that Hitler went to S. America after WW2. He was in Chile/Argentina area and most if not all, Brazilians knew about this. A few yrs ago, FBI released documents that proved this.

SwordOfAthena 4 points ago +4 / -0

When I was in Ukraine in 1977, there were Nazis there. I was told they had left at end of WW2 but returned in 1950s. They have been there ever since and in 2014 they took over the govt. Zelensky is a Nazi, you can confirm by researching. This is why so many in Ukraine wanted to rejoin Russia, so they could get out from under the Nazis in govt. there.

SwordOfAthena 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your last sentence - I totally agree. When the experiments for neuralink were done on monkeys and other animals, many of them died horrendously painful deaths. Neuralink didn't work.

SwordOfAthena 0 points ago +1 / -1

Many of the animals (such as monkeys) who were used as test subjects died horrendously painful deaths with neuralink. It is an evil idea in IMO. Glad it's been rejected.

SwordOfAthena 2 points ago +2 / -0

And commies have no morals or ethics, they will do whatever it takes to enable their goals.

SwordOfAthena 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is just my opinion, I'm a 68 y. o. old woman. I've always thought that staying home and raising kids is the hardest job in the world, but probably the most important one there is. I was never blessed with children so missed out on that experience but wish I did have kids. It takes alot of patience and love to raise kids right and you are contributing to the world by raising good kids. I think that kids need to have at least one parent who stays at home to raise them. Kudos and respect to you for doing that. btw, you ARE working, as I said, raising kids is the hardest job in the world. It's alot of work. Your kids will grow up to be better people because you stayed home to care for them, sir.

SwordOfAthena 5 points ago +5 / -0

Your last paragraph - I TOTALLY agree with you! i've watched Trump for 45 yrs. In 1978 I saw a video interview of him with Rona Barrett, it's probably still on Yoo Toob, where he said he might have to run for president if no one else did. He said he really didn't want to but would if no one else came forward. He's been talking about the downfall of America for at least 45 yrs. He is NOT a quitter and would never just walk away from a stolen election. He is working behind the scenes. Also there's this: thedocuments.info written by military vet who went active again to join up when Trump put out the call a few yrs ago. He asked vets to go active again. They are stationed around the globe fighting the deep state. Author of the documents is Derek Johnson and military sources say he is solid. Arrests/executions to begin this summer, but I think they are already happening, I"ve seen clues in the last month or so. Hang in there, brother, I think things are about to turn around soon. We WILL win this!

SwordOfAthena 4 points ago +4 / -0

You also might want to take iodine (Dr. Sircus has a book about it) and Armour natural dessicated thyroid rather than Synthroid, Armour works better for many people with thyroid issues. It works better for me than Synthroid. Wild lettuce herb (from amazon) helps greatly with pain, as does pycnogenol. I hope you get to feeling better soon and can find some relief, so sorry for all the suffering you've been thru. You deserve better than that!

SwordOfAthena 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've known alot of Nam vets and they all say the same thing you have said, it was a farce. Add to that all the drugs shipped from Golden Triangle by C I A and given to the forces there and you have one very diabolical plan. I was about 20 when I met my first Nam vet and it was at college. That was almost 50 yrs ago. I"ve known that entire time something was extremely wrong with our country; in fact I knew way before then, the day JFK was shot, many of us knew, my family certainly did. btw, yes JFK election was stolen. I had an uncle who went to delegates convention and was offered $ by JFK's dad. He was so angry he never voted Dem again and left right away.

SwordOfAthena 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you for your comment, very interesting. It rang a few bells for me so here goes: I was never in the military but my dad was a mustang admiral. He was born in 1920 to a very poor single mom. He went to work to support the family at age 6, went thru Depression and kept on working hard. Day after Pearl Harbor he, like many others, went to recruiting office before it opened and joined the Navy. He had very poor eyesight and had had malnutrition as a kid because his family was so poor they couldn't feed the kids. So he wasn't fit to fight and was appointed a war correspondent. He ended up on Admiral Nimitz's personal staff and was in S. Pacific. After the war he stayed in reserves and worked his way up to mustang admiral. He was a very hard worker and started his own public relations firm to promote causes he believed in. Since he was always a staunch Republican, he did some promotion of Republican legislation that he helped to get passed. Due to his work, he developed a huge network and knew just about everyone who was anyone it seemed, especially politically. He worked as a consultant on Nixon's run for president in 1960 and 20 yrs later he was one of Reagan's top advisors. He had been friends with Reagan for about 20 yrs because he had met him in the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick (which is still around) which was a club for men who were Irish so they could network with each other help each other get jobs and get ahead. It was formed in the "No Irish need apply" days which were still going on when my dad worked as a youngster. He and Reagan were good friends and dad had huge respect and high hope for him. He was one of Reagan's top campaign advisors and after Reagan was elected, he was top advisor to Ed Meese and had an office in the White House a few feet away from the Oval Office. My dad had a sterling reputation as an extremely honest and patriotic man. About a year after Reagan was in office, D O J came to him and told him either he quits or they would completely ruin him on the front page of every newspaper in America. Thing is, dad knew just about every editor at every major newspaper, having been a war correspondent. Dad had no choice but to resign, even though he had done not one thing wrong. It was bone crushing for my dad, he really wanted to be part of Reagan's team and help get America back on the right foot. He never heard from Reagan again. That was it for me regarding Reagan. Years later, around 2000 I was at a party with people I knew. Reagan's name came up and one of the people there who I knew but wasn't exactly friends with starting telling me that back in late 60s, when she was young and dumb, she had worked as a greeter at the Church of Satan in San Francisco. She wasn't a Satanist but needed work and had been a hippy at the time. She was a decent person with a good reputation in the group of people I knew so when she told me Reagan had gone to C of Satan numerous times, I believed her and I still do. This was also chronicled in either Thanks For the Memories or Trance-formation of America. Both books are written by former sex slaves of the elite and they were mind-controlled but managed to escape after years of abuse. One of those books also tells about Rea gan using mind-controlled children as sex slaves as well. One other strange thing: Back in about 1971 when Reagan was Gov of Calif, I went with my dad to a reception given to honor Reagan. He was there with his wife Nancy. I remember him coming up to my dad and tapping him on the shoulder behind him. He was alone and remained alone even after he finished talking with my dad and me. I looked around and saw Nancy behind me with a group of very important-looking men, about 9 of them. She was holding forth and they were listening raptly. What was wrong with that picture? Rea gan was governor of Calif at that time and should have been the one surrounded by powerful men. That's how power works. But they completely ignored Reagan. IMO there's far more to this story than we know and I'd love to know the whole story, especially about Nancy. When I was a flight attendant I flew with another flight attendant who had had Ron and Nancy on board. the F/A asked R and N what they wanted to drink and Nancy said nothing, neither answered. Finally after being asked again, Ron told the F/A "My wife doesn't speak to the help." btw, the F/A had been a Reagan fan up until then. IMO they are not nice people.

SwordOfAthena 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. Not surprised it's L.A. I grew up there in Hollywood Hills back in 60s/early 70s, it's changed alot since then. I left L.A. in 1973 and haven't been back 40 30 yrs. I lived in Calif most all my life and left for good last year, just couldn't take it any more. I now live in solid red state and don't regret the move. No one here wearing mask for quite awhile and it's only ever been a handful for last 1.5 yrs - also pretty much everyone here knows what WEF/CBDC etc. is as well. I gave a talk last year to Republican Committee group in my county about the jab but everyone already knew the information I gave them. I think most folks in U.S. now know the major points that they need to know. A recent poll said only 9% of Americans thought this last election was honest - I REALLY don't want to meet those 9% folks!

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I may ask - where is this? I really hope it's not a red state.

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

military code of justice probably doesn't have that; execution can be immediate IIRC. That's why military (tribunals) are the only way.

SwordOfAthena 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes there is such a video. I watched part of it but couldn't stomach watching the rest. It's horrendous. Glad to have it confirmed by NYPD as well. Thanks for posting this!

SwordOfAthena 4 points ago +4 / -0

Look up Demon software on a search engine - I've read it's used in Trump hotels. Of course he has the goods.

SwordOfAthena 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've watched Trump for 45 yrs - does Trump have the goods??? Of course Trump has the goods, he is THE MAN.

SwordOfAthena 9 points ago +9 / -0

Many of the "journalists" on TV news are CIA. This has been true for probably all my life - I"m 68 y.o. CIA took over msm news in 1947.

SwordOfAthena 7 points ago +7 / -0

I just looked up Gen. Caine - my bad, he IS a general and he's on Twitter. You might want to check out his tweets, he's a gem! https://twitter.com/generalraisin

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't remember him being a General when I saw that but then my memory is not that great any more. I love the name though...

SwordOfAthena 1 point ago +1 / -0

But not if you're white, only black, Hispanic, Asian etc.

SwordOfAthena 3 points ago +3 / -0

Liberals/Marxists here think all white S. Africans are racist. They have NO idea, NONE about the reality of S. Africa. Best of luck to you, purkiss, hope it all turns out OK. I have been watching Donald Trump for 45 yrs - he IS the real deal and never gives up on a project once he's started. I have a feeling he will soon have the military mopping up the criminals here and when that happens it will probably be worldwide, as it's all connected. Looks like Brazilians are winning this war and Bolsonaro will be coming back to power, military is now arresting drug traffickers (which are the army for Lula the usurper communist) so things around the world should be coming back to some sanity. Hope I'm right. Prayers for you and yours - stay safe! Let us know if there's anything we can do on this side to help you out.

SwordOfAthena 3 points ago +3 / -0

Husband and I have found that methylene blue works better than anything else and it does work pretty well for that. We get ours from bph.com Depression is horrible and while this works for us, it may not work for her very well, who knows what the vax did to her brain. I wish her well and my heart goes out to her.

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