ellejay1234 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know there are people working on something but what I do not know. And those people mentioned this morning 1/31/21 that "tomorrow is the day that there is no turning back".

For my understanding, they have been given the chance at redemption. I guess we will see tomorrow if any took advantage of that chance. The only other thing of note with regard to this is "By 21-23 Feb, everything is going to be completely different". I guess if we waited this long, we can wait 21 days more.

ellejay1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is correct. Even people who are in view of the motorcade render honors whether we can see the President or not. What I saw on that video was a gaggle of random companies standing around, loosely in ranks, and not rendering honors. that is the first time I saw that. I thought it might not be a presidential motorcade at all but then I saw another video from outside the motorcade that clearly showed it was indeed the real thing. And those NG were doing exactly what we saw them doing in the first video. Same faces, same groupings. Never saw that in my life. So still something is not quite right here.

ellejay1234 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did you watch that speech? How was it different than the MOF ceremony?

ellejay1234 1 point ago +2 / -1

Excellent. Bring out your traitors! Stack em at the curb!!

ellejay1234 3 points ago +5 / -2

re: pieces of paper - Ive watched the EO signing videos many times and cannot see a single word on any of those pages. I dont imbibe on hopium, just sweet tea.

Other than what has already been mentioned, 24 years in the military has never shown me one single occasion where the POTUS motorcade passes by troops doing ANYTHING where they did not stop and render honors. I thought that video was fake but found another one where you can actually see the motorcade.

All of this gives me the same feeling as one might get in this part of the movie: enter text