Treebeardpatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Go woke go broke! He keeps this up we’ll be seeing him on the corner in Commiefornia soon enough. Begging for a buck.

Treebeardpatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

At what point do we start to put the bodies in the desert? The whole of congress is compromised and there needs to be a refresh and go back to the constitutional thought process. Congress is just a business and is not for the people and we need to remind them of that in the voting booth. That is if that isn’t compromised which I believed it is as well. We are in a very dangerous place when it comes to this and the weakening of men (soy boys) in this country is facilitating it.

Treebeardpatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let’s not forget Keytron island that was the crash site of the Alaska airlines plane. It just so happens to be a possible CIA black site. With only a few houses on the island it. The plane happened to hit an out building of a house that was put up for sale a few days later. Only access to the island is with a ferry. The. Alaska airlines plane that was hijacked by a maintenance man had to have help to get it pushed back. There is a lot here that stinks. Not to mention this happened just a few days after this missile was fired at Airforce one. Not to mention that the news had the audio recording from the plane before the CEO of the company was even notified. For reference… used to be an employee for them in communications. None of it made sense.

Treebeardpatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

What’s sad is that we had to use the law to agree that a Nobel prize drug was safe. We are so broken it’s 😞

Treebeardpatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well let’s think about why there are so many civilian contractors attached to the government? Hmmmmm

It wouldn’t be so they don’t have to answer to FOIA requests now would it?


This wouldn’t be due to protecting any over site from anyone as they are a private company now would it?


Nooooooo….. our government wouldn’t do that now would it.

Treebeardpatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

What’s really sad is I have to read this on a UK new network. Our country is in shambles when this occurs and our news is silent.

Treebeardpatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

So when will that come? At this point the only thing that they really have is ditching physical money and going digital currency. Pigeon holing patriotism from being able to purchasing weapons, food and gas. All in the name of safety and climate change. You think we’re screwed now. Just wait. That hold my beer moment is coming and the people of this nation are so cowed that they will take it all. Like a tranny on Main Street and be happy about it.

Treebeardpatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

In the past three years that I have lived on my farm. The state has increased my property value over 300,000$. Which in turn translates to taxes. At this point it’s astronomical. Pricing me out of my land is what they are doing.

They want 15 min cities. They want us not to own anything and like it. It’s all control of your life. when these PC’s finally figure it out they will be on bread lines and the riots will be epic for food and space.

Treebeardpatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

At this point. Criminals rise and survive are protected in this city. Good law abiding citizens wanting a safe life are now the criminals. Yet these clowns say that crime is falling. Welcome to clown world.

Makes you wonder if they are not taking notes from their friends in the north. (Canada) where you are not allowed to protect your self. Nor allowed to have a weapon to do this.

Treebeardpatriot 2 points ago +4 / -2

I’m not holding my breath for this. Hell.. Alec Baldwin shot some one and got away with it. Even after the FBI reported that he had to pull the trigger. Not once but twice. So yea…. Nothing will come of this.

Treebeardpatriot 10 points ago +10 / -0

Screw that. Learn a skill and brew your own. I brew 5 gals once a week. And the most I pay is 50bucks. So it saves money as well.

Treebeardpatriot 4 points ago +8 / -4

Sooooooo. Is there any action yet? It's nice that they addressed it under cover but till I see heads roll it's just a ruse to pacify the Patriots. That is the show. The legal system is broken and we know it. Glad that there are indictments but with them sealed it's like me telling my wife I have a present for her with out giving it to her. ALL TALK NO ACTION!!!

Treebeardpatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the pandora box that they just opened with charging #45

Treebeardpatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

PLEASE!!!! Let them all swing. The Payoffs have been going on for far to long and nobody is talking about it. Don't you think it's about time that they start? And this snivlin stink bag should be made an example of.

Treebeardpatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe I'm a beer snob but this beer tastes like poss water anyways. No offense to those that like it. However I need some body to my beer.

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