TC166 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, youll sticky YOURSELF making a strange claim about 50,000 troops being killed on the canadian border? But you wont allow Anons to research the CIA because its too far off topic??

TC166 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tomb of the soldier wouldn't surprise me one but if something was hidden inside..

TC166 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had some super great theories based around this map when this place first came to light, and mods shut me down and told me that the GAW isnt Q approved...

Im starting to get pretty pissed off with this website. They are suppressing anyone whom gets too close to a logical idea/theory...

TC166 1 point ago +1 / -0

We can discuss a pre approved list of topics apparently. I also find it extremely odd that they grouped the usernames together from TD.W and here... They want your communications to be tied together.

TC166 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are 100% correct!! My post was about the origins of the CIA logo.. It was nuked within MINUTES. the 16 pointed star obviously has some type of significance, but nope, I WAS WAY WAY WAYYYY off topic and trying to turn this place into a conspiracy site..

Thank you for your service, I did 6 years, but the action was over by the time my turn came around.

This site is not only to control what you say, but to nuke anyone who gets to close to any shred of actual truth surrounding whats going on in the world. This is a disinformation campaign disguised as a truth forum.

TC166 2 points ago +2 / -0

I found adult content on the communities.win site which is supposed to be the mod site for all of the .wins, I kept my mouth shut and my eyes open for triggers and supression and by golly its happening. You're right, this site is not what people think it is... Its a trojan horse into your mind. They are trying to get people to say and think extremist shit.

When the mod site contains porn, "i didnt look at it to see what kind, but you could tell people were bumping uglies through the NSFW blurred filter" then something is obviously suspicious..

TC166 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tartary. It dominates old maps pre 1800s but vanished into thin air afterwards. Its speculation thats when the last reset occurred.

TC166 2 points ago +2 / -0

dude the way this years went, im not really suprised by anything at this point. Sasquatch or a meteor will finish the year off..

TC166 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where does deception and Bible even appear in the same title? Are you referring to the two separate videos which says TIMELINE DECEPTION? and the other being PAUL THE APOSTLE AND THE ORIGINS OF THE BIBLE????

TC166 4 points ago +4 / -0

a couple of Decoys up now. Globemasters have been making movement.

TC166 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want to see the navy ships on the coast.

TC166 0 points ago +2 / -2

Q also talks about the CIA, but my posts were nuked into oblivion. Im not gatekeeping, just warning you about what happened to me.

TC166 5 points ago +5 / -0

I WILL NOT bring up Q related material on TD.W

Those guys are a breed of their own. They want liberty and liberty alone. Most people there believe Q is a LARP.

TC166 1 point ago +1 / -0

Explosion is just the term for what it appeared to be. As I follow up in my statement, that it then made the shape of a J as if it were taking off on a flight path.. as seen from the ground it would appear to be a J, but up the the air it could have been as simple as an east heading before shooting into the sky.. Either way, we didn't have anything in the air that night capable of doing anything like that, and the base we were on shouldn't have had the support for anything like that...

You could be absolutely correct..

TC166 12 points ago +12 / -0

Interesting. I should refill my water storage.

TC166 8 points ago +8 / -0

NCSWIC https://www.cisa.gov/safecom/NCSWIC

I do believe those words are a play on this acronym.

I found something, very odd in explanation, but have found tidbits of information that seem to make up a pretty nice timeline...

Essentially, Jesus has already had a 1000 year kingdom here on earth, Tribulation has already happened in this theory, and we are currently in the small season that satan gets to roam the earth.. A small season should be about 200 years on that 1000 year scale..

I think what were experiencing now, is the second falling of satan, and the introduction for the return of Jesus, permanently. Im not super religious and that sounds incredibly odd for me to type out, but I really enjoyed this theory.

Essentially around 1820s, There was a giant worldwide civilization known as Tartary or Tartaria. You can find it in old maps, you can even find google information about it. Essentially were supposedly living among the remnants of a not so ancient advanced civilization that was overthrown by the current power structure. All of the old massive buildings with intricate detail that cannot be reproduced today is supposed massive evidence that this place existed on a multi continental scale.

take 45 minutes, watch these 4 videos, at the end if you think its rubbish then cool, id love to chat further about it.. But im a pretty serious skeptic on some things and this ladies graphs and photos just blew me away...


TC166 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was stationary just like a star... I was laying on some picnic tables looking up at the sky on the phone, when the star suddenly looked as if it just exploded, and then made the shape of a J like a flight path, and it was gone. I did not see anything hit the object. It was as if I watched a supernova happen right in front of my eyes. It was so damn incredible.

TC166 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do you seriously not consider someone gatekeeping information a blue pill?

What would you consider someone attempting to give you a blue pill, if not that scenario?

TC166 3 points ago +4 / -1

The mods here are no different than reddit, fakebook, twatter, utube...

I have been diving into content non stop attempting to aid in the information dispersal. I will not be silenced by a mod who likely works for the organization themselves...

TC166 2 points ago +2 / -0

I personally watched a UFO explode and J hook into the sky over an army base in Kentucky. I was laying on a picnic table staring at the sky when BOOM.. Either we have craft, or they are watching us...

TC166 -2 points ago +3 / -5

Be prepared for mods to NUKE this... apparently they have decided that gatekeeping is more prudent than connecting information. Apparently if Q doesn't say it, neither can we. Welcome to Operation MOCKingbird.

TC166 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its at least been occurring since July 2018. And the lingo is based around the name of the OP which is Devils Storm.

Could be something, but its happened a few times already, so I just wouldn't put all my eggs in that basket.

TC166 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would honestly, really really enjoy for you to explain to me, how doing research on the CIA logo origins, isn't related to Q anon, considering Q asks questions like

-who sent them -who sent the ones who sent them -who really sent them\

digging into history of one of the most corrupt organizartions in history which has been delcared an enemy of the people seems like the incredibly logical thing to do. but yet, i guess youd rather have posts regarding air traffic, and 82nd training exercises, and John Podesta talking about aliens...

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