aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve 10 points ago +10 / -0

I was thinking the same thing, because I didn.t think a president elect could do that, they usually just pick their cabinet & other positions for their admin.

aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe a lot this corruption will change with the 'Patriot Reset'. This scam of the taxpayer goes from top to dogcatcher. Convince me I'm wrong.

aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think about: The US (FED) takes the assets of the bad guys & pays the debt to the bad guys? Will Americans in good standing be repaid for this forced robbery?

aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still don't think we should pay back debt that was money squandered by CONgress e.g. Pork barrel, Foreign Aid, Black Buget/Ops etc.

aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve 2 points ago +2 / -0

This Awakening is hard on all patriots, it's not easy watching the country deteriorate economically, morally, militarily etc.. Trusting God is a walk of faith that can be painful at times, we have to fight depression, hopelessness & helplessness looking toward the completion of 'The Plan' & better days. God's family is big & our prayers will make the difference.

aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve 15 points ago +15 / -0

It will be done in stages & a lot of unnecessary gov't positions will eliminated. There will always be taxes, but so much can be eliminated because of corruption in gov't from the Federal level to dog catcher.

aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve 10 points ago +10 / -0

...And don't use our resources to pay the Nat. Debt. You don't pay the bank for what the robbers stole.

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