TheLightOfTruth17 6 points ago +6 / -0

It hit ~$50 in 1980 and again in 2011. Once we break $50 we should truly explode and see real price discovery

TheLightOfTruth17 14 points ago +14 / -0

We’re getting close to something enormous happening in the financial world/systems. It looks almost certain something will go down before the election or at the latest shortly after. Silver also hit an 11 year high today and is most likely going to explode higher once we break the previous all time highs of $50.

TheLightOfTruth17 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone who has been to a rally knows just the security we can see is incredible. I’ve been to a few where there was local police, military police, national guard, private security, secret service, snipers, drones, helicopters, almost assuredly plain clothed security in and among the crowds, etc. The safest place in the World you can be is next to Trump.

TheLightOfTruth17 6 points ago +6 / -0

Silver is no where near it’s all time high of $50 still. If you adjust for inflation, depending on which calculations you use, it’s current all time high adjusted priced would be $200-$400+. Silver along with GameStop shares are the 2 most manipulated and undervalued assets in the World. They will both create generational wealth when the price manipulation ends and we transition to a new free and fair market system.

TheLightOfTruth17 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don’t want to make too long of a comment here but it is Imperative that the banking cabal doesn’t not let Silver get past $30. Getting through $30 will quickly lead to $50, and breaking that would then lead to a true explosive fair price discovery ranging in the hundreds to even thousands per ounce of Silver. It’s clear the last month or 2 Patriots behinds the scenes have decided to slowly unrig Gold/Silver which is heavily manipulated every single day. Exciting times ahead and hopefully everyone has stacked up on some Gold/Silver or starts immediately if they haven’t already!

TheLightOfTruth17 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am certain they’ve been shorting it hard since the moment it IPO’ed. Every short is a future buyer so they will only help it go even higher when it’s showtime.

TheLightOfTruth17 14 points ago +14 / -0

Wallstreet is a financial arm of the cabal. They are desperate to destroy anything that’s good for Trump or we the people. So they will criminally short/attack things like DWAC, GameStop, Gold and Silver, etc. Which makes these things the greatest investments of all time cause when this fake financial system unravels all of these assets will explode in value.

TheLightOfTruth17 8 points ago +8 / -0

Voted in a school in Texas today. While waiting in line a few kids at the school between classes shouted “Vote Donald Trump” to us a few times. Gave me a big smile.

TheLightOfTruth17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump told us years ago that Elon has flipped. To me it's obvious he's under white hat control. "We helped him, so he HAS to help us."

TheLightOfTruth17 3 points ago +3 / -0

The concept of terrain theory is that bacteria/viruses may not actually cause disease like we are lead to believe. But rather that bacteria/viruses are simply attracted to already weakened, susceptible, or inflammed tissues, cells, etc. Which the large majority of people keep their body in a constant weakened/disease promoting state from unhealthy lifestyle choices. I personally have not gotten sick 1 time in the last 6 years since I implemented extended water fasting and daily intermittent fasting, along with the typical good diet, exercise, supplementation of Ivermectin, HCQ, etc. Not even a cold or cough, even cured my mild seasonal allergies as well. I cannot emphasize enough how important intermittent and extended water fasting is. It's just as important, if not more so than regular diet and exercise.

TheLightOfTruth17 3 points ago +4 / -1

100% music can be healing. Others have already touched on certain frequencies. I'd like to add if you've done any research on Tartaria it appears that the old school Organs played at large cathedrals/churches would have healing powers to the audience in attendance, which is why they were named Organs.

by BQnita
TheLightOfTruth17 11 points ago +12 / -1

We're in the greatest WAR in the history of mankind. Good people are undoing thousands of years of evil. Q team said "the end won't be for everyone" unfortunately, but that's what happens in times of war. Sadly it's going to take immense suffering for the majority of people to finally wake up and demand change. We can only hope we're near the end. But ultimately we all know GOD wins and good will prevail regardless of how long it takes.

TheLightOfTruth17 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just got the EAS test message. Absolute nothing burger. Idk why people thought this would actually be something significant lol

TheLightOfTruth17 8 points ago +8 / -0

The Q team said in Post #14 that "good people prevented the rigging" regarding the 2016 election. Which leads me to believe the Patriots can prevent election rigging whenever they so choose to. They purposefully allowed 2020 to be rigged.

TheLightOfTruth17 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm not sure if you've heard of the "Kneesovertoes" guy on Youtube. Check out his content and try out the exercises. You could possibly revert your knees back to perfect condition.

TheLightOfTruth17 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you ever looked at the US Debt Clock before they removed the modern Gold and Silver prices they used to show Gold’s price in the tens of thousands of dollars and Silver in the thousands for a long time. They removed it maybe in the last 12-18 months cause they didn’t want people to realize precious metals are some of the most undervalued assets in the World and their prices are heavily suppressed. Silver absolutely could go to the equivalent of $5000 an ounce.

TheLightOfTruth17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Silver and Gold prices are absolutely manipulated. As well as virtually every other asset in the World.

TheLightOfTruth17 6 points ago +6 / -0

Remember, the Military has had the ability to prevent election rigging since at least 2016. "Was the election suppose to be rigged? Did good people prevent the rigging?" Allowing 2020 to be rigged was very important for a number of strategic reasons. Will they allow it to be rigged again in 2024? I would like to believe No but who knows. Patriots are in Full Control.


TheLightOfTruth17 9 points ago +9 / -0

Fenbendazole and other alternative treatments are much better than chemo/radiation. Please do your research

TheLightOfTruth17 5 points ago +5 / -0

He didn't steal the idea for FB. He didn't invent FB at all. That was a completely fabricated story. He's just the front man. DARPA (as well as other factions I'm sure) developed FB, or as I like to call it by its real name, LifeLog. Q Post #1130

TheLightOfTruth17 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you actually watch the interview you know that he isn’t claiming at all that it’s “aliens” who are trafficking children. He’s only saying that he saw a UFO and that Human Black OPS Special Forces neutralized him and his team from seeing/investigating any further.

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