

The second is either just for show, or proof Xiden is controlled by the white hats. It is otherwise the very last thing Biden would do. I can't find it but I saw a petition by RFK urging Biden to pardon Assange. I thought it was just virtue signaling because every knows that's the last thing Xiden will do. Now this? I don't get it. Why does the left want to give the impression that they will release the man who will incriminate them all?


When I first looked at my account this morning it was up almost 40 grand.. My best option was up to 5 grand & I'm so tired of waiting, I could use some money now & GME has nothing to do with Trump so I would not be betraying him if I sell it. So I tried to sell it near the ask but noticed the market wasn't moving. I figured this must be one of those circuit breaker pauses they put in so I put the price closer to the bid & left it there for when the market goes back on.

When the market went back on it still didn't sell, I tried moving it down to the bid & it still didn't sell in that short span of time before they shut the market off again. This time I set the price BELOW the bid so when the pause was over I would be sure to sell. When the market went back on it still didn't sell though. I was beginning to wonder why it wouldn't sell below the bid. I thought bid sales were certain but it could be because the market is so active some things are missed

The thought occurred to me that it could, also, be a good time for them to do some sort of corruption. Maybe, I of course don't know but, it could be a deal someone made with the brokerage houses so they can unload their naked shorts & then put on the circuit breakers till the prices cool off.

Just some thoughts


I just noticed that when Flynn says something things happen. His actual words are of course decoys to throw the swamp off as the white hats make their actions. In the case of todays (& I believe the next few weeks of ) market move(s), Now, remember that Q says we have the gold. This means White hats can move the markets when they need to & will, at the right time. Not for any monetary gain but to win this war. If short sellers (& their brokers) go belly up they will take a lot of the swamps gunpowder with them. It's getting to be that time to knock out the enemy's artillery..

A few years back Trump points to Flynn saying it won't be long now, then Flynn tags Musk, Carlson & others in a tweet & not long after that the twitter files begin. Yesterday Flynn tweets this: https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1k9hHJV/general-flynn-breaks-down-what-h/ It seems to be a black pill but what I see is that:

A) by tweeting this:

  1. WHO declaration of a health emergency (EOM May).

he spoils the black hat's plan of a new pandemic in a few weeks. Sure they can still try but if they do, they give validity to one of the last people they want to give validity to: General Flynn.

B) in the guise of seeming defenseless, I believe he, at the same time, gave the signal to start the MOASS. A few weeks ago Nunes rallied the swamp to do the right thing about naked shorts. They, of course, laughed in his face but the thing is. That's how white hats operate. First give the enemy the chance to right their wrongs. If they don't, then proceed to use their own wrongs against them. In this case, it is the naked shorts. If they would have done the right thing it would have hurt them but not as badly as it will now. I am guessing that there will not only be hedge funds but also brokerage houses going out. It could even break the whole financial system.

I think this is the time, six months minus a day or 2 before the election & a couple of weeks before the black hats were planning their newest pandemic op. After all that waiting, I do think now is the time. This is the way I see it, at least. Let's see how the next few days & weeks go....


BTW that Iraqi bishop in Australia must be orthodox. I can tell by his cross. Next year is one of those few years when both Easters are the same day. It will be a day of real celebration.

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