djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct, there is only one obscure brain cancer known to eat fats, all others survive on sugars (including carbohydrates, which are just "complex" sugars).

Eat a zero sugar/carb diet and the cancer starves.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think historians of the future will know very well who the ringleaders were, and how this all happened. We here already do, and the days of their control over information are soon to be permanently ended. Nothing can stop what is coming.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

The solution is actually extremely simple: end public schooling. When a parent no longer has an easy route to shuffling responsibility for the mental development of their children onto someone else, then the outcomes for children will immediately dramatically improve. Parents have an instinctual, god-given drive to do what's best for their children, whereas teachers (who are fundamentally strangers to these children) are fundamentally driven to push their personal ideology onto the children, because that biological instinct is missing.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mostly adding to previous damage, a bit of preventing your body from repairing and healing. The vaccines protect you a bit from the specific disease they target, but make you overall more likely to get sick and those illnesses you get more severe. Over time, your body very slowly clears out the toxins they inject, but it takes many years, even decades, depending on the dosages and your general health. Childhood vaccines are the most dangerous and harmful, because they affect the development of the body. The autism epidemic is 100% being caused by vaccines, and not just the vaccines being given to the children but also the vaccines the mother had taken before even getting pregnant.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hundreds of millions of flu shots are given every year. Are they killing people?


Are we seeing wave upon wave of death or other disease that clearly delineates between those who get the shots and those who don't?


People who regularly get vaccines end up with depressed, dysfunctional immune systems, and do indeed get sick more often and die earlier. Vaccines in general cause this problem, and the more you take the worse it is.

This fact is covered up by the way they game the stats for their government approval. If a vaccine protects you with 50% efficacy for a year for that year's seasonal flu, but causes a 2% increase in all cause mortality, it will be approved and the danger it poses will never be divulged.

djaeveloplyse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pasteurization kills the probiotics, leaves the mold. When legally mandating pasteurization, they only compared the rate of the specific illness caused by raw milk, and did not divulge the illnesses caused by pasteurized milk, which in fact are more common AND more severe. Pasteurization is just another scam.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was said when Republicans ran CA, and is fundamentally why Democrats worked so hard to take it over. But, the Simulacrum of California that it has become is no indicator of anything.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +3 / -2

There are 2 ranks of feminists: Rabble-rousers and Useful Idiots. The Useful idiots are idiots, and don't even know what the word "consequences" means. The rabble-rousers know exactly what the consequences are, and those consequences are their desired outcome.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe, but we have ironclad historical proof of the napoleonic wars being manipulated by the Rothschilds communication/news companies of the time, so of that we can be certain.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only first generation hispanic immigrants are having lots of kids. Hispanics born in America have had their birthrates drop below white birthrates in the past 15 years or so. Ditto for muslims and hindu. Asians don't have lots of kids anyway, but their birthrates plummet after the first generation as well. Although minorities in their respective communities, black and hispanic rightists are having way more kids per couple than black and hispanic leftists. A while ago I saw a statistic that claimed 75% of children in public school have parents that are registered Republican. Democrats, of all skin colors, are having very, very few children. Understandable, they glorify abortion, hate men, think bringing a child into this world is cruel to the child, and are repulsively promiscuous and behaviorally toxic, so no men that they'd want to are willing to impregnate them.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is a silver lining to this, the men and women not having children are exactly the sort we would prefer to not have children. The next generations will look extremely different politically from past generations, as left wingers are just not having any children at all, and right wingers are more and more opting for large families and homeschooling. Going to be a lot of pain as the population drops, that'll cause some havoc for sure, but (and it's sad to say) we will be better off.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +4 / -2

Although this young woman is a moron, and the climate alarmism complete bullshit, that's not an accurate reading of what she said. Many similar such claims have been made by climate lunatics, but what they mean is not that the day we die is that deadline, but that if we do not change course before that deadline, that we will all die at some much later date becomes unavoidable. Typically, this doomsday is a hundred or more years away.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe not, but every commercial pilot on earth could easily hit any building they want to, and any moderately trained pilot too. I bet most kids who've played fairly realistic flight simulators could do it.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd put odds at about 100% that the location those files happened to have been was determined on the 12th.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the perspective, it appears to me to be a relatively large object. People saying it is a cruise missile may not realize the scale. If it's a missile, it is comparable in size to an ICBM. Maybe it's me that is misunderstanding the scale, but to me it is most likely a plane. The strangest part is not the missing plane, I can understand a hollow tin can disintegrating upon impact at 500 mph, what I cannot understand is the missing enormous fire. I saw an explosion, but no massive fire. It should have been a huge fire, burning for 30 minutes at least, like the Twin Towers did. As well, all that fuel would have been in the wings, so it should have smashed into the areas to the sides of the main impact and set those places totally on fire, instead it was just a big explosion then nothing. You could explain that away saying, oh, it's like a fuel-air bomb, so it just all went up in one big explosion, but fuel air bombs intentionally spread the fuel out first before igniting it, because if you don't then there isn't enough oxygen to burn all the fuel. The fire at the Pentagon should have looked very similar to the fires at the Twin Towers, it should have taken firefighters hours of fighting to put them out.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm sorry, but experienced pilots land dead center on runways the same width as the twin towers every day of the week to make a living. They can easily fly a plane into the towers, and they can easily hit the Pentagon, too. If they couldn't, planes would crash so often that no one would ever fly.

djaeveloplyse 9 points ago +9 / -0

The critical minority needed to control the direction of a society is around 30%, but that number includes the sheep that you convince to your side. You do not need to get a majority, but you do need to exceed the critical minority. However, this is really a distinction without a difference, as the mechanism and strategies for convincing the "majority" are identical to reaching the critical minority, and when people talk about the majority, they are almost always really talking about the critical minority without realizing it anyway. This is because our own critical minority is in a numbers competition with the critical minority of the opposition, each vying for a dominant 30% or higher support level. The remaining 30-40% of people who remain unconvinced by either side are non-participants and are ignored as they make no difference in the outcome. So, ultimately, you are looking for a majority of the active participants, and this is the "majority" everyone talks about.

Unfortunately, there are simply not enough morally good, intellectually honest, critical thinkers in the population for the critical minority to be reached by convincing only them. We need somewhere in the neighborhood of about 10-20 times as many sheep as there are truly awake people. This is why it is so important to convince friends and family, to get them to trust that you are their best personal thought leader on politics and world events. This is also why it is so important to not ostracize people with general agreement but specific disagreements. This is a somewhat natural process, normies defer judgement to people smarter than them all the time. What we are up against today is that social media and legacy media have hijacked this normal instinct for normies and supplanted the trust normies used to place in the smartest member of their own family for a moron on a noisy lightbox. As the thought leaders attempting to build a critical minority out of the sheep around us, we must first undermine support for the media morons, and then step into that trusted role ourselves.

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