Yotefox420 -1 points ago +0 / -1

Everything was in place now tho. If they have the fraud evidence why not use it? That's what the people have been waiting for. Instead they let it get stolen to come back in 22 and 24? That's some dumb logic imho. I've been a trump supporter. Voted both times but if his move is to really come back in 24 I wont bother voting for him as he looks more like he was put there in place to help the dems rather than to "drain the swamp"

Yotefox420 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just go straight to his website like he mentions in every single video....

Yotefox420 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty good. He brings alot of facts and helps to connect the dots. I've been following all year since the beginning of the pandemic