Zerbert1420 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a way to be your own bank. Not your keys, not your coins. Get a hardware wallet and keep your funds on there. Store your seed phrase in two separate locations.

If you're savvy to crypto, check out https://saveamericaeth.com/

2% of every transaction goes directly to Trump's ETH wallet. This article explains how this address is connected to Trump.


As a community, we've already raised over $300K worth of ETH that has been directly donated to his wallet. The ticker is DJT, just like the stock. I've been around since week 1 and it's almost 2 months old now. The community is growing, and it has a MAGA vibe in the telegram channel. https://t.me/DJTSaveAmerica

Come in an ask questions, I go by PulseWizard in there. This is legit and I'm trying to do my part in helping Trump. Crypto is my forte. It's also a great potential chance to make gains as more people join.

Zerbert1420 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've made a post about this crypto before here, but I encourage you all to check out the $DJT community on Eth. 2% of every transaction goes directly to Trump's crypto wallet. You can read how his wallet was tracked down here: https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2023/12/28/crypto-wallet-linked-to-donald-trump-sent-24m-in-ether-to-coinbase/

The ticker is the same as the stock; DJT. You can but it on the Ethereum network. The contract address is: 0xE68F1cb52659f256Fee05Fd088D588908A6e85A1

Their website is https://saveamericaeth.com

Collectively, we've already donated over $300K to his wallet. The marketcap is still low, currently around $1.3M. We're building a strong base of MAGA supporters and the team is doing real on the ground work. It's a good way to support Trump, while also speculating on an asset that could potentially grow as election season heats up and Trump's popularity starts to rise. The good thing too is, as it get's higher, more money goes to his wallet. Check it out!

Zerbert1420 1 point ago +1 / -0

That too! But if there are people who are more into crypto, this is a great way to make an investment and help Trump's crypto wallet as well. All the contributions make a difference. Me personally, I'm not very well versed with buying stocks and all that, but I have been involved with crypto for a while so I'm doing my part with my specific skill set

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
Zerbert1420 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please feel free to ask any questions crypto related. I think we are eventually going cashless whether we like it or not, but decentralized avenues and parallel currency structures will always exist.

I'm also a firm believer in diversifying in gold and silver as these will always retain their value and are highly manipulated to the downside now.

Zerbert1420 1 point ago +1 / -0

I felt the same kinda way after reading it. Trying to find the best way to present something without it sounding too much like that. It's a legit project that donates to Trump though. Ask around in the tg, say Zerbert sent me and I'll make sure you get a warm welcome. Buncha patriots in there, building a community from ground up. Need a solid base of supporters to spring board off of.

TG: https://t.me/DJTSaveAmerica

Zerbert1420 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is all verifiable on the blockchain. Check his tax records. There is an address associated with his filing of taxes. This is the wallet that the contributions are going towards

Zerbert1420 2 points ago +2 / -0
  • Birthright, first flight, basking in the sunlight
  • embrace the sun's jovial radiance
  • charging you with its photons of effervescent, wild, youthful energy
  • sharing itself to the world and all its inhabitants
  • imbuing life invigorating the spirit
  • no crevices of hidden deceits escape its exposure
  • light is the cureall to darkness, in all the ways one can fathom that meaning
  • light cleanses and purifies revealing all that was done under darkness's guise
  • mingled, mangled beings conspiring and acting out bloody horrors
  • thinking their covenant with darkness protects their evil deeds
  • but now is the time of expansive, luminescent truth
  • just as the sunrise breaks its rays over a forest landscape at dusk
  • so are we entering a cosmic sunrise for humanity
  • all the night creatures will have their dirty deeds exposed
  • the light will consume them
  • every darkened corner they escape to will quickly be revealed by a seeking light
  • truth will endure and all things done in secret, shall be made known
  • get right with all of your demons and leave them far behind
  • they will have no place in the future to behold
Zerbert1420 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think it was just the deep state getting one passed us. I think sometimes, we can't account for every single move and counter move, especially when dealing with 7 billion people. We have our border being flooded, and a lot of bad people come along with that. People willing to, say, carry out an attack on a train carrying hazardous materials for $10,000. Clearly, it was some deep state actor. Which group remains to be seen. But ultimately, the bad actor is the devil, Moloch, Baal that initiates these actions.

I believe it's a casualty of the war and we have to act accordingly. It should remind us that we need to be grateful for everyday our food, and water supply are relatively safe. How, as a community, can we come together to aid these people. These are mostly Trump supporters, and Biden is shitting all over them looking the other way. How do we show how strong we are as a community and help out?

Zerbert1420 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm skeptical of the timing. He was supposed to be questioned tomorrow by US Congress right? Then that'd put more attention on his and Maxine Waters cozy relationship. Could this have been a strategic move on deep state part? Brush it under the rug, move on. Nothing to see here. Call me a skeptic

Zerbert1420 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do we have a DD on tracing these funds? It seems that this is the case, but do we have a clear line of funds showing this? Or is this all speculation, based off of the connections that SBF has with ex-Clinton/Obama people, and the fact that FTX was used in Ukraine? We should be able to track these transactions if this is the case

Zerbert1420 81 points ago +86 / -5

I can't quite put my finger on it, but it doesn't seem like the same Q that we know here. Sure, they're touching the right topics and saying the correct things, but my intuition tells me something is a little...off. Remain skeptical, but nevertheless, I agree with the sentiment

Zerbert1420 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the response. I didn't mean 'old' per se, just as in older than me. I agree with your philosophy though, always stay young at heart and spirit!

Zerbert1420 2 points ago +2 / -0

I spent five years in Portland, and I had days where it drove me nuts. Part of the reason why I had to get out, for my own mental wellbeing. So ridiculous

Zerbert1420 1 point ago +1 / -0

As Nolagirl said, she has some info available. I'm sure there's many other pedes that are better informed on topic than I, but I'll try to give you my rough understanding.

I first came across a detox regime on bitchute. It was a video put out by Quinta Columna. From my understanding, NAC is the precursor your body needs to create Glutathione. Glutathione is your body's most powerful anti-oxidant and helps flush out all the toxins in your body.

Side note, children naturally have higher glutathione levels bc they're typically more active. This is one theory why some ppl believe children are less effected by this so-called virus.

Zerbert1420 18 points ago +18 / -0

At this point, I'm uncertain what to make of him. He says some things I like, he's entertaining, and definitely an out-of-the-box thinker. The neura-link stuff is quite concerning though. I'm not sure if he's just an autist who's truly just fascinated with the tech or a black hat asset as a lead figure for the transhumanist movement.

Anyway, what I found interesting was that apparently when Trump was in office, his company (I assume spaceX) was awarded the most money from DOD. In my mind, that means that him and Trump have clearly established a relationship. We all know the importance the Space Force played in capturing data in real time to expose the cheating in the last election. Did spaceX have a hand in that operation?

Zerbert1420 28 points ago +28 / -0

I think back to the most current victim of the same pattern, Lil Nas X. Remember that "cool" video they did called 'Old Town Road' a few years back. Lil Nas X (another weird thing with the X, Madonna X, I'm not sure though any ideas?) was a young, seemingly straight laced kind of fellow. The song was catchy. It played all over the country in in high school gyms, football fields etc. and seemed to be targeted towards a younger audience.

Fast forward to now; since that time, he's had videos where he's lap dancing for the Devil in hell, and making out naked in a prison shower with other men (I'm sure this is not the extent of it). He's come out as aggressively prideful in his homosexuality. They're really pushing that agenda hard, and it's absolutely disgusting. It's clear now, in hindsight, that they teamed up Billy Ray with Lil Nas X as a symbol of passing the torch to the next victim in the industry to push their next agenda upon the unsuspecting youths.

It's the same script; rope a younger generation in by presenting a character as relatable, young, innocent and a role model type figure. Once that's established, then you slowly oversexualize them/corrupt them to represent whatever agenda you want to push on the next generation. Evil bastards the lot of em

Zerbert1420 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've thought about this before as well. We all had access to Q drops. The bad guys as well. It wasn't exclusive to just us. There has to be a fair bit of misinformation within there or else it'd be too obvious. It made me think of the 'List' that was compiled of White hats, Black hats, and grey hats on one of the Q sites I used to visit.

Then I thought back to that time Alex Jones said he was going to expose who Q really is. It's like, saying something that obviously false to potentially out yourself to all of the Anons who actually know what's up would seem strange to me. I'm still unsure about Alex whether he's a gatekeeper or white hat, but I do know that he exposes light on A LOT and has guests on that I hold in high regard (Zelenko, Fullmeich recently).

But yeah, pardon my rambling, but for this reason, I hold a good amount of reserve in judgement for anyone labeled White hat, black hat etc. as I understand it is an ongoing, ever-evolving operation and that it's dynamicism is baked into the caked.

Zerbert1420 4 points ago +4 / -0

If anyone can post some footage, it'd be helpful to spread this across social media platforms. I think there's been minimal coverage of this, and the msm won't cover it at all (surprisingly /s). We need to portray to everyone that there is ENERGY behind this movement. No day like today to start spreading awareness and showing support!

Zerbert1420 2 points ago +2 / -0

These are all great points, and ones that are not lost on me. I know all of these things well, it was just my concern that the average Joe listening to that speech would have the wool pulled over their eyes...AGAIN. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe more people are awake than I realize. Thanks for taking time to comment though

Zerbert1420 5 points ago +5 / -0

It became too obvious that people were catching on to his crimes. I suspect he's smart enough to go into hiding for the foreseeable future. As the public becomes focused on the next bouncy ball the media puts in front of them, he'll slink away until it all blows over. I've hit a rough point today, sorry for the pessimism.

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