TwistedTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would not be very surprised. There were several Q drops that seemed to have a woman's touch, and I wondered way back when they were originally posted whether it could be Melania..

TwistedTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

Next let's do washing machines that don't provide enough water to get the clothes wet, much less clean. We have an overabundance of water in our area, and it irks me that we have to "conserve water" because the west is a desert. Give them the crappy appliances they want, and let the rest of the country have "real" ones. Kind of like the cars made especially for California.

TwistedTrees 4 points ago +4 / -0

I suspect Barron is one of (or similar to) the Autists that make 8kun research so great. A quiet, private person, but most likely extremely smart, funny, and knowledgeable about more subjects than most people can imagine. I had a genius autist as a son. He was so much fun after you got to know him. Our friends (neurophysicists, electrical engineers, physics majors, math majors, and computer gurus) couldn't believe his breadth and depth of knowledge, well before age 18. They dig deep into any subject that catches their attention, until they become experts (compared to other people's knowledge). They can be very straightforward and honest, to the point of harsh/ rude without proper social instruction. The "normal white lies" other people make on a daily basis can bend them out of shape; they don't understand why people won't merely tell the truth. I think Barron Trump will do a fine job of anything he chooses to tackle. I've often wondered if he was part of the Q team, or at the very least, following along doing some of the Q research.

Most high functionin autists don't care about other people's opinions regarding their capabilities. They know what they know, they know whether they'll be successful at what they try, and whether they have the correct skill sets. Anyone trying to disparage their capabilities or tell them "you can't do that, it's never been done before" or "you're too young / you're too old" will be dismissed out of hand. Yes, I'm an autist too, so know them well.

TwistedTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did he ever actually have Secret Service protection? My understanding is he didn't trust anyone in DC and had his own private security who had protected him for many years. Must have really po'ed everyone trying to get rid of him. Do a search for "trump used private bodyguards president" and there will be lots of hits.

TwistedTrees 1 point ago +1 / -0

The below is a copy/paste from this website that no longer exists: https://www.truthcontrol.com/house-payseur

Looks like it might have come from his book, The Biggest Secret by David Icke.

A battle continues for control of the former Payseur holdings, but at the moment it appears they are controlled by the Rothschilds. David Icke / <cite>The Biggest Secret</cite>

In 1872, a Payseur company, the Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad, established a telegraph company called Western Union. It formed a subsidiary called AT and T in 1875 and today it is one of America’s biggest telephone and communication companies.

The Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad company is the parent company for the Federal Reserve, the privately owned ‘central bank’ of the United States. The Payseur empire became heavily involved in banking. Their Bank of Lancaster became the North Carolina Bank and then Nationsbank. The biggest bank in Texas, Interfirst, of which George Bush is a director, merged in 1987 with Republic Bank to form First Republic. This was later absorbed by Nationsbank which then merged with the Bank of America.

These two launder CIA drug money and that’s appropriate because the forerunner to the CIA, the OSS or Office of Strategic Services, was created from the Payseurs’ own security network which was formed by the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad to protect the Military Railroad System. It’s all wheels within wheels, family within family, and Americans have not a clue who really runs their lives and their country...The Payseur family have now lost control of their empire, but the same reptilian tribe are still at the helm. David Icke / <cite>The Biggest Secret</cite>

Payseur Empire: Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago Railroad Company, parent company of Federal Reserve Bank Bank of Lancaster North Carolina Bank Nationsbank

Interfirst Bank + Republic Bank = First Republic absorbed/bought by Nationsbank merged with Bank of America

After the ‘revolutionaries’ executed King Louis XVI (Ramses-Piso-Bush) and Queen Marie Antoinette (Ramses-Piso-Bush), her son, Crown Prince Louis, still a toddler, was placed under house arrest at the Paris Temple. Two years later he was smuggled out in a laundry basket by his doctor, Dr Naudin. The retarded nephew of the Marquis de Jarjayes was substituted and he died in 1795. The prince was secretly taken to the Vendee Palace and given sanctuary by Prince Conde. He was later moved to a fortress on the River Rhine where he lived under the name of Baron de Richemont.

He arrived in England in February 1804 with the former royal paymaster of France, George Payseur, and was protected by King George III, the monarch at the time of the American War of Independence. The Prince changed his name again to Daniel Payseur while George Payseur became George Bayshore. King George III gave the prince, now Daniel Payseur, a ship and awarded George Bayshore 600 acres of land in North Carolina. When they arrived in America they were given help by the Boddie family, who were related to the British monarchy.

Before leaving England, the prince bought shares in the Virginia Company and once in America he acquired gold mines, including the Gold Hill Mining Company, which he purchased secretly using a trustee, George Newman, as his frontman or proxy. With the invention of the steam engine, Payseur began to build railroads and leased them to operating companies. He also established the Lancaster Manufacturing Company to produce timber for railroad products and the Lincolnton Iron Company which later located in Chicago and formed two subsidiaries, Carnegie Steel and Pullman Standard Company.

David Icke / <cite>The Biggest Secret</cite>

TwistedTrees 1 point ago +1 / -0

See if this thread is what you are trying to remember. Daniel Payseur, son of Queen Marie Antoinette and unknown. A deep dive by 1FreeInhabitant from Sep 2018.

TwistedTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

I normally use OTC ones. However, my doctor gave me some patches one visit (for a different problem), he had some samples available. Could have gotten a prescription if I had asked for it. Also, if your mother can get a "prescription" for a PT, the PT has stronger patches that use a small battery in the patch to make the meds go deeper into the body. Those were best.

TwistedTrees 3 points ago +3 / -0

Starts talking about P. Diddy about 10:20

Tells about the Sage Steele scripted interview with O'biden about 13:00

Tells about the scripted dim Jan 6 script about 15:05

TwistedTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

Usually caused by a pinched neck nerve. It hit me really bad a few years ago, felt like all my teeth on that side were abscessed, along with a severe headache in my temple. Pain was so bad, I couldn't carry on a conversation, couldn't do anything but lay down and cry and hope the pain eventually went away.

My chiropractor gave an adjustment that helped get the bone off the nerve. Took a few times to clear up. Now I can feel the bit of pain starting, and will use my fingers to push sideways on the tender part of my neck before it gets bad. I find the most painful spot alongside my neck vertebra, then push towards the spine with a bit of pressure. Basically, I'm trying to push the vertebra a bit sideways to get it off the nerve. Then next time I go to the chiropractor, I mention it and he does a specific move to help free the nerve. Ice helps me, heat doesn't.

Riding in the car or driving triggers and/or aggravates it. Have discovered that if I ride with someone else, and lean my seat back a bit, it is much less painful. Apparently, sitting up straight allows the bone to press the nerve too much, and leaning back removes or limits the pressure.

I also carry a point massager with me so if I'm driving, I can use it on my neck.

Your mom might try the stick on pain patches. Even though the pain is mostly in the jaw and temple, the pain/ pinched nerve, is actually coming from the neck, so that's where the patch would go.

This is a horrible pain to have to deal with, and I pray your mom finds quick relief.

TwistedTrees 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh my goodness, I got sticked for the first time ever! Thank you mods!

TwistedTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

I forgot to search first, did not mean to double-post. Perhaps we needed it posted multiple times for visibility in case it aged off the page.

TwistedTrees 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's back?!?! Disappeared for a while. Has an interesting take on things. Some think he is JFK or someone close to that family. Said he was an AI then disappeared. Think he dropped out of anonup about the same time.

Made some cool light boxes he gave away via a contest before he left. No one knows what to make of him. I rarely get on X so didn't know he was back. He kept getting kicked off for making conservative comments as variations of Vincent Kennedy or Fusca. Santa Claus bigredwavenow always seems to know where to find him when he gets kicked off.

Regardless of whether he's a larp or not, is generally good entertainment, with a lot of links to interesting places I'd never find on my own.

He was making these before, looks like he's giving them away again Tesseract (VK008)

TwistedTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is so excited, still on his high from seeing and being around Trump all evening, what a joy to watch!

TwistedTrees 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, I don't know the answer. I found this on 8kun and thought it was interesting due to all the past conversations regarding insider trading. I had no idea there was a site to even see it at all.

TwistedTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

So exciting, you will be wired afterward! So many patriots to talk to!

TwistedTrees 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I went a few years ago, the "tickets" seemed to be only to estimate the size of the venue. No one ever asked for them, but the event was outside. Perhaps they are needed for inside events, but I heard that it was first come first served, which is why so many people arrive way too early to get in line.

TwistedTrees 4 points ago +4 / -0

So they gave the Democrats $150K 2 months ago, and gave the RNC $45K now. Looks like a pittance to appease the patriots in the union, to keep them from fleeing and to shut them up. Next few months should tell the story better.

TwistedTrees 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look into Vitamin K-MK4. Taken at 45 mg per day (three 15 mg tablets), it is prescribed in Japan as Glakay. Have to buy it in the US online, because the health food stores don't have high enough amounts. It's a vitamin, so most insurance won't cover, and is not offered by local pharmacies. It is taken in Japan to reverse osteoporosis. Supposed to regulate blood issues, such as high or low blood pressure and sugar high or low. Supposed to handle the osteo by removing excess calcium from the blood and returning it to the bones. When researching, be sure to note the actual version of Vit. K. Some studies mention MK7, or MK9, and some don't even mention the type. The only study I've seen is for MK4, and is included with the Glakay prescription. I found it in the past online as a pdf, but couldn't find it tonight. I had surgery a number of years back, and the doc was very concerned that I was taking Vit K since it's a blood thinner, but he did some tests and all was ok for the surgery to proceed.

TwistedTrees 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been taking the horse paste about once a month. I don't like the flavor but I have found a way to make it work. I squirt my dose out on a small piece of plastic wrap. Make me half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Use my finger to wipe my dose on the back of my tongue then immediately take a bite of my sandwich. The peanut butter and jelly match the consistency so well, I never even notice I've taken it. I've never taken the pills so I don't know any sources for that.

TwistedTrees 1 point ago +1 / -0

Soybean oil is made from soy beans. It's all soy. Doesn't matter what form it takes, I have a reaction. It makes me cry for about the next 24 hours for no reason at all, so I KNOW when I've accidentally eaten it. Having reactions to certain substances can be a blessing or a curse, but I assure you, all forms act like a female hormone in my body. Birth control pills created the same reaction. Whatever the mechanism, it's messing with my hormones.

TwistedTrees 3 points ago +3 / -0

Try flushing your sinus out daily, morning and night, with the NeilMed sinus rinse squirt bottle. Has made a great difference in my allergies. Discovered I had to take a shower every single night after being outside, or the allergens would get on my bed covers. Even if I had already taken a shower mid-day. The allergens did not come off my hair with only water, had to use shampoo to get them out.

Also, for some reason, after I started taking ivermectin sporadically, my winter allergies have greatly subsided, didn't even have to take Allegra-D last winter or this, first time in over 12-15 years.

TwistedTrees 3 points ago +3 / -0

Soybean is bad. Converts to female hormones when it gets in the body. Formula companies say not to feed soy milk to baby boys because of this. Who wants our MAGA men basically eating female hormones???? Hard to get away from, they put it in everything now. Cheaper cost, or some nefarious reason?

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