geniusplay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden or Kamala. Whoever the President is.

Unless Trump wants to become the Pope and rule the world then yeah, I'd arrest the Pope!

geniusplay 0 points ago +1 / -1

GME will sink in the marianas trench beside Godzilla ?

You know something is up when redditors use the "Sinner's wealth is stored for the righteous" verse, when these lying greedy hypocrites sent truckloads of Biden mail to rig the election. God will shock them.

geniusplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Triggeredddddd xD. Pagans got wrecked by the 10 plagues lol. They built a triangle in the desert lol. They are the laughing stock.

geniusplay 1 point ago +2 / -1

"Super" soldiers will fight against Christians and ridicule and mock and betray. They are lawless lightworkers. They might love them for helping get truth out but they will turn on you as fast as lightning. More annoying than leftists.

They'd typically reply to this with: " I understand you, you will stop being a dummy one day. I believe in you :) <3 "

geniusplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

5 days left. Ughhhhh please come faster January 20. I say this as a Canadian. The whole world is waiting to celebrate on the 20th.

by RujoK87
geniusplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uhhh Trump is in office, not Obama? I'm gonna be laughing and celebrating so hard! ?