camtreezy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most of the town is flattened and plenty lost homes and businesses unfortunately. Some lives as well. Heart breaking but hopefully the survivors can recover as best as possible

camtreezy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Isn't it fitting they are back to tagging us with yellow stars again? Who really won ww2?

camtreezy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah and I'm not telling you to do that, make your own mind up but Q talks about optics a lot and even though the msm is in the tank for the other side they would never let trump go against Israel without making a huge deal of him betraying our "allies". Just my take, could be missing the mark though.

camtreezy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Reconcile it as Israel is losing power and reputation every day yet trump remains a vocal "friend" supporting them while the current "folks in office" let our "ally" struggle to win influence.

Meanwhile the right wing media's mask is slipping as they are pressed against the decision of backing trump and America first or shilling for Israel. They can only do both for so much longer and Ben Shapiro is a great example of one who is being forced into the light right now.

camtreezy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone got links to past AJ content defending Zionism or shilling for Israel to share? Curious what a side by side then and now looks like and curious if it could be a way to show strings being cut

camtreezy 11 points ago +12 / -1

His stance is fraudulent as opposed to his facts being wrong

camtreezy 1 point ago +1 / -0

For sure, the articles from this campus I had read stated they were threatening arrests for trespassing but none had been made. If anyone is vandalizing or threatening safety that would fall under a different category.

Doesn't help I'm not there as we all know how media can frame, but none the less this video is not a good look and feels like a great way to whip up some more division with media.

I suppose we have the rebranded BLM/antifa movement ready to ride.

camtreezy 5 points ago +7 / -2

Are they actually breaking any laws or are we ok with militarized state police threatening 1st amendment rights for people who have opinions we don't agree with now?

Before the hate and downvotes come this is a serious question. I haven't seen encampments on these other campuses like Columbia and the articles I've peeped have said the troopers were threatening to arrest for trespassing but nobody had been arrested.

You are allowed to peacefully assemble on public university campuses.

camtreezy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Take a win I suppose, but personally I don't believe he's been dumb until now and is just controlled. Dude has always been a joke but I appreciate the white hats using existing assets to advance the mission.

camtreezy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly my first thought. Serious question for anyone reading this and I am sure I don't see everything this dude posts because I'm not on Twitter or following him, but rather seeing a lot as it pops up.

Is everything this vague and prophetic? Or does he ever give good direction and nuggets to actually self educate?

camtreezy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Perry vs the United States 1935. Check it out

camtreezy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you have any evidence this could be true other than seeing this person's post and reposting?

One of George Floyd's aliases was perry Floyd as he is George perry Floyd Jr, named after deceased father George perry senior who reportedly died in 2002.

Not to say this above isn't fake news but gonna need a little more to go off here if this is an actual lead. Sounds like a lazy observation on the surface

camtreezy 6 points ago +6 / -0

For those who haven't seen or those who forgot this post linking below for a refresher to Arnold/Soros comms


by bigsix
camtreezy 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is an ad lol

camtreezy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idk man, that's pretty funny. Live a little bit

camtreezy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah this is a good move, Vivek may have caught some ears and no harm done, now he can move out of the voting picture and help trample the others. Still not sure I'd tap him for VP if I were trump, but really that doesn't matter at the moment or if it actually happened later.

Who's ready for Trump to dominate every state and then see the RNC fuck him over in July?

camtreezy 1 point ago +1 / -0

This. I think you have a valid point here. Everyone is lazy pieces of shit but by God Elijah Schafer saved the world and you should kiss his boots.../s.

Everyone has impacts in different ways. It is beyond difficult to sift through the bullshit and awaken when you have been indoctrinated for so long and almost impossible to wake others once you have made it far enough yourself. I greatly appreciate his reporting and doing the work, don't get me wrong, but it's not like he was doing it for free. 500k subs and no youtube ban still brings a lot of cheddar but as they said in covid days, even saving one life makes an impact right.

Not crapping on Elijah just being tongue in cheek at how petty he comes off here, sometimes we all have our own ego we have to fight too.

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