horseyPatriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

Read the comments to get better insight. Herod killed the priests. chatGPT sugarcoats what Herod really did

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I heard about it here and bought a bunch. I wish I had bought more. I’ve gotten all of my stock advice from here and Reddit 😁 and am all in on meme stocks - my retirement plan. The only time I was in near the beginning was DWAC, however. Bought a bunch at $18 before it jumped to $175 that day.

horseyPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is how I initially bought all of my GME.


horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, my daughter is at work and asked me to try to put a limit order in on her account. Very slow. Haven’t been able to yet.

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw on one comment (I think?) that Credit Suisse is one?

horseyPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

The banner on CNBC right now…

“Stocks making the biggest pre market moves: GameStop….”

It got first billing 😊

horseyPatriot 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yes. Apparently the shorted shares were put into swaps that have now started expiring. They were counting on GameStop being delisted and it is not. Time to pay the piper. A lot of pissed-off retail investors will make them pay big bucks to get hands on real (not synthetic) shares.

horseyPatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

I am sitting tight on all shares. Most are DRS’d which makes it easier to HODL. I’m going to watch this week play out as I believe this could drag on for weeks as the swaps expire with the shorted shares and the hedgies become more desperate.

I’ve waited 3 years. I can be patient. I also know Ryan Cohen has a plan so if I miss selling, some blockbuster deal is in the works with a lot of the other stocks I also own.

horseyPatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

I missed buying it cheap and bought high - not peak price, but still high. But I’ve kept buying, especially when it was cheap. I never bought stock myself until 2021 and now all I own are meme stocks.

We stopped playing the stock market when we saw how corrupt it was in the 90s. 401Ks, yes, but we paused too often when it looked like a crash was imminent. This is my chance to get back at the SOBs who didn’t play fair and caused us to not have as much as we should for retirement.

I really hope that I can retire after this MOASS.

horseyPatriot 22 points ago +22 / -0

I have gone through some of his linked documents previously and it all supported what he has been saying.

Something new came to me tonight when listening to him, however. I figured that for the Wiener laptop, Comey’s October surprise, and Hillary being arrested at the 9/11 ceremony in 2016, that the military had to have started the operation and thus continuity of government before Trump was elected. The Wiener laptop was proof of treasonous and illegal activity. Plus, the real Biden was swapped out at some point before the end of Obama’s term.

So now the question… was Trump ever more than CIC?

horseyPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe the white hats dispatched Biden at some point in Obama’s 2nd term. You can see where the hard-edged Biden is gone and the softer Biden appears. plus, Jill is different.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that the white hats made some major moves in 2016. The Wiener laptop was no accident, Comey briefing about HRC emails in October, and Hillary getting grabbed/arrested 9/11/2016.

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting thoughts.

I remember early on in this journey (2021?), that someone showed a WW 2 Veteran in France and said it was JFK. It sure looked like an older version of him.

horseyPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve suspected that the white hats have a full range of comms/wake up ops going on, to include books. We have the 4th Psy Op Group actively posting, movies very different from what was getting shown in theaters before Covid, and now this Survivor series. The one I’ve noticed is that people who we know were obviously compromised are now writing books that have topics meant to help people and ultimately our country.

I was sitting next to my stepmother at the beach and she pulls out a book from Dr Phil. I know, Blech. BUT, I saw the title and then asked her about it. The book is meant to ostensibly help Americans get back to where we aren’t so divided. I’ve long suspected that Sharon McMahon has a role in teaching a lot of liberal Americans about our government and she has a book coming out in September about 12 regular people who made a difference.

One that has popped for me is “The Woman of No Importance” - a female CIA spy in France in WW 2 who was hugely important during that time. There is a movie coming out about it. She was there for the start of the OSS and CIA and was not happy about the types of people being recruited. It is a fabulous book. I find the timing interesting, however.

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am treasuring the time with them. Yeah, I need to record his stories.

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very different Navy also. Just heard this story tonight for the first time.He was just out of OCS, assigned to an oiler. They let him take his personal boat along. They kept it on the trailer, lifted it on board, and strapped it to the deck.

But it was in front of the Captain’s personal boat and every time the Captain wanted his boat, they had to offload Dad’s first. So they are in Guantanamo Bay in search of water for their boiler (another funny story), and the Captain wants to go on shore. So they put Dad’s personal boat in the water and tell him that he might as well enjoy it.

So he is zipping around the Bay and here comes a ship with guns aimed at him. They made him fly a 5’x8’ US flag (all they had) so he could be recognized. On a 15’ boat!

horseyPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

My husband and I were arguing again about 9-11 today. He agrees now that it was an inside job but not that there was demolition of the buildings or that a missile struck the Pentagon instead of a plane. He is a stubborn one (as am I) but he also knows that I have a learned a ton from all the smart people here and on Twitter and that I have been right about a lot in these past almost 4 years.

My sister is a flight attendant who was flying that day and I dread the day that she finds out. I’ve tried to broach the subject a couple of times and she won’t hear of it. The airlines all lied (lie) to them in their annual training.

Thanks! It has been lovely so far. Jamaica tomorrow 😊 First time back since our honeymoon 33 years ago!

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

My mother lives in Central VT and in forays into a city there now sees Trump signs flying. There were none last year. Not many, but it’s a big deal where everyone bought into Covid, the vaccines and Biden.

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

My father has been there - but back in the 60s 😂

horseyPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am so lucky that both she and my mother are open to hearing what I’ve been researching. Mother is 79 and stepmother is 80. My father has hearing difficulties (Vietnam veteran - hearing ruined by big guns on Swift Boat) so he can’t hear everything I’m saying when I’m talking about Q and Devolution. I think if he really knew all that I’ve said, he’d be in for the details also. But instead he is not hopeful about what his two granddaughters will have for a country.

I did show him a mystery Navy boat at Port Canaveral. I think it was a prison ship - in part because I had seen a tweet a few weeks earlier about either that ship or one very similar being in Mobile AL with planes with obvious judges flying to that area.

He knows his ships and he saw so many weird things on that ship. Not flagged properly, not typical Navy radars, communication systems. It looked like an old USMC amphibious ship? (I was Air Force so I’m guessing.) I think I planted a seed with that strange ship being at the Navy pier, but again it is just too hard to get him to hear enough to start to believe. And he can’t watch videos ☹️

Anyway, yes I am lucky. My husband, mother, stepmother are based and listen to my Q stuff, just not in huge doses. Daughters also but this Q plan drug out too long for them. They want to believe but are busy living their lives in their 20s.

horseyPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s good. Great to escape work. They can’t bother you on a cruise ship when your work is export-controlled 😉

No worries on the jumping. But if you hear that I did, it is the husband, always 😂

horseyPatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

I see more lights (it’s dark) than I expected, even though I know it’s the airfield.

horseyPatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m on a cruise ship that is just about to go past Guantanamo Bay. We had an earlier discussion with my stepmother (when we first approached the island) where she said, “I hope that Hillary’s there. Preferably she isn’t alive but if she is, that she is there.”

What I would give to see what is really going on there!

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