drakus 33 points ago +33 / -0

THIS. This country needs to do away with "election season" and return to the basic concept of ELECTION DAY.

drakus 3 points ago +3 / -0

God help me...I've always loved those RL biscuits the best. 😔

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will never forget that tyrannical bitch. Unfortunately for her...dozens of recordings of her fear porn and mandate pushing have been preserved over the years, and the internet is forever. Far too little, too late...and your revisionist gaslighting will not only NOT be tolerated...you WILL be held accountable, "Doctor."

drakus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, and the brave principal has since blocked her tweets and locked down her X account. I love how smooth brain liberal Karen's like her act tough in the perceived privacy of their fiefdoms, and then fold and run and hide like the cowardly bitches they really are when MAGA and logic starts to push back.

drakus 4 points ago +4 / -0

LOL. He doesn't know it yet, but that hook-nosed fuckface should realize that whatever he comes out to pronounce, the majority of us now believe 180 degrees opposite of whatever he says.

drakus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spot on, fren. Definitely "touch that third rail" that nobody else wants to...the fact that Democrats have gone thermonuclear DESTROY on black families since Lyndon Johnson's administration. Dems need to be held accountable, and be made to similarly SUFFER, for what they've done to black families in America over the past 50 years.

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Spot on as usual.

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL. Gaslighting is literally ALL they have left...and that only still works on the several hundred thousand smooth brained mouth breathers who lap up that shit on X (assuming most aren't bots).

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

This x1000. Zero sympathy/empathy. Rabidly liberal Democrats have informed her that she's suffering. Crocodile tears, babe...go back from whence you came.

drakus 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hope you're right. And one of the main reasons I feel that way is because I want my lefttard of a sister and her husband to realize how much physical danger they've put themselves in....and to hopefully bring them to realization that (after MUCH judgment and persecution aimed at my wife and I for refusing the shots), that they feel their position was absolutely justified and worth blowing up family/friend relationships over a FUCKING personal medical choice.

drakus 9 points ago +9 / -0

100%. But I'm not gonna lie --while I don't always trust MTG, I give her FULL credit for playing those self-righteous (when it's an advantage to THEM) assholes, and being unrepetant and standing by her admittedly schoolyard-ish taunts. She definitely knows how to push their buttons. LOLOL...AOC: "Baby girl!" LOL!

Crockett, as well as AOC, have NO place serving in Congress...and really should consider returning to the bar or the strip club, whereever their "services" are more applicable.

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay, let's bottom-line this -- what did these two scissor sisters have on Black Jesus & Big Mike, and how were they going to use it against them?

My assumption -- based on the fact that these two narcisstic whores likely sold out and threw in with these treasonous pricks YEARS ago (and probably further documented it all on social media) -- is that it should be fairly easy to figure out.

drakus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, and the treasonous bastards in Detroit who were blatantly putting up poster board on the windows to keep the opposition from observing counting (and RE-counting and CHEATING) efforts? Oh, Pepperidge Farms remembers, baby.

drakus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, I'll go there -- she has those "I'm a DEI hire and I'm untouchable!" eyes.

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

And to all that I respond -- America is NOT a fucking "democracy."

America is a Constitutional Republic...and there is a difference. Anyone who starts throwing around the word "democracy" in numerous, simultaneous sentences, at least to me, sets off numerous alarms for me, who (sometimes) doesn't understand that simple fact.

To be clear, not attacking YOU, fren -- because I'd like to think you probably know the difference -- but I am referring to all of those idiot who throw this word around like it perfectly describes the U.S. It's blatantly clear that "social studies" hasn't been taught as a subject in American schools in, literally, decades.

EDIT: Person I responded to deleted their post(s) on this subthread, so context is somewhat lost...although I will always rant on the "MuH dEmOcRaCy!" issue.

drakus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Okay, fine. FUCK HER. Now she needs to pay the consequences. Hold her lying, cheating, treasonous ass accountable.

The same assholes are trying to rewrite history and gaslight about all of the C19 mandates/lockdown bullshit, blaming it on the "C19 bureaucracy." Okay, fine. FUCK THEM, TOO. But they're not going to slime their way out of this...they deserve to pay even more consequences.

Where is personal accountability anymore??

drakus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can totally see the bird flu angle....cuz they'd use that as additional justification for their unlawful mandates and lockdowns, which you know they're just DYING to re-implement soonest.

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're right, and I've seen and read those reports (and many more) with my own eyes. Unfortunately, in some areas (like mine, in the Peoples Republic of Northern VA, right across the Potomac from D.C.), you'll NEVER see progress like this. People in our neighborhood and general area suffer from TDS argubably even WORSE than they did starting in 2016. Sure, a precipice event might have some impact...but I'm convinced we live in one of those "4-6%" areas. (And yes, we're working on vacating the premises...)

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen. And this prick also pushed the shots, and HARD, even after he caught the coof.

drakus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know, right? That crazy bitch will be memed for time immemorial. As she should be.

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well...it's not like she doesn't scream "DEI Hire!" upon examination.

drakus 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are spot-on. I was never a fully-comfortable flyer...but all of this nonsense coming out in recent years, coupled with vaxxed pilots becoming incapacitated (or DEAD) at the wheel has pretty much sworn me OFF of flying until further notice. This doesn't sit well with my wife (with us on the East Coast and our sons residing in TX at the moment)...but sending articles to her regularly reporting on the nonsense has brought her around a bit.

drakus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nick Freitas, narrator of this video, freakin' ROCKS -- he's got an incredible knack for breaking down complex subjects into digestible chunks for the TikTokTards. He's been cheated out of winning one recent Virginia state election....here's hoping he can beat that system in the future.

drakus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, DELIGHTFUL! And "early voting" opens today in VA, and recently in MD, I believe!

This early/mail-in voting shit?? Needs to be stopped NOW. Same-day voting, no exceptions...if you want to vote bad enough, you'll find a way to get your sorry, potentially infirm ass TO THE POLLS. Yes, I know that's potentially offensive. No, I don't care. This is the root of so many voting issues in this country.

Sorry...I'm just totally over, and completely tired of, fucking ELECTION SEASON. It's a DAY, people.

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