Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

So I am not sure why these ar "proofs" rather than simply evidence that Trump is aligned with the Q posts?

That's the "proof" we're looking for. The big picture Q painted wasn't anything new, the conspiracy theories he referenced had been floating around for years, decades even (see Bill Cooper's works, for example). The most important message that Q conveyed, imo, was that President Trump agrees with these conspiracy theories and is working to remedy them.

Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah man, when it's all over I'm going to turn off the news for a year and catch up on some sleep.

Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree wholeheartedly. And yet both of us are just posting on the internet about it and that's it.

I'm no boogaloo fed or PF fed, I'm not advocating terrorist attacks, I'm just noting where we are. They stole an election, they're probably going to jail President Trump. Where is our red line?

Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it has to happen, let it happen in our time, that our kids may be free.

Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure something that can be undone would shock the world. The world is not shocked by what happened today.

I don't think I'm "jumping" to "Trump will be killed." They've done everything they can to stop him being president. What is left?

If he were killed, I think it would shock the world.

Note that I'm not hoping for this to happen. I wish the past, naive, versions of us from when Q first started posting are right and this doesn't end up in violence. But after everything we've seen, that hope is looking more and more futile by the day.

Wexit-Delecto 3 points ago +4 / -1

I believe he's more likely referenced #3728:

Friend/Patriot - hold your head up high.

POTUS was not harmed in any way today other than on paper (history books).

Sometimes you must sacrifice yourself for the greater good.

"I will gladly take all those slings and arrows for you." - POTUS

But, even that, can be undone.

The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD.



I've said it several times and the eternal optimists comprising the bulk of this community just downdoot on forums where that's possible, and get mad on forums where it's not. I'll say it again.

This post suggests that President Trump will face a number of indignities and offences that can be undone, which will ultimately lead to him facing one that cannot be undone, namely, DEATH. The enormity of that will shock the world.

They are likely going to kill President Trump. Q never promised us another term of Trump. He only promised us that our side would eventually take back America and the rest of the western world.

Are you planning to take action, like, real action (and you know what I'm talking about), to take back your country? No? Me neither. We're still both comfortable and pacified, relatively safe, all our material needs met.

What will it take for us to get off our asses? I think only President Trump's death will do that. We sat still these last four years thinking "Biden is only going to get another term, Trump will be back in four years, our team can still win this peacefully, etc." We're still thinking it now. And we're wrong.

Wexit-Delecto 3 points ago +4 / -1

POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.

Sheesh, so much for that one.

Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think it's dead at all, it's more relevant than ever. It looks like Biden's going to be the one instituting martial law in an attempt to "delay" the 2024 election.

Wexit-Delecto 6 points ago +6 / -0

If this was an option, why not have done it earlier? President Trump had less support in 2016 than now, and the fake news had a stronger grip in 2016 than now. Why would they have waited so long?

Is President Trump that well protected?

Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is if the adversary controls an appreciable portion of all issued currency and/or also controls enough computers (via the OS, or the hardware, or both). They could root every computer on earth and have it accept their changes to the blockchain.

Wexit-Delecto 0 points ago +1 / -1

Most VPN companies are re-using open source VPN code and charging for access to their servers. The VPN software in question has been used in many pieces of software including various linux flavours for 20 years.

Gold and silver haven't taken off primarily because of the EFT scam in which gold and silver EFTs are traded as if they're interchangeable with gold and silver, even though the number of such 1 oz EFTs outnumbers extant ounces of gold and silver by 100x-300x. It has acted as an apparent inflation of the supply of these metals. However, following 2008 that wasn't enough to keep people off of gold and silver so they printed trillions and awarded them to the big banks to, in part, suppress the price of the metals further and, while prices were down, they released crypto, which has since been diverting demand for gold and silver.

If they didn't want people buying crypto, they'd print money to drive its price down as they've been doing with gold and silver. If people think there are no gains to be had, they won't invest.

God has nothing to do with crypto, it's a man made software running on man made machines. "In God we trust" refers to the fact that there's no one and no thing on earth we can trust to limit the quantity of money. Only God, who determined how much precious metal there is, can be trusted with such a task.

Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure why any of the above says to you "bad actors can't hide something in the code." They recently found a 20 year old vulnerability in almost every single implementation of VPN software, and most VPN implementations are ~4,000-10,000 lines of code. This is far from an isolated finding. Small pieces of commonly used open source code are regularly found to have had long-standing vulnerabilities. Why would cryptocurrency software be any different, especially given the stakes?

The Cabal doesn’t write software to subvert their control

Cryptocurrency has not and will never subvert their control. It was released at exactly the time the cabal needed people to lay off gold and silver, and it worked, expertly diverting demand from real scarce money off into digital tokens.

So you just keep on trusting your Cabal fiat dollars, the bank’s closed software platforms, cabal-hardware, and the Cabal’s suppression of the money markets

In God I trust, which means gold and silver. Not fiat.

Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what gold and silver stand for. After all, the last time we were free, we used gold and silver as money.

Crypto is the cabal's response to the price of gold and silver climbing unacceptably after the 2008 financial crisis. They needed something to soak up the demand.

Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does not China dominate holdings? They're the only ones who don't have to pay for their electricity.

Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

Disagree, silver is by and large in the possession of the people.

Wexit-Delecto 1 point ago +1 / -0

Re your last line, I grant you gold is dominated by bad guys like the cabal, not to mention Ivan and the slants. If we acknowledge gold is money again, we're acknowledging that these parties are richer than we will ever be. Which is why I think the gold standard is a red herring, and the real peoples' money is silver.

Wexit-Delecto 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yet they keep finding disastrous zero day flaws in OSS, as they do for commercial software. Likely half of them were intentionally placed by cabal-controlled coders.

You go ahead and trust your cabal-written software running on a cabal-written OS, running on cabal-made hardware, depending on encryption algorithms the cabal gave us for free and out of the goodness of their hearts (and not to eavesdrop on all traffic encrypted with these algorithms, not at all), and transmitting messages across an internet which the cabal completely controls.

As for me, I'm going to continue burying shiny and trusting in God.

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