X_anon 8 points ago +8 / -0

I knew EXACTLY what they were going to do here in NY region the MOMENT I stepped foot out the door around noon….

Crystal clear blue skies, 60 degree weather. I thought dang if they’re gonna block this thing they better do it quick, heating up.

I even got the before and after 2 hour difference only.

1pm still clear but the jets were right on target hitting the sun, X MARKS THE SPOT -


2 hours later 3pm as the eclipse began I was surprised they were able to wipe out the crystal blue sky with full coverage -



X_anon 2 points ago +2 / -0

My fren, I knew EXACTLY what they were going to do here in NY region the MOMENT I stepped foot out the door around noon….

Crystal clear blue skies, 60 degree weather. I thought dang if they’re gonna block this thing they better do it quick, heating up.

I even got the before and after 2 hour difference only.

1pm still clear but the jets were right on target hitting the sun, X MARKS THE SPOT -


2 hours later 3pm as the eclipse began I was surprised they were able to wipe out the crystal blue sky with full coverage -



Luckily they didn’t do a total smog job, almost, but something just felt so different about that post eclipse sunlight hitting, or what could…

X_anon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not sure about the technical details but we all know Trump had a chef who went full Q anon and was putting blatant and subliminal Qs EVERYWHERE…

X_anon 9 points ago +9 / -0

And it’s about the presidential pastry chef during Trump term right? … wow great catch! Can someone screenshot the Xweet

X_anon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow all the victims of sick hidden experimental science, the unnamed humans born into this world by force to lead lives of captivity and pain, the missing in action, ritualistic murder rape and torture, war, false flag terror, school shooting victims, the trapped and caged….

Looking down upon us and saving the future generations…

X_anon 2 points ago +2 / -0

The creepy futuristic creepy evil cult uniform Schwab wears…

We the people crave some 4TH REICH NAZI SCALPS!

Time to exterminate these loosh sucking parasites once and for all…. The Final Battle!

X_anon 11 points ago +11 / -0

Wow the golden escalator….

What does it all mean… what even is this timeline… what is life..

X_anon 1 point ago +1 / -0

But…. He DID get that many legal votes, many more. This is blatantly obvious viewing the silent (no longer) majority.

Looks like this guy is passing off the BIG LIE!

X_anon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’d say so. He stole my idea. I have the voat posts to prove!

X_anon 1 point ago +1 / -0

The X itself is Above and Below /\ V

Feel like I’ve seen it somewhere maybe on a bunch of creepy old men parading around in white robes.. hmm

X_anon 2 points ago +2 / -0

X is all shapes, all Platonic solids + aether, religious symbol, color, frequency and note, math, calander,

An infinitely repeating honeycomb 3D matrix of some sort (>|<) the flower of life, the singular cell.



X_anon 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a video I saved recently that fully delved into the Cube was really good.

I soaked a bit up things I knew some I didn’t, I believe he was right about the cross being a version of the X which ties back into Saturn at its core. Perhaps the cross was a lie. Who tf knows eh.

It’s a pretty easy logical step and conclusion to come to. Saturn = planet = somehow before the invention of telescopes they were able to deduce Saturn had a big cube on it. X = cube = flower of life = all Platonic solids + aether = all religious symbols.

I don’t try to say I understand any of this, I’m sort of the Jack of all trades. I know a LITTLE about a LOT. That whole sacred geometry/flower of life stuff is wild. It’s an infinite honeycomb I wouldn’t be surprised if it was floating infinitely around us at all times.



Is the start of life.

X holds all religious symbols, shapes, frequencies, Platonic solids + aether, numbers, math, color, music, sound.

The building block as freemasonry calls it.

X the cube

/End rant

X_anon 1 point ago +1 / -0

The weeds appear to be very thick.

I’m not saying anything one way or another

But the X seems to have been a very predominant theme in the man’s legacy/creations.

It is the base symbol of all symbols X

This is why the Freemasons use it, it’s the most basic form of any symbols but contains ALL symbols religious, all Platonic solids plus aether, the infinite Honey Comb.

X ie the flower of life (>|<)




X_anon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not sure about these Naysayers but like many things it all boils down to SATURN.



(><) X it is the start of the cube.

SATURN has the cube pattern IE flower of life (>|<)

There are some who say even the modern day Cross has been corrupted and is a representation of X or a CROSS.

t = X unfold a cube any which way, you can only get a cross. Jesus died in the 3rd Dimension on the cross for our sins in this 3D world. He is the flesh and blood in our material world.

X_anon 10 points ago +10 / -0

Wow almost forgot how brutally and blatantly that Prime Minister Abe was gunned down in the streets with a wonky inaccurate homemade firearm as his security team all stood down and did virtually nothing…

Former prime minister being shot dead in the streets during one of the greatest times of political and humanity upheaval while the battle for Good and Evil clearly plays out in front of our eyes, practically nobody batted an eye…

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